Lloyd Richards CeMAP CeRER
Vouched For Top Rated Adviser: 2019,2020,2021,2022,2023,2024
Absolutely goddamn right.
I would suggest that the number one reason as to why mortgage advisers don't ask for referrals is fear. Fear of a number of things including fear of being seen as that cheesy sales person asking for help. Fear of ruining the client relationship. Fear of them saying no. Fear of coming over as unprofessional. Fear in all its guises.
This is a hangover from the way we all used to be taught how to ask for referrals. You don't need me to remind you of how uncomfortable that feeling was of being targeted by management as to how many people you asked. How wishy washy the actual training was. It usually ended up with something like:
"If you know of anyone I can help, make sure you tell them about me." Or:
"Who do you know that I could speak to about their mortgage?" Or:
"Do you know anyone that might need my services?"
Thankfully the professionalism around referral generation and personal introductions is now much more thorough and much more scientific. There is a process that you can follow that will increase your chances of being referred to quality clients and there is a specific way of asking for referrals that will ensure you do not come over as that cheesy sales person; will not damage your client relationship ( in fact it will enhance it ).
The key here is to change the way you think of the referral question and change it from a business-centric conversation to a client-centric one. The reason we were all so uncomfortable in the past with asking for referrals, was because it was always about the business. About what's in it for the business. Asking the client to help the business. Me me me, it's all about me.
By switching on your referral brain, you will by now I hope have seen that the conversation needs to be all about the client and how they can help others that they know. Generally speaking people like to help others. They like to feel special and important. They like to feel involved and part of the process. They like to feel valued.
If you approach the referral question with this referral brain switched on you will see a whole new way of having personal introductions open up to you. Will it result in referrals every time? Unlikely, but if applied consistently it will generate great referrals for you, without having to look like you're begging, unsuccessful or pressurising your clients.
I was taught this method by Bill Cates an internationally renowned referral coach and make no claim to its origins, but I can assure you it works. It is called the V.I.P's method:
Discuss the value that your clients have received from you. Do not tell them the value. let them explain in their own words the benefits and the value that they have experienced and appreciated in their dealings with you
Treat this moment with the importance and significance it deserves. Referrals are a vital part of your business and should be treated with the same level of professionalism and expertise as any part of your client relationship process.
Ask your clients for permission to explore the idea of helping others they know. Don't assume that the clients will talk about referrals, but check to see if they are happy to brainstorm a few ideas.
Do not wing this. Come prepared with suggestions of specific people in your clients life ( that they have brought up in conversation ) or categories of people ( members of their book club, friends at their theatre group ) or people from their work.
The beginnings of the VIP's method might go something like this. You would obviously adapt it...
Me: "Well, Robert we are nearly there. Completion is around the corner and the keys to your new house will be with you shortly. How are you feeling?"
Robert: " A bit stressed to be honest, but glad it's nearly over."
Me: "I totally get it. I hope that when you have moved in and the dust has settled you can look back and think that it was all worth it. I wonder, could you let me know what you found most valuable from me when we were sorting the mortgage together?"
Robert: " Oh, your help chasing the solicitor down was amazing. I don't know how you keep your cool. I'm sure I would have lost the plot a few times and just keeping us informed every step of the way was so reassuring."
Me: "Well it has been my pleasure and really my job has only just begun as I want to keep in touch with you throughout the mortgage so that should you need me in the future, I will be right there. It's so important to keep in touch and speaking of important, I wanted to ask you an important question if thats ok?"
Robert: "Yeah sure, go on.."
Me: "You mentioned how dealing with solicitors and keeping you informed throughout the house buying process was valuable to you....well there are a lot of people out there either with mortgages or looking for mortgages, just like your good self, who I might be able to serve and I wanted to see if you were happy to run through a few suggested names... like John and Rita your neighbours, and I have a few other suggestions as well. Would that be ok?"
Robert: ?
So, what is Robert's answer going to be? It could be a no thanks. It could be a not yet. It could be a yes, let's talk. I would suggest that whatever the answer, the working relationship you have with Rob has only become better. No cheese. No sales.
I hope you have found this useful. Try it and let me know how you get on. I am going to be hosting some zoom sessions next year "Switch On Your Referral Brain."
Please feel free to share this and other articles with your contacts.
Until next time.....