I Don't Have Time
Paul B. Evans
C.L.E.A.R. Purpose? | Life & Business Advisor | Sustainable Personal & Professional Growth | The Transformation Equation? | Increase the Value of Your Life & Business
"I don't have time to relax. Don't have time to get away with family," John said. "I am growing my business and working on it day and night."
That's a familiar position for business owners today.
However, I have never talked to a single person starting a business who dreamed of working on it day and night. None of them couldn't wait to miss their kid's events. None looked forward to giving up their weekends while putting out company fires.
Nope. Most dreamed of FREEDOM.
So how can you grow your business and have a life at the same time?
#1 Measure Dependancy
If your vendors, customers, and employees call YOU with their problems you have to shift that. "But I am the business!" Exactly and you will never be free if it remains that way. You want to lead the business and you want others to work the business.
#2 Monetize the Recurring.
Starting from zero each month is brutal. Move as much of your business as possible to a recurring revenue model. Continuity gives you peace of mind and freedom because you know that the cash is flowing without the pressure and stress of a constant grind.
If you would like to talk about making your business less dependent on you or would like to locate recurring avenues in your business, please message me here on LinkedIn.