I don't have time...
Time is a fascinating topic that comes up in a lot of conversations. I am sure you have said and use any of these statements: I don't have time, I wish I had more time and I want my time back. I know I have.
We all have the same 24 hours in a day, but some people seem to get more out of time than others. Let's explore.
The 24 hours translate into 1.440 minutes. 24 hours is 86.400 seconds.
If we look at someone's life, I distinguish 3 parts; we need on average about 8 hours of sleep and 8 hours of working. That leaves 8 hours of personal time. Now I know some sleep less and/or work more, so bear with me. When you say: I don't have time, what does it actually mean?
2 perspectives
I invite you to consider two perspectives. The first one is what does your time chart look like? How much sleep do you get? How much hours do you work? In essence, how do you spend the 24 hours you have? One powerful activity to do is for the next 4 weeks keep track on what you spend your time on. You might discover some revealing things. Clarity helps to make decisions on what you want and need to spend your time on.
The 2nd perspective is the quality perspective. For example: the time you spend working, how productive is it spend? Do you get everything done in the timeframe? Same for sleep and your personal time. This second perspective is important because when you ask someone what makes a good day for them? Most won't answer: a good day is when I had enough time.
Caroline Webb in her book: How to have a good day, shares what makes a good day. When you can answer yes to each of these questions:
Take a minute and answer these questions for yourself? How did you do?
Just to be clear, you could have a lot of responsibilities that don't leave a lot of time left in a day. So saying I don't have the time, is actually you setting boundaries to respect these responsibilities. A coupe of years ago, one of my manager asked to take on a new client project. I had 6 different projects at that time and already working way more hours than I should, so I said no. I can't add this to my plate and deliver it with the quality it deserved. I was objectively over-committed. What happens when the facts show you do have time for more, but you say you don't?
When lack of time is an excuse
In this case when people say they don't have time, it is used as an excuse. There can be a variety of underlying reasons behind this excuse. Let''s have a look at some of the reasons:
I invite you to consider these reasons the next time you say or hear: I don't have time. Just like a doctor needs to properly diagnose the problem to recommend a treatment, so do you when a lack of time is an issue to feel good, have a good day and achieve your goals.
Are you a Time Master yet?