"But I Don't Have the Perfect Offer Yet" & Other BS Preventing You From Closing Sales
Paloma Lev
I Help Coaches & Experts Confidently Close $10K+ Clients with Self-Love & Conviction. From Allergic to Sales → Sales Call Genius
When I was abusing my body for my biz...
Working ridiculous hours....
NOT eating til 5pm even though I was starving.....
Because I wasn't "productive enough" yet....
I came up with ALL the BULLSHIT in the world....
To explain WHY I didn't have time to eat (WTF)
WHY I needed to "hurry up/ go fast"
WHY I was picking unhealthy patterns.
But I was suffering. It was messed up.
My friends were like "P, your body will pay the price"
I wouldn't listen. Then, in my annual checkup, Dr. Haley said "You're pre-diabetic. You need to make a change."
That was an awesome slap in the face. I changed.
When someone tells me why they CAN'T work on their sales skills.... And makes up all kinds of BULLSHIT...
I get it honestly. We're SO good at lying to ourselves.
Rationalizing. We sound like kids explaining WHY they had to eat a jar of a cookies before dinner.
"I had to because....." LOL #baloney.
Most entrepreneurs are BADLY in need of sales skills.
They're STRUGGLING. Perfectionistic. Afraid of rejection. Not great at explaining their offer. Low-balling themselves.
AND YET... "Paloma, 1st I need to figure out my perfect offer" (NOT TRUE, first you need sales skills, your offer EVOLVES)
"Paloma, first I need a cute website (NOT TRUE, first you need to make your first 100K before you even THINK about it)
"Paloma, first I need to ask my husband if it's ok to invest in myself" (NOT TRUE, you need to dump the dude who always puts down your dreams)
I love you. Love is honesty. YOU may buy your own BS... but I don't. And when you work with me, I won't either. That's why they pay me the BIG bucks.
LOOK: The only way you'll get what you REALLY want?
Drop the bullshit. You have to decide to be honest with yourself. All good things start when you drop excuses.
I went keto. I dropped 30 pounds. Got my ass OUT the pre-diabetic category. Started eating FISH like it was my job LOL
Hopefully you won't have to be slapped in the face like I did....
Before you realize.... YOU need to make a change.
You need to learn how to sell confidently. NOT.... "later" but.... TODAY.
You want to LEAD your sales calls & get paid $3K-10K? PM me.
You're amazing at what you do & done with self-BS?
Great. PM me.
You're ready to FINALLY close clients & feel GOOD?
You know where to find me xo I believe in you. Let's do this. xo