I do love it when a plan comes together, don't you?

I do love it when a plan comes together, don't you?

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Today is MPC's Planning day...

We have 4 of them every year...

Our clients love them...


It's their chance to review what's gone well over the last 90 days...

No matter how bad the last quarter has been there will have been victories I promise you there will...

We like to look at our achievements in 3 key categories Health, Wealth, and Relationship we find using these 3 categories covers pretty much all of your life goals...

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A great idea is to write out your wins in each category and pop them in a 'win jar' that way when you're having one of those days and we all have them you can pick out a note and remind yourself just how great you are...

We look at the business numbers...

Numbers are the language of business always have been, always will be...

But, many of us shy away from them fearing the story they will tell... Do you?

We have a quick look at the psychology of setting goals...

Then we get into the meaty stuff...

We review or if it's your first time we create a 1-page D.R.E.A.M.S. Plan this is where the fun starts...

Then put some numbers against our dreams what does our business need to produce in terms of #profit to achieve those dreams...

We're all in business to make a profit, no profit no business but you know that right? ??

Today we're going to take a look at delegation...

If you could master delegation how big could you grow?

Every successful business has to be a master at delegation... do you delegate or do you abdicate?

This is followed by getting into creating our 90-day ACTION Plan this is where we set our key objectives for the next quarter breaking them down into tasks assigning them to a specific person and specific time to achieve them...

This plan is a living document, it's job is not to hold up the wobbly leg on your desk, it needs to be in daily eyesight on your wall as a screen saver it needs to be given the attention it deserves and reviewed as a minimum every week...

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Life is about habits...

We all have them some good, some not so good, we look at what we need to STOP, START and IMPROVE...

We then look at creating our ideal day and our ideal week we create our P.O.W.E.R. Plan my clients love this it keeps them on track doing the things that really will make a difference...

Do you have a P.O.W.E.R. Plan?

It's been said that "To earn more you need to learn more"...

So we look at what we've learnt, and how have we applied that learning (to know and not to do is not to know)...

95% of people who attend a training, webinar, course or read a book will not apply their learning...

How crazy is that? ??

Then comes the really exciting bit, what's on your 'Bucket List' what are the things you want to Be, Do or Have in your life...

Your business is the vehicle to give you the life you want...

That's it full stop!

Does your business give you the life you want?

If it does great you're doing an amazing job...

If it doesn't we need to talk...

Give me a call, I'm here to help...


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