I consider this article the beginning of happy times - at least for the next seven volumes, starting with this article. It is the continuation of a process that started as a journey of growth and healing. But that quickly turned into a remarkable trip, spurred on by the teachings and directives of a man called Joe Dispenza. If you love scientific explanations of things that happen to your body, mind, and spirit, you may well consider perusing those seven articles. For now, l am of the Mind that some good news about the good that can come from hard and tough times is called for.

Love will come out of hard and tough times – if you let it. That is good news such as you can’t put a price on…

You see, kind reader, I did not know that love is medicine, that love is not just what we usually throw about in grand oratorial gestures… that it is a plethora of goodies we can’t even understand with our human faculties. Neither did I know that the toughest experiences in life are the ones that reduce us to the state of helpless abandon such as routinely begins the process of healing-love.

?I did not know that it is when we are at our wit's end, at that helpless state when we no longer can carry on, on our own bare strength that the greatest love happens to us.

You see, sweet reader, the act of abandon, of no longer expecting anything from ourselves, of no longer depending on our own strengths, of just declaring ‘I can no longer make it on my own, I don’t know what to do now, help me…’ is the act of touching the Divine, of beginning a Celestial journey. Why? Because that act of letting go and trusting a power beyond yourself to be ‘the closer’ in your life is love; love at its most basic… love at its purest… love at its most magical – ?because it is trust, the trust that halts all interferences from your intellect or conscious brain, the love that allows a greater power to act where it needs to without interference from your base thinking.

If you are wondering “how so?” Well, think about it this way: When you stop expecting to be the boss of your results, when you stop expecting to be responsible for how your effort comes out, when all you focus on is designing what you want, putting a strategy to get there in place, and start taking steps you have planned to get there without worrying or fretting how the outcome will come out or even if it will come out at all, what happens?

Allow me, lovely one, to tell you what happens (of course anyone can prove me wrong with evidence to the contrary if they have it, but this is what I know now will most likely happen.)

What happens, sweet one, is that you no longer become invested in whether your plan works or not. Your mental, emotional and spiritual energy becomes vested in nothing more than doing what you have to, doing it to the best of your ability, and letting everything else ‘well alone’. ?Your life seriously becomes sweet… as sweet as ripe mango, as delicious as ekwang – not only to you but to everyone else around you. Sister/brother, can you imagine living your life without having to growl or glare at people because they do not act according to your plan? Can you imagine having no ulterior motives when dealing with people because you are not terrified that you may not get out of them what you want to make your results come to effect? Can you imagine never ever attempting to climb on others to get to where you feel responsible to take yourself to because you are not in competition with anyone? Can you imagine never ever planning ways to outsmart anything or anyone else because you are too busy doing your part to get to where you know it will not be you but a greater power to ?eventually get you to? You are just on your own lane, riding to where only providence will take you safely to. You are just carrying your own pregnancy in life, knowing all you can do is try to keep healthy, knowing you can never determine if that baby comes out complete or not. You can only do your bit.

Gentle reader, do you know what you become at this point? You become LOVE. Because you literally act in love… the love that is driven by trust, by letting go, by just being. You see, everything about you becomes pleasant to the people around you. You really become health and peace to those you come in contact with… healing them with what and who you are. All because you got to a point in your life that you could go no further on your own… all because you just gave up attempting to make results come to pass, and simply allowed a greater power to take all the responsibility for your outcomes from you… all because you no longer lived trying to cut everyone’s throat to get your way and your results. Just that one act of abandon. And how did all this come to pass? Because once upon a time you were forced by dark moments in your life to come to your wit's end and ‘throw in the towel’. You finally let go and let love… the love of trust.

Gentle reader, I am wont to believe that it is not possible to reach that place of deepest abandon in comfort. ‘Comfort’ is not bedfellows with mental, somatic or, sometimes, even spiritual abandon. It ‘mostly’ takes something all-encompassing – hurt, grief, shock, sorrow, or something else – to do that. And once you get there, you enter the Divine. But then again what if you don’t have to wait for hurt and sorrow to get you there?

What if you just try to get there as an experiment? Just experimenting on letting go and letting trust carry you to your results while doing your own part of simply designing, strategizing, and taking the tactical steps you know how? What if you just don’t give a hoot about how the results pan out – because it really is no longer your concern but the concern of a higher power?

Ah gentle reader, if only you could get to that point without letting despair to take you there. What a ride it would be! What an experience it will be!

Loving and wishing you all the best

Much love



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