I Didn't Want to Write This Article
Today was a long day, and as the title suggests, the last thing I feel like doing is sitting down and writing this article.
I woke up early — worked all day, picked my daughter up from school, cooked dinner, swim lessons ran late, bath time, homework, and here we are.
It’s 9pm, sitting in my living room, and all I can hear is the sound of my bed calling my name.
But I’ve challenged myself to write consistently this year in hopes of finally creating some passive income for myself.
Over the past decade, I’ve tried all of the “quick and easy side hustles you can do from home” which includes
I’ve watched countless videos with title’s like —
“Do this and starting making $10,000/month”
“How I went from $0 to millionaire in 1 year”
“Here’s how you can make $500 a day by sitting on your a**”
The problem with all of these is they require one important thing.
And guess what, that’s something that I’ve historically been bad at. I don’t know if it’s the undiagnosed ADHD or just laziness, but man is it tough to be consistent.
What I’m starting to learn though, is that it’s much easier if I just sit down and start typing.
The first few words are always the hardest and then at some point, my fingers take over and the words almost write themselves.
And honestly, this can be applied to a lot of things in life.
The hardest part is starting.
It’s just like riding a bike downhill. The initial pedaling requires some effort, but once you get going you don’t even have to pedal anymore.
So next time you’re staring at a new project waiting for something to happen, just start.
Next time you’re sitting there thinking about how much you don’t want to go the gym, just start moving your feet toward the door.
Heck, use this article as a reminder or inspiration if you need to. Cause here’s the thing.
I didn’t want to write this article, but I said screw that and started writing. And somehow, I made progress and did the thing I didn’t want to do.
And you can too.
Pushing through those tough days really showcases dedication—your article is a testament to the power of perseverance!