"I didn't have time for breakfast".
All too often I hear people say "I didn't have time for breakfast", "I have to be out the door by....." as if they've trumped me, as if there was nothing else physically possible they could have done to fuel their body for the day ahead.
A brain surgeon being summoned by their pager in the early hours - I can understand. But a shift worker, with a set time to start work every single day surely a process can be followed to make sure you get your oats and eggs.
Process in place, alarm set. Working back from that time your shift starts..... shower 10 minutes, iron shirt 5, commute 45, tweet to moan about how early it is, 2 - but one other factor must be considered - the time you close those eyes.
Knowing a busy work day lies ahead, you start season 4 of Prison Break at 22:15 while mindlessly refreshing news feeds on social media - those that want a breakfast are clocking off, switching off their minds and their teleboxes.
Don't allow yourself to feel that 10am crash - where you chase calories and pack your face with nutrition less junk food to "pick you up".