I didn't change, I just woke up to reality
Kishore Shintre
#newdaynewchapter is a Blog narrative started on March 1, 2021 co-founded by Kishore Shintre & Sonia Bedi, to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"
You show what it is to be a real human. Every night before I sleep I picture myself flying into the horizon and seeing a red hot sunset; it puts me at peace - all I've ever wanted to do is fly and follow my passions for nature. What you say shows that you have an inner conscious of someone who wants to find meaning to life through the beauty of what we have created: music; and I can think of nothing better.
You are completely right to want to change your life, because clearly money and fame don't govern you like they do most of the world - so I say chase your music and singing; what do you have to lose? If you're worried continue to practice in your field, earn some money for stability and plan what you want to do; because if you really follow your true passion - you will see the simplest things like music will bring happiness and joy to your life - that's when things will really be going well for you.
Perhaps you are not entirely happy with your choice in career or study. There is in you, a burning desire to fulfill your dreams of living in a world where music takes precedent over all else. I think you can do both, and have the best of both worlds, at least until you experience both and decide which one you can live without or adjust to living with both as a means to a happy existence. Too much of a good thing? Too scared to give up the good life you say? Stop bull shitting yourself buddy; that's why the grass is greener on the other side of the fence -- it's fertilized with bull shit. Once you truly feel passion "fear" doesn't exist. Stop being so afraid. Just jump, you'll be fine
Waking up to reality means come to the real world. Don' t live in fantasy. Means don't chase rainbow or you can say castle in the air. Don't run behind the things which is impossible, change your aisle. It is said that A bird in hand worth than two in bush. It is better to wake up from the imaginary world as soon as possible. Like when a person has created a virtual life around him/her which is totally opposite of the reality. At a point person realise that whatever he/she has been doing is all fake, no link with real situations, perhaps this is called waking up to reality.
Really speaking only reality caused it. If you have awakened to the One Reality, the first thing you ‘know’ is that Reality is the only thing that could have caused it! That said, I assume you are wanting to know what was the ‘apparent human life’ catalyst for that awakening, and as you probably already know, it’s different for every one who awakens. For some it’s (seemingly) a very linear process of letting go of the identity with the illusory ego-mind through decades of meditation, culminating in stages of ‘samadhi’ (absorption) that clearly let “you” see what is Real and what is not. Or the same letting go of the ego identity, but through total surrender rather than protracted practices.
For others, it comes in an instant, a flash, that seems triggered by a life event so cataclysmic that the mind/ego temporarily dissolves, the veil drops away, and the True Reality is revealed. Like a serious accident, a near-death experience or a serious physical or mental breakdown. Eckhart Tolle’s awakening to Reality could be said to fit into this last category. But as we know, many people have all these things - decades of practice, serious breakdowns, failing health or life-force, etc. and do not awaken to Reality. Most in fact.
Which brings us right back to the initial statement and the Only Doer-Causer, Reality Itself…which ‘awakens’ “you” in Its own ‘time’/non-time’ as It deems, not “you.” Anyone - anyone- who tells you how “they” caused their awakening, is not fully awakened…not yet.I was on retreat, deep in the woods, and heard Ramana Maharshi’s voice say, “See if anything ever arose,” and that was it. Instantly and irrevocably, I knew what was Real and what was not, what was the Dream. Did being on retreat cause it? Did being isolated in the woods cause it? Did Ramana’s words cause it?
Did the fact that I had both, already done years of meditation and already suffered serious physical and emotional breakdowns, cause it? None of the above. Could’ve had all that and still remained fast asleep. So once again, the only thing that ‘causes’ one to wake up to Reality, is Reality Itself. Or more accurately (once again in in Ramana’s words,) “The Self is always the Self (Reality) and there is no such thing as realizing it or ‘waking up’ to it.’ Who is to realize or wake up to what, and how, when all that exists is the Self?” Cheers!