I didn't believe myself either
I didn't believe myself either. One of the most significant challenges we all experience in life is self-belief. We never know who we will become when we are born and must figure that out along the way. But we always encounter that doubt which often turns into imposter syndrome. I lived with that for years.
In 1988 I began doing automatic writing because I needed help finding my direction. I had done so many different things, and then I was about to start another, and I was terrified. I only decided to try this process because I read an article about it and was desperate for help. I didn't want to fail again.
A few days after I began trying to do this, I began to receive information. I was shocked and also a bit frightened. I know we all have intuition but most times don't trust it, but this information seemed different, and it was helping me and changing my life. It was so strange that I knew I couldn't tell anyone else because they would think I was nuts.
I then spent nineteen years hiding this secret. I was exposed in 2007 when someone found one of the messages, and I had to reveal it came through me. Then I was convinced to begin putting them on a website, and my secret was no longer that.?
I never went very public with it as I was too busy making my "career," and this was my hobby; as I thought of it, that gave me the grounding and guidance I needed to move through any challenge in my life, and I had many of them.?
In 2019 I decided to become somewhat more public and wrote a book, "Overcoming Fear - a Guide to Freedom." I was reluctant to do it because I knew I would have to reveal how I had moved through fear and talk about my secret of automatic writing. Even though I had transformed my life with it, I hadn't overcome the fear of what others might think of me or even if they would believe me.?
Things changed again in 2021 when my writings revealed our world would be changing, and I was given something that would help us all move through this time with greater ease because what I had written would provide others with the ability to transform their lives and live the one they wanted and uplevel themselves and also our world. That, too, sounded crazy and was even far-fetched to me. But the idea never left me, and the messages kept pushing me to move beyond my doubt and disbelief.
It became so uncomfortable that I had to find out for myself. The crazy thing was the messages said I was given this information in 2012, and I mysteriously found a file on my computer I had not noticed, and the messages there were from 2012. I had to believe in myself or prove myself wrong to get on to something else.
So I took some of those messages, created a program, and enrolled a couple of dozen people. I did this in December 2021. Here are the results that shocked even me. https://bit.ly/3ZeO6EU.
Then to make things even more interesting, I was told that if I had a message given in 2012 that matches someone's birthday, it would resonate for them now and aid them on their life journey. That, too, sounded insane, but I had to test it and every time I did, it was surprisingly accurate. I even posted something last night to have strangers try it, and here is one result."?Roger Burnley?thank you so much for this. I love it, and it so resonates with me. Many blessings to you."
So I am a mystic, a sage, and an intuitive, and I was able to download this information for the past thirty-six years that can guide us all to better lives and a better world if we each begin to believe in ourselves. I was given a tool to aid all those who want to thrive.?
While my first iteration was the four-week program in 2021, I'm now making it three months, for I know the results will be even better because the more time we give ourselves to develop the mindset for success, the more likely we will be to achieve our goal. My entire work is the mindset, which is why it worked so well.?
You can view everything here: https://linktr.ee/TheBurnleyMethod
Roger Burnley?