And I did smash the Invisible Glass Ceiling & How...!

And I did smash the Invisible Glass Ceiling & How...!

Imagine this… You wake up one morning and you are told that the name you believe you have- is not your real name, the people whom you thought you call your community, are not the ones who are your tribe, the God you found so far within yourself, or outside in a temple, mosque, church or gurdwara is not the real God, and you suddenly are asked to wake up and smell some coffee..

Oh My God…!

What was that all about? But what if? how come? Who? When? Why? Why now???

You feel like the Protagonist ‘Truman Burbank’ from the movie- ‘Truman show’ who realizes after living 30 long years of his life- that all that he lived so far was nothing but a lie- actually a show and he was stuck there until he took note of the inconsistencies until he tuned into his inner self and noticed how something was off and then he kept looking- for the next sign and the next sign.

Then, while he was looking, Truman continued to sail until his boat struck the wall of the dome that led him to a staircase and then to the Door to the real world outside! He finally wakes up to this illusion where everything-actually everything was an illusion- his parents, his friends, his home, his marriage, his beliefs. He was stuck in this ‘Matrix’, since he was born- without realizing that he was nothing but the lead character of this reality show that’s been aired on TV, his entire life. All this while, it was the set that he believed to be his world so far!

Lo & Behold..He is only playing the part that’s been written and directed by someone else!

If you were to wake up one fine day to this realization- learning that you are only a CHARACTER of this play/show called Life in this world.. How would you feel?

Flabbergasted? Lost? Cheated? Depressed? Meaningless?

Well, I felt all of it and more!! Really.. Now here are the options I have, to move forward-

1.)???I pretend that none of this ever happened and this too is a lie- So I go back to living my old life- in the same Illusion.

2.)???I become bitter, resentful against everyone & everything, and become reckless to do whatever I want to do and continue to live in disbelief & remorse.

3.)???I accept this as Truth and become FREE!

Which of the above options do you think I chose????? No prizes for guessing.. I don’t expect anything lesser..

And so, I chose option 3.. I have become FREE.. I feel LIBERATED.. I can live in the Matrix without getting entangled in it or without identifying with it- in Tranquillity with complete congruence, concurrence & cohesion!

There is nobody to blame, nobody & nothing to resist.. All I have to do is wake up, live like a fresh new day, have fun, do what I love, and call it a day in ultimate gratitude!!

Now, I am not a Zen..I too am Work In Progress but what I can tell you is that I have never felt lighter, better, clearer and I have never been more myself- If you know what I mean…In one line if I can describe this feeling- ‘I AM HOME, FOR GOOD!’

All my questions that I’ve had ever- have been answered! Now, I am nobody special- You can be this too and more! If any of this resonated with you, and if you are someone who’d like to experience anything that I just shared above! If you are someone who would like to know about this Illusion we all have been living in- and you’d like to snap out of it- Just message me.. I will be happy to share more details and the path you may choose to follow... I close with the wish for you- May God bless you & empower you to take the right choices for yourself!

I can’t end this note without thanking a few special people who have helped me reach here.. Of course, they know who they are and how much I love them! Let’s just hang in there! ??

#journey #lifejourney #transformation #lifeexperience #gratitude


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