I Did Not Receive My Wage
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We work hard to earn a living whether it is for our needs, wants, dreams, or responsibilities. Regardless of our reason, we work very hard to deliver satisfactory results and to get paid. What happens when you worked so hard but you did not receive your salary? That will surely put us in a difficult situation as we have bills to pay and needs to buy. What can you do about it? Do you leave it as it is or will you fight for it? Here are the steps you should take once you find yourself in this situation.
Check your agreement
Before you took on this job, you surely have discussed the number of hours, job roles, the amount and frequency of the payment. It would be best to review the agreement done beforehand to make sure you have every detail correctly. Doing so would help you when you raise this to your HR or file for a dispute.
Contact the Department of Labor
If you have proven that you worked for this certain number of hours and you have not been compensated then you can take this to the authority. The department of labor protects the employees against exploitation. Be sure to gather pieces of evidence to help you and back you up once the discussion is made. They will help you with your employer problems and it is usually for free.
Consult your lawyer
If you have exhausted all means to be compensated then you can contact a local lawyer to help you file a lawsuit. If you think a lawsuit is too expensive then you can file for small claims. This is for those who do not have attorneys who can represent them. Another option would be a legal service organization. They will give you legal assistance for no charge at all but they would usually guide you to their website where there are self-help articles on your problem.
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