I Desperately Want My Ex Boyfriend Back (He Will Come Crawling Back To You With This Surefire Tip)
I desperately want my ex boyfriend back - He will come crawling back to you with this surefire tip.?
Ok. So you and your boyfriend have split the sheets, and broken up. I know that right about now you are probably in a very dark and lonely place. You might feel unworthy, un-confident and like your heart has been shattered into a million little pieces, and you will never be whole again.
I know that feeling all too well. It was not too long ago that my boyfriend broke up with me as well. For me, it was like an impending train crash, it was like I could see it coming, but I had no idea what to do or say to make things better. For you the break up might have occurred because of one huge fight, a lot of little bickering type fights, infidelity, or that flame just sort of died down.
For me, it was the last one. In the beginning, the relationship was like a flower in bloom. Everything was amazing and magical. But towards the end, it was the opposite, like a flower slowly withering away and dying, it felt awful. I basically lost my head, I called him over and over, begged, cried, pleaded and just brought myself down to a lower level. But it seemed the more I pushed, the more he would pull away.
It was after a lot of reading, and a lot of trial and error that I finally discovered the "secret" to it all. After reading through many forums and reading through other girl's stories and finding out what they did to get their man back it finally all started to click for me.
I realized that it wasn't that my boyfriend didn't love me still, he did. Because love does not just die over night. It was simply that I was doing things that were throwing up huge red flags. It was my desperate and needy behavior that was killing the attraction, and making him not want to be around me at all. In fact, it was making him sick of me.
I learned that to get him back again, I had to learn how to press his male psychological triggers. Now I must warn you, these are a little bit sneaky and manipulative, but nothing too bad. Below are the 3 sneaky psychological tactics that will make him want you back, bad!
#1. Be Flirty and Fun. Ok. So let me guess, so far you have been needy, desperate, and crying like a baby to your boyfriend, right? I know, I've been there too! But one of the best things you can do, is just be as flirty and fun as you can. This will blindside him, because he will not be expecting it at all! I know it hard to be "up" and in a good mood, but just fake it till you make it, if your sad and depressed all the time, you don't stand a chance, but if you are happy, then you at least have a shot.
#2. Positive Anchoring Technique. This is known as the positive anchoring technique. Now, this will only work if your boyfriend will agree to meet you. What you are simply going to do is plant the seed of an extremely happy or thrilling memory the two of you shared. And 's it. Do not force it, just plant the seed and then let time do it's watering.
#3. No Contact. After you have done steps 1 and 2, it is time to blindside him again, and this time it's with stopping all contact, cold. Make it appear as if you are super busy, and you will see that he suddenly is very curious about you!
If you have your heart set on winning back your ex boyfriend, you need to learn how to trigger his male psychological hot buttons. Doing this will literally be the difference between success and failure. After I applied the above techniques, as well as other tactics, I saw my boyfriends attitude towards me do a complete 360. He started actually calling me, wanting to hang out, and more importantly actually respecting me!
Imagine where you could be in a short while - with your ex back in your arms, and you will never have to let go again. It is very possible, and it is easy to do. For proven step by step systems that will have you back with your ex in no time, Visit Ex Back Secret
4 Deadly Mistakes To Avoid To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back
This is a very common question asked by heartbroken women who want to get their ex boyfriend back, "Why is it so difficult to get him back?" Are you are among these women who have tried so hard to win the love that is lost, but have so far failed to do so? Are you frustrated that he hasn't yet come back to you? Do you still love your ex boyfriend very much?
There are 4 main and common mistakes women do when trying to get their ex boyfriend back. The worst part is that they do not realize these mistakes will get their ex boyfriends to stay further away from them.
Now then, let's talk about these 4 deadly mistakes women MUST avoid if they want their men back:
Deadly Mistake #1 - Making the Same Mistakes
Yes, a majority of women do not analyze the reasons for their break up. Hence, they do not realize that they are going about in circles, repeating the same mistakes around their ex boyfriend over and over again. This only dooms the chances of mending the relationship.
You must spend time to at least know why your relationship had ended. Once you know the reasons of the break up, work out solutions to it. This is a definite plus for higher chances of getting back together with your ex boyfriend. Knowing the mistakes that caused the break up will give you a starting point as to how you can get your ex boyfriend back.
Deadly Mistake #2 - Being Desperate
As long as your ex boyfriend has the higher hand in the relationship, you will endlessly be chasing after him, trying ever so hard to get together with him again. If it becomes very obvious and your ex knows that you want him back so much, typically, he is going to benefit from all this drama.
It is very important that if you really want to have him back, you have got to play it cool. There is no need for you to rush and tell him immediately that you want him back. Just keep it to yourself that you want him back and that you are going to do something about it.
Deadly Mistake #3 - Being Impatient and Irrational
Do not give them a clue that you want your ex boyfriend to stay. If you happen to know that he wants to break up with you earlier, when the time comes and he raises the issue, be calm and rationally let him go. Once the relationship is over, get yourself to stay busy with other things.
Avoid centering your life on your ex boyfriend. Do not be ever ready at doing him favors. If he happens to give you a call, you must be calm and well-mannered. Talk to him for a few minutes. But after that, clearly tell him that you are busy or that you have to go out.
Deadly Mistake #4 - Constantly Doing Him Favors
When you are very much in love with your ex boyfriend, you find your life empty. Staying away from your ex boyfriend is something you find to be almost impossible to do. Hence, you think of another strategy to go about this. Maybe sticking around him, always being there to do him favors and helping him out, he should come to realize that he needs you. WRONG!
A lot of women fall into this trap. This is a warning for women who want their ex boyfriends back. Your ex boyfriend may instead find you annoying and subsequently gets annoyed that you hang around him too often. Otherwise, your ex boyfriend might start taking advantage of you.
Do You Truly Wish You Can Get Back Together with Your Ex?
Relationship is a fragile bond that when it's broken, the process of mending can be much more difficult than creating it in the first place. Sometimes it's an extremely difficult task to sort out all the problems and get back together with your ex. No matter how many times you come up with different reasons and approaches, your ex does not seem to change the decision to leave you. If you’d like to get your hands on a step-by-step method for changing your ex's decision about the breakup, click here!
Let me show you exactly what to do to salvage your relationship and rekindle the lost love one more time…even if you're the only one trying…and even if the situation seems hopeless. Head over now to Get Your Ex Back Secrets