It is with joy that we announce the release of Chilean poet Gustavo Gac-Artigas’ new collection:


translated into English by Andrea G. Labinger and Priscilla Gac-Artigas.

Published in Chile by HEBEL in the collection Antípodas, directed by Luis Cruz-Villalobos —poet and antipoet in the land of Nicanor—, who recently published a bilingual Spanish/Romanian anthology featuring 50 poems from 8 of my books, “Invocación de confines” / “Invocarea limitei”, in the collection Cima,

and in New York, by the publishing house Cross-Cultural Communications directed by the North American poet Stanley Barkan whose work has been translated into 29 languages and who has published Neruda, Allen Ginsberg, Isaac Asimov, and Stanley Kunitz, among many others. In its 53 years of existence this publisher has released works by 475 authors in 59 different languages.

With the alliance of both publishing houses, “I CONFESS THAT I WRITE” inaugurates the Antípodas collection.

I CONFESS THAT I WRITE thus comes into your hands under the care of distinguished poets and experienced editors prefaced by Juan Antonio Massone del Campo, poet, former vice-president of the Society of Writers of Chile and of the Ateneo de Santiago, numerary member of the Chilean Academy of Language and corresponding member of the Royal Academy, RAE.

In his foreword, Juan Antonio Massone asserts:

???? Monologue and meditation represent the actions carried out in the poems of this book. The speech with oneself is also of numerous considerations because of which the world is an overwhelming constancy and the lyrical personality that faces and translates it, the inhabitant amazed with restlessness. The protagonism of the piece is held by the heartfelt, thoughtful, denouncing, and stimulating words of the lyrical voice.


that year

???????? they stripped the word bare

???????? but when they stripped her

???????? they made her voice bloom


???????? defying calm and storm

???????? the word spoke thus:


let me wrap myself

???????? in your arms

???????? she said to me


???????? and we embraced, sobbing,

???????? stroking our wounds


Alert memory and a dialoguing disposition ally, providing interlines to the stanzas—always starting with lowercase letters—as if the breathing provided relief from the density and dramatic nature of the vicissitudes of the human condition.

As we read the poems of Confieso que escribo / I Confess That I Write, the biographical background becomes apparent in several of them. Even though, at times, the creative materials are more in line with the declarative, the intensity of their emotional truth and the conviction of the notions wielded in the writing style are undeniable. Perhaps the necessary catharsis and the loyalty to the events satisfy the poet more and better interpret his testimonial role based on memories, enumerations, and compelling expressions.


words speak to me

every morning when i wake up

they speak to me and tell me


remember we are not made of iron

we fly like birds

we sail in the storms


we are free as air

don’t betray our freedom


These poems confirm the rich potential of language with its expressive, thoughtful, emotional, and conceptual modes. They reveal the different states that seek the harmony of the whole. Confieso que escribo / I Confess That I Write is, at the same time, an open wound in the geography of oblivion and the exaltation of meanings in an era that prostrates itself before the vulgar.



Palabras del autor, Gustavo Gac-Artigas


Hoy, con alegría anuncio la aparición de mi nuevo poemario



traducido al inglés por Andrea G. Labinger y Priscilla Gac-Artigas.


Publicado en Chile por HEBEL, editorial dirigida por Luis Cruz-Villalobos —poeta y antipoeta en la tierra de Nicanor—, quien recientemente me publicara una antología con una selección de 50 poemas de 8 de mis poemarios “Invocación de confines” / Invocarea limitei”, en la colección Cima,

y en Nueva York, por la editorial Cross-Cultural Communications dirigida por el poeta norteamericano Stanley Barkan cuya obra ha sido traducida a 29 lenguas y quien ha publicado a Neruda, Allen Ginsberg, Isaac Asimov, y Stanley Kunitz, entre muchos otros. En sus 53 a?os de existencia esta editorial ha publicado 475 autores en 59 lenguas diferentes.

?Con la alianza de ambas editoriales “CONFIESO QUE ESCRIBO”, “I CONFESS THAT I WRITE” da nacimiento a la colección Antípodas.

CONFIESO QUE ESCRIBO llega pues a vuestras manos al cuidado de distinguidos poetas y experimentados editores, prologado por Juan Antonio Massone del Campo, poeta, exvicepresidente de la Sociedad de Escritores de Chile y del Ateneo de Santiago, miembro numerario de la Academia Chilena de la Lengua y correspondiente de la Real Academia, RAE.

Nos dice Juan Antonio Massone:

Monólogo y meditación representan las acciones llevadas a cabo en los poemas de este libro, solo que el habla consigo lo es, también, de consideraciones numerosas a raíz de las cuales el mundo es una constancia abrumadora y la personalidad lírica que lo encara y traduce, el habitante azorado de inquietud. El protagonismo de la obra, lo ostenta la palabra sentida, cavilosa, denunciadora y estimulante de la voz lírica:

ese a?o

desnudaron la palabra

pero al desnudarla

hicieron aflorar su voz

desafiando calma y tormenta

la palabra así habló:


permíteme cobijarme

en tus brazos

me dijo


y sollozando nos abrazamos

acariciando nuestras heridas


???? Memoria alerta y disposición dialogante se alían, aportando interlíneas a las estrofas —siempre iniciadas con minúsculas— como si el respirar procurara alivio a la densidad y al carácter dramático de las peripecias a que es sometida la condición humana.?


las palabras me hablan

cada ma?ana al despertar

me hablan y me dicen

recuerda no somos de hierro

volamos como el ave

navegamos en las tormentas


somos libres como el aire

no traiciones nuestra libertad


???? Estos poemas confirman la rica posibilidad de la lengua a partir de sus modos expresivos, cavilosos, de emotividad y de nociones. Dejan en evidencia los diferentes estados que procuran la armonía del conjunto. Confieso que escribo es, de consuno, un tajo abierto en la geografía del olvido y la exaltación de los significados en una época que se prosterna ante lo vulgar.















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