“I Will Carry You”
Prophet Adrian Ddungu wwwsupernaturalkingdomministriesorg
A Word by Karen C. Jones
You don’t have that much further to go until this season gives way to the next. I feel there are some who feel like they’re going backwards instead of forwards. But can’t you feel the gentle breeze of the Father’s breath upon your face? He saw your weariness and is blowing it away. You’re scooped up in His arms and He’s wiping your tears away. Nothing can remove you from His all encompassing love. You are being strengthened now by the One who died for us all. Hold on, my friend. Your struggles have an end. Keep the faith, beloved. The King in you knows you will win.
“I will carry you,” I hear Him say. “You’re safe and secured in Me. I’m taking you where you need to be and I’ll see your joy restored. Release and forgive the ones who have made life hard for you. For this is a new day and no man can stop My plans for you. You are a child of Promise. Heaven’s joy and delight. Look in the mirror and put the enemy to flight! For looking back at you is not a mere human! You are Blood washed by the Lamb and you carry His Name!
Take heart, dear one. There are those who can testify that God did just what He promised. Soon your testimony will join theirs for you refused to quit! For now, enjoy, as our Lord carries you to your place of destiny. And when He places you back on your feet, He’ll take you by the hand and race like the wind to your Canaan land.
It will be just as He promised you.
For the Spirit says, “I will carry you.”
“When they suffered, he suffered with them. The Angel of His Presence saved them. Out of his enduring love and compassion he redeemed them. He lifted them up, carried them in his arms, and cared for them all the days of old.”
Isaiah 63:9 – TPT