I-Car Meeting March 2-4 San Antonio Texas 2018
I had the pleasure to attend this great event. For those of you that work or own a body shop after attending this meeting I can see why they have so many volunteers to train on skills. I would highly recommend if you have the skill to weld or any part of repairing a car please help I-CAR become even better. If you are a owner of a shop and not a member with the complexity of the new vehicles I highly suggest you consider it and all the benefits that come with being a member. I also want to give a shout out for their Keynote Speaker Marc Priestley if you ever get the chance to see him please take the time listen he is very motivational and it really does not matter what line of work you are in it was awesome. Thanks I-CAR and all the great new friends I made and ran into ones I have known forever it was great and very well run.