"I Can't Hear What You're Saying 'Cause I'm Too Busy Coming Up With My Next Answer."
If you and a guy can’t see eye to eye,
perhaps you’re speaking “I” to “I”.
You don’t hear him, he doesn’t hear you,
you’ve both decided only your view is true.
But when we loosen our hold of needing to be right,
truth can emerge without a fight.
You discover that guy only rejected your view,
he had no intention of rejecting you.
Of course he’s allowed to have a different opinion,
since when does that make someone a villain?
So try to be objective and put your ego aside,
because there’s a lot more peace, when there’s a lot less “I”.
The less worried and threatened we feel about being wrong, the more flexible, patient and elevated we become. In the workplace, this fosters a sense of freedom and teamwork across disciplines. Ideas are welcome, and so is honest, sincere feedback. Creativity flourishes. Solutions abound. And relationships thrive. Ideally, supervisors will model this gracious, self-confident behavior, but all it takes is a few courageous people at any level to gradually transform corporate culture. I wish us all success. (At work, and at home.)
Keep on building! Marshall