I can't do it
Ad legend Marcello Serpa retired from the ad business a couple of years back. In an interview at Cannes, he was asked about his views on various aspects of the ad business and one very obvious question that was posed to him was the reason for his exit from the ad business. He mentioned a few reasons while also adding that he wasn't willing to make the sacrifices that it took to run a successful ad agency.
It was very refreshing to hear that from someone who is one of the most revered legends in his field. Saying he wasn't willing to make sacrifices anymore. We find it very tough to say 'I can't do it' or 'I don't want to do it'. It isn't admitting to ourselves that it tough, it is overthinking about what others will say about it or how they will chide us for not having the gumption to stick it out. There are some people who take great pride in staying late at work or stretching a small piece of work until it looks like they are working very hard on it. Working long if the situation or circumstance demands it is fine. I have been made fun of and seen people belittled all because they wanted to come in on time, finish their work and leave at a reasonable time, or didn't want to be part of a party because they didn't really enjoy it. But saying no would have made them look meek and hence the reluctant participation.
Saying 'I can't do it' doesn't mean giving attitude and not taking up any work or responsibility. That is laziness. Saying 'I can't do it' when it feels pointless or you're not willing to do something just to appease someone is very different.