I Can't Afford To Work With The Coaching Revolution

I Can't Afford To Work With The Coaching Revolution

A Common Situation

You're a coach. You have spent ££££ on your coaching qualification - in fact you may well have more than one qualification. You are truly passionate about the transformational nature of coaching, after all, coaching can and does change lives!

However, you don't have clients.

What You Probably Tried Marketing-Wise

When the qualification(s) you took didn't bring in the steady stream of clients you expected, who were all wanting their lives transformed, you tried giving away 'discovery sessions' and although you might have picked up the odd client, it isn't enough for you to give up the day job.

You've tried coaching clients for free too. After all, they will achieve their goals and will recommend you to others, right? Then you'll have the word of mouth marketing that we all pray for that leads to that steady flow of clients.

If you tried this route to earning a reputation as a coach, you probably found that the free clients didn't seem so committed and that when things got tough they disappeared.

Here's the thing; coaching is about change and change is tough, so those clients who have no skin in the game (ie a financial commitment) don't stay the course. They never say 'I'm finding this change difficult so I'd like to stop now please', they say things like 'I can't make my next session because I'm too busy/the dog's got chicken pox/any other excuse to not attend a session'. Basically, their lives get in the way.

Paying clients, those with skin in the game, have an additional commitment to the process because they have a sense of 'wanting their money's worth'. They want value in return for their money and so they do stick around when it gets tough.

You've probably also signed up for loads of free online 'how to get coaching clients' courses, and yet somehow, the theory you've learned is so difficult to implement and here you still are, with no paying clients.

Now What?

You're now at a point where you need to do something with your coaching to create and actual business. You've reached the point where your coaching isn't a business at all, it's actually a hobby, and an expensive one at that.

Then you found us, The Coaching Revolution. There are enough recommendations on my profile and material that I've written, for you to have realised that actually, we're the real deal. Have a look at our website too to see more compelling evidence.

You've realised that we can help you with what you need; the actual implementation of building a coaching business. Theory is great, but how do you turn it into a business? That's where we come in and we are unique.

Our Price Point

The lowest price point to work with us is £2450. That gets you 10 1:1 mentoring sessions from your own, personal mentor. There are loads of extras included in that price too; a thriving community of coaches, all on the same journey as you; weekly online meet ups; quarterly face-to-face meet ups (12 January is the next one!). We offer ongoing support to get you to where you want to be - earning your living as a coach.

I Can't Afford It!

We understand that becoming a coach is an expensive business, which is why we offer payment plans. However, in the same way that coaching clients don't put in maximum effort without skin in the game, neither do mentees. We want you to take action and we know that a financial commitment increases the chance of you doing that.

Let me give you an analogy; you could learn to drive and pass your test, then never ever drive a car. That would be a waste of your driving licence and the cost of learning to drive. You wouldn't be a driver, you would be someone with driving skills, who never went on to actually drive. You'd end up with an incredibly expensive form of ID and nothing more. Eventually, your driving skills would fade and you'd be a non-driver, but with a driving licence.

In the same way, you can gain a coaching qualification and never have a paying client. That means you're not a coach; you're someone with coaching skills. What a waste of your passion and energy, what a waste of a potentially great coach, what a waste for those clients whose lives you could transform.

It isn't that you can't afford to work with us, it's honestly that you can't afford not to. Want to talk? Here's my diary.

So what could they do to raise the upfront deposit? ?I think some practical advice here would be helpful. I realise you have a payment plan but if the coach doesn't even have the initial funds/deposit, then they're a bit stuck.

Yifan Nairn - Personal Coach

I help women uncover their true multifaceted-self with compassion and embody their whole Self. The UNCOVER methodology allows them to have better relationships with themselves and others.

6 年

Can I ask do you mean they’ve spent a lot to get qualified in their field to become a coach and they can’t afford to pay you and learn how to do it?


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