I Can Hire An Attorney To Write The Franchise Agreement - Why Do I Need A Franchise Consultant?
Benefits of a Franchise Consultant
There is no question that this is an extremely important component of franchising. However, there are many other equally critical elements. Competent franchise attorneys know how to write agreements that comply with franchise laws and regulations, yet they don’t commonly have practical experience in running a business, let alone a franchise organisation. This franchising operational and marketing know-how is indispensable to avoid costly and unnecessary mistakes. Although heavily regulated, franchising affords you, the business owner, the flexibility to achieve your short and long term goals through this business growth mechanism. Most attorneys don’t have the practical experience to guide you in answering the business questions that must be addressed in a franchise agreement. You know your business, but initially, you lack the franchise expertise to answer these questions effectively. A qualified franchise and coaching firm can guide you through this process.
Here are some examples of issues that your attorney, in all probability, lacks the experience to help you answer.
The above three points are just examples of areas that need to be addressed in the franchise legal documents. If you can’t answer these questions, your attorney is likely to take the answers from other agreements previously written in your industry. These answers do not necessarily apply to your business or to your goals. Once your franchise legal documents have been prepared, you also need to know how to market your franchise offering, how to find the right franchise candidates, how to close deals, how to train your franchisees, what type of staff you need to recruit, train and support your franchisees, and many more franchise operational issues that only someone who has been there can coach you through.
A good franchise consultant is a trainer and a coach and will prepare you to deal with all these issues so you can become a successful franchisor.
Legal Expertise
Knowledge of franchise laws and regulations to ensure compliance with legal requirements and minimize legal risks for both franchisors and franchisees.
Franchise Development
Assistance in developing franchise systems, including creating franchise documents, operations manuals, and franchise disclosure documents (FDDs).
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