I can control my mind like a free diver can control his breath
Dino Carella
Life coach for corporate leaders - Former director and member of the board - Consultant - Published author.
Controlling the mind seems to be a very interesting topic for many. It is a discipline that allows people to concentrate on a specific goal and pursue it with undivided attention.
This discipline starts from within and it mainly states the following:
- it is not the external circumstances that determine my reality but it is what I chose to believe and the behaviours that I adopt that determine it;
- self-affirmation, visualization, repetition of mantras and the systematic adoption of certain rituals allow me to re-program my mind in order to develop “positive” habits, hence the reality I will experience;
- my thoughts, create my emotions, my emotions create my belief my actions will create my reality;
- with total focus on the healing I may modify my biology and heal from any disease.
In other words this discipline says that “if I fully and truly believe in what I am visualizing and feeling it as already manifested, I am able to put actions in place to own my destiny. To shape my future.
The idea of being passive beings it is just not allowed.
If I want something I need to take responsibility to make it a reality.
I am not saying that this is a bad thing, actually this is a great insight, however, there is the danger of reducing the entire fact of life into a system of beliefs which can never be the case.
Who is completely devoted to it, will end up living inside a dream.
It will be real until one is sleeping. Even the body will react biologically to a sexual intercourse as if it was real. During the dream no part of our being is capable of distinguishing between the dream and the reality.
The dream show us how powerful our imagination can be. However, it is not the reality that one may be waking up to.
Let’s investigate.
If you imagine yourself as a millionaire you will put a plan and relentless efforts in place to become one and with total faith in this dream the universe will simply work for you. If you imagine of becoming a great father and you dedicate your heart and soul to it you will become a great father or at least the best version of a father that you are capable of.
That doesn’t mean that your children will share the same view but that is not the point as this discipline does not want to impose your way of seeing things to others but it tells you that you have the power and the skills to become what you think of.
So far so good?
Maybe. Unfortunately or fortunately I should say, it doesn’t always work in this way.
No discipline, no belief system can incapsulate the magnitude and the mystery of life.
Take the example of a free diver.
He can hold his breath more than any ordinary human being but, if he is not crazy, he knows that he cannot do that indefinitely. Sooner or later a force that is greater than his will, will take over and he will have to come up to breathe again.
There is a limit up to which a very well trained mind can go, after that a greater force will take over.
Afterall we didn’t decide to be born and may well be caught by surprise when death will come and pick us up. We didn’t decide to have our body breathing, digesting, pumping blood etc. We realized that all this intelligence in motion was already there before we started to be conscious about it.
A mind perfectly trained on positive thinking can do its best to avoid negative thinking and replace those with positive thinking, but that "thinking" is a movement driven by a conscious effort.
Whatever it is that one wants to avoid or to achieve this mind is not at peace with the flow. It lives in the constant effort to fit into a discipline and it is driven by "desire".
Nothing wrong with desiring.
Desiring is great, however the nature of the desire that brings with it the idea of “becoming” is not a pure expression and manifestation of one’s own nature, it is a movement triggered by fear.
On the contrary, an authentic desire is moved by joy, no matter whether the goal is achieved or not. The process is joy, the achievement is joy, its failure is a welcomed learning. The meaning of one’s own life is in and out of any goal being achieved or not.
When thinking positively is the natural consequence of making friend with fears and understanding the root cause of all emotions, then this is a much greater gift that one can look for.
Positive thinking is great only if it comes after realizing that it is just a tool to manifest a certain goal, similarly to how the free diver holds his breath.
Diving for the joy of it is different from believing that my life’s purpose is to become a fish.
Like the free diver, even the best positive thinker will be overtaken by a superior force and will be forced to come up in the surface to breathe.
Human beings do suffer, feel pain, go through losses and at times, unless their heart is made of stone, they will have no control over how sad or how devasted they feel. Not everyone who is able to think positively will heal from a disease or will be safe from being ill.
A positive thinker who is driven by the idea of “becoming” still thinks in terms of scarcity.
If I am a whole there is nothing that I need to become.
The mind that allows all emotions (good and bad) to take place without the identification with them does not think in terms of “me” anymore. The “me” word disappear in the "whole". We are all “it” and because we are all “it” there is no separation.
In unity there is no fear of fear, not that fear will not happen, but when it does, it will not separate me from the happening. “I am fear” still means that “I am”.
The “I”, will never be lost in the loss. The “I” is the loss. The "I" is always “it”, the happening.
In removing this separation the mind expands in a way that it is not possible through the "positive thinking" discipline.
A “whole” mind may still be the source of a desire but that is free from the fear of losing the sense of self if the goal is not achieved. “I am” will never be reduced or taken as hostage by any desire!
Taking responsibility will come as a natural consequence of this knowing.
In being aware of the undivided whole any discipline is totally unnecessary.
I would love to hear your thoughts.
#ilovearticles #awareness #personalgrowth #positivethinking #successfulpeople
Life coach for corporate leaders - Former director and member of the board - Consultant - Published author.
5 年Ushas Chattopadhyay would love to hear your thoughts! Thank you
Marketing, Sales & Business Development
5 年Dino, try to make your next dive from darkness to light, I think you will have a great feeling.????
5 年This is an interesting point of view and one that I feel I need to ponder on. As one who’s been learning and practicing these concepts (rewiring/ reprogramming) for over a decade and with a deep rooted belief in them I’ve come to question it all in the last year or so. Then “blamed” the limitations of the flesh, after all I’m in human form! My latest thought ( or “blaming” because somehow I need to find an excuse for my perceived “failures”) has been around the concept of us all having some sort of default setting created by accumulated life experiences/ trauma that is so embedded and deep routed in us that it keeps us small and doesn’t allow us to fully be in our power or as you’ve said (although talking about a greater force instead) will overtake even the best positive thinker. I’d like to hear more thoughts on your understanding/ belief of a greater force. What really got my attention: “An authentic desire is moved by joy” which I feel I want to meditate on. And “Of being aware of the undivided whole any discipline is totally unnecessary” which somehow puts into words how I’ve been feeling of lately but couldn’t quite contextualise. A bit of a light bulb moment! Thank you for yet again providing food for thought.
Life coach for corporate leaders - Former director and member of the board - Consultant - Published author.
5 年There is a limit up to which a very well trained mind can go, after that, a greater force will take over. Be at ease with not knowing, with not being able to control everything. Cease resistance to life and enjoy the journey.