I Believe
I believe.
Two of the most dangerous words in the English language. Whether you're talking about the pilot in the front—I believe he knows what he's doing... firefighters—I believe I got air in my tanks... respiratory protection—I believe that I can re-use those filters.
Pilot's don't show up to an airport and pick a plane, they are vetted by the airlines (they wouldn't stay in business long otherwise—Frank Abagnale being the exception).
Fire fighters don't throw on a bottle and then run into a burning building without knowing how much air they have in their tanks. They have gauges, vibratory alerts and lights that keep them informed. They verify that everything is good before believing they can run into the burning building.
People get fit tested annually for their respirators... but, how do you know your entire assembly (face piece and filter) is still usable? There are flow machines that verify filter performance, but how do you check the entire assembly? Does your respirator still meet breathing pressure requirements as outlined in 42CFR?
We believe everything is performing to standard.
Now, you can verify. The OMNICheck verifies that respiratory equipment—NFPA SCBAs, rebreathers, gas masks and elastomeric face pieces— meet their applicable standards.
To borrow from Ronald Reagan—trust, but verify.
Oh... and wash your damn hands
CEO, Respirator (PPE) to Protect Next Flu. Pandemic and any Airborne Disease
4 年OMNIcheck is an excellent tester, why it is not displayed in ATOR website ? ATOR lab. is the most professional company in designing respiratory simulation and testing system.