I believe in Love Union

I believe in Love Union

I ask each of you to treat this post as a really feasible, but still revolutionary idea, more than ever ripe in the realities of today's world, and read to the end. For many of you, this text will cause a wave of resistance and even rejection, but even in this case, my goal will be achieved. Not a single "know-how" in the world, being ingenious, did not go with a bang. My task is to sow in your minds a seed that will very soon, no doubt, germinate, fertilized by the very essence of the time in which we live.

On the 3rd of August, just on the day of the visit of the Pope to Cascais, my beloved and I became a kind of pioneer, concluding the world's first union of a new type between a man and a woman, devoid of legal burden and classical prohibitions, which essentially destroyed the institution of marriage in the form in which we have known him for the last centuries.

I don’t want to bore you with obvious evidence that marriage as an institution of the family, both civil and religious, has lost its former popularity as much as possible over the past couple of decades - just google divorce statistics, figures below 50% can now only be found in Muslim countries . Don't trust statistics? Take a look around - look at your friends and their "history") we all somehow understand that in the usual sense, marriage will disappear completely in the near future, having seriously changed.

The problem lies in the fact that the institution of marriage gives practically nothing to modern man. If earlier it could be at least some guarantee that partners will raise children and to conduct a joint household, thus providing each other with formal protection of mutual interests - now it is most often a very symbolic consolidation by lovers of voluntarily assumed obligations.

Less and less people want to bear the serious legal consequences of divorce, as a result of which the practice of signing prenuptial agreements that selectively outline property rights is growing everywhere.

My personal relationships and many years of observing the stories of my friends launched a process of deep reflection in me about the essence of the relationship between a man and a woman and their union. And also about what true love is, and whether it is possible to love each other without a thirst for possession.

I realized that the main reason for the ineffectiveness of the current unions of love, called marriages, are archaic prohibitions and rules. It is impossible not to understand that 7 billion people cannot be happy in family bonds, invented when there were no more than ten million of us on the planet - the divorce rate today hints that these institutions of the past have clearly outlived their usefulness. We have long needed modernized structures that meet the needs of society at the current stage of its development.

And yet there is something unshakable and undoubtedly common to all of us - the truth is timeless - we all want to love and be loved. Therefore, first of all, the basis of the new institution of love should be a simple promise to love each other. The denunciation of prohibitions is secondary, but perhaps no less important.because it follows from the very promise of love.

Of course, each specific couple will be able to create their own individual set of rules, and, given the development of technology, this process can be significantly automated over time.

The main task is to provide each person with the opportunity to create a union that is suitable for him, with a unique structure adapted to his personal psycho-identity.


What is the union of a new type? First of all, this is a union devoid of prohibitions, which will help unlock the potential of all members of the union, regardless of their gender and age. When I write "all" I mean that there doesn't have to be two of them. The world has been moving towards this for a long time, and it is absurd and pointless to deny the polygamous needs of even the most persistent of us.

You ask “How is this possible!? An institution for love, with any rules, and even a global one?” Yes, this is indeed a very ambitious project. But that doesn't mean it's impossible. In order for such an institution to start, at the moment, very little is needed. Do you realize that any contracts only work because we believe in them?


Our contracts will be digitally signed with a private key, and technology decentralized identity - which will make sure that these signatures really belong to the people specified in the contract. The presence of these contacts in the system will be guaranteed by the technology omnichain ?are smart contracts that work on all blockchains at the same time. Therefore, even if some blockchain reboots or disappears altogether, these contracts will be able to continue working on other blockchains.

In order for such an institution to be able to own and distribute among the members of any union not only digital assets on the blockchain, but quite material ones - for example, a house or a car, it must have a legal binding - and not only in the closed jurisdiction of a particular country, but in all jurisdictions of the world . And this can be done right now through a legal layer - for example, such as in Wyoming (USA)). In addition - we plan to tie KNIFE (read - an organization on smart contracts) legally to a legal entity that can already own assets in ordinary jurisdictions.



Imagine a mobile app. After standard registration and identity verification, you can create a Union of Love and immediately add other members there. Initially, your union will have only one item - "We promise to love each other." But we provide an option at any time to add any terms of the contract acceptable to your particular union. When you go through the entire registration process and answer a few key questions, the system will be able to recommend the type of contract that is right for you. It will also be possible to buy contracts designed by experts, scientists and psychologists that will encourage you to act out of love and not hurt each other, deliberately adjusting the incentive system within the union so that it copes with your own psychological traumas. In the near future, we will also enable the purchase of tangible assets in co-ownership based on the platform.

And this is just the beginning of the work, and then our system will be able to provide people who are inside a new type of unions with various AI services in order to help resolve emerging conflicts and find harmony and love in relationships. Technologies can be used for this Verifieble Credentials and Zero-Knowlegde Machine learning? - the first will help people register various facts about themselves without sharing data with third parties, and the second will help artificial intelligence models to make recommendations to any union based on their data, without disclosing them.


I do not pretend to be the ultimate truth and I guess that there is still a lot of discussion about the ethics and effectiveness of the structure I proposed. But for me now only one thing is important - it is already working, because my woman gave her consent, which means that there will certainly be others among you who will follow our example. And even if, over time, vulnerabilities are found in it - and this will certainly happen more than once - I am sure that we will identify and eliminate them together in a very foreseeable time frame.

In conclusion, I want to say that I am fully aware of the scale and complexity of the task I have undertaken, but given the demand for its implementation by today's society, I know for sure that there will be people who want to help me. Moreover, many of them are already near me, but I consider it too premature to advertise the names of my associates.

I really need your help if our IDEA resonated even a little with you - and if so, then your share / like / repost at the start of our system will be the best reward. I believe that in this way we will bring the implementation of this institution as soon as possible.

From today, I intend to publicly lead the entire process of implementing Love Union. I intend to broadcast the entire development online, and you can watch how this institution is gradually taking shape in our reality. You may even want to join its implementation ??


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