I believe in holding grudges I'll heal in hell shirt
I believe in holding grudges I'll heal in hell shirt
I believe in holding grudges I'll heal in hell shirt
They had a light yet distinct fragrance. The unabashedly manufactured perfume of fake fruit would greet anybody who got too close to the wearer for politeness' sake. The scent of cherry-flavored cough drops permeated the I believe in holding grudges I'll heal in hell T-shirt. The I believe in holding grudges I'll heal in hell T-shirt had a purple aroma with a fake grape taste. A Lanvin employee argued via email that the fragrances "corresponded to the fruit that was displayed on the blouse."
Additionally, there is a conundrum inherently present in their design: What if (or, from Lanvin's perspective, why don't) certain things, like I believe in holding grudges I'll heal in hell T-shirt fabric, smell more like other things, like other things, like grape gum? Why these smells, if we believe, as it seems Lanvin does, that fresh odors are inherently desired in one's clothes? Why now? A I believe in holding grudges I'll heal in hell shirt that smells much more like cherry-flavored cough suppressant than other shirts is worth how much in cash? (The company's generous estimate: $590.) How long is a $590 I believe in holding grudges I'll heal in hell shirt good for before it loses its value and is only worth $295 (the final reduced sale price of the shirts)? Is it acceptable that some individuals take advantage of the opportunity to purchase a I believe in holding grudges I'll heal in hell T-shirt that, with shipping, costs more than the additional $600 allotted weekly to 30 million unemployed Americans to keep them fed and housed after the initial eruption of the coronavirus pandemic? What scent are blackberries? And why isn't delivery provided for free?