This is the rotation curve of M33 Galaxy, often used to showcase the Conundrum.


In 2005, I created a new theory that I called The Hypergeometrical Universe Theory (HU).

HU added an extra spatial dimension to space, that is, HU tells you that you live in a 4D spatial manifold (a.k.a. 4D space).

Lightspeed Expanding Hyperspherical Universe (LEHU topology)
Here you can see yourself at position A, looking into the sky and seeing the photons emitted by a galaxy at position B, when the Universe was smaller, denser, and more homogeneous.

Notice that all surfaces in this picture are really 3D surfaces.

So, this is the topology (shape), my theory proposed.? This had been proposed before. Richard Feynman proposed it.

Feynman failed to support this topology because it is not consistent with the Supernova Cosmology Project data. This project was directed by Dr. Adam Riess, who won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2008 for the discoveries resulting from the Type 1a Supernova (SN1a).

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Dr. Adam Riess won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2008 for the discoveries resulting from the Type 1a Supernova (SN1a).

Dr. Riess used a hidden hypothesis called “The Stellar Candles Hypothesis”.? He considered that all SN1a were identical — like standard candles.? This allowed him to measure closeby SN1a explosions for which we can know their distances and use proportionality considerations to extract the distances of any SN1a anywhere in the Universe. This is called photometrically extracting SN1a distances using the Stellar Candles Hypothesis.

The hidden hypothesis is that the Stellar Candles Hypothesis is equivalent to having G (Newton’s Gravitational Constant) be equal everywhere and at any prior epoch. The reason is that SN1a detonates when they reach the Chandrasekhar Mass Limit (CML). CML has a G^{-3/2} dependence. In the binary system, one of the White Dwarfs gingerly steals mass until it reaches the Chandrasekhar Mass Limit and only then detonates.

The reason is that SN1a are supernova explosions that take place in binary systems — stellar systems with twin White Dwarfs or one White Dwarf and a younger star.

HU derived the Laws of Nature from first principles.?

A first principle is a basic assumption that cannot be deduced any further. Over two thousand years ago, Aristotle defined a first principle as “the first basis from which a thing is known.”

This means that HU uses simple hypotheses and simpler constructs than the ones we use currently in Science.? For instance, in HU particles are shapeshifting deformations of space that spins within the 4D Spatial Manifold (4D Space).

We only see their footprints in our 3D hypersurface.

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Here we show the four phases of the Fundamental Dilator (FD). FD is a coherence between stationary states of deformation of SPACE (not spacetime). The orientation of the letters indicates the orientation of the phase with respect to our 3D Universe. FDs can be thought of as 4D Pizza Pies. The Electron State is a small Pizza Pie with a higher height (Chicago Pizza) along the radial direction (perpendicular to our 3D Hypersurface). The Proton State is a New York Style Pizza Pie, wider but not as tall. The 4D Volume is conserved. That said, the "Radial Height" is very, very, very small for both states.

So, in HU, particles are really four-dimensional constructs. What we see are just the footprints of a shapeshifting deformation of space.

Notice that the four particles (proton, antiproton, electron, and positron) are just phases of the same construct. This construct is the Fundamental Dilator.

Interaction only happens at given phases (phases with a footprint as opposed to the perpendicular to our Universe).? The vertical lettering means that the phase is perpendicular to our Universe.

The colors aim at characterizing dilation (yellow) and contraction (green).


This makes the Universe STROBOSCOPIC since we only see one of the faces of each particle...:) not unlike in a Discotheque.

It also means that ABSOLUTE TIME is quantized.

This paradigm for particles is one of the pillars of HU Quantum Mechanics.

The other pillar is the Quantum Lagrangian Principle (QLP).

QLP just says that Fundamental Dilators will deform space in phase with the local dilaton field.


Two masses or charges interacting within the 4D spatial manifold (LEHU)
Two charges or masses interact through the Dilaton Field (metric waves) while FD phases tunnels and spin in 4D. The wavelength is the Compton Wavelength of a Hydrogen Atom.

The Fundamental Dilator is a shapeshifting deformation of space that rotates in 4D space.?

Notice that the shapeshifting happens because the Fundamental Dilator is a COHERENCE between stationary states of deformation of space. These two states are the Electron State and the Proton State.

So, HU explains ALL particles in terms of just those two states.? The current view (Quantum Field Theory) considers that each particle is a given excitation of a field (one state for each particle).? That is not frugal and science should use the least amount of complexity possible.

So, the tunneling generates a dilaton field (metric waves) with a frequency around 1E24 Hertz or t trillion teraHertz. Conversely, one can characterize the period as a trillionth of a trillionth of a second.

Nothing could detect this field because its frequency is too high for any electromagnetic process.

That said, the Quantum Lagrangian Principle (QLP) states that Fundamental Dilators will move through space while always setting foot where it is in phase with the local metric waves.

This is depicted below:

Here is the depiction of the Quantum Lagrangian Principle, a replacement to Newton's Laws of Dynamics
Here is the depiction of the Quantum Lagrangian Principle (QLP). Fundamental Dilators will move to positions where they dilate space in phase with the local dilation field (metric waves). This is a requirement for particles to exist without dissipating (without doing work). Dephasing events would require work to be done or energy to be transferred. This is called Lagrangian because the "No work by constraints" is the basis for the Lagrangian Principle.

The picture shows that the cross-section of the lightspeed expanding hyperspherical Universe (LEHU) are circles.? As the Universe grows, Fundamental Dilators have to move into their positions (shifting sideways by a value x).

Notice the HU proposes a new paradigm for motion.? In HU, all particles are surfing the Inner Dilation Layer. That is the Silver Surfer Paradigm.

Using these simple concepts, HU explained everything from the creation of the Universe to predicting 3D Galaxy Density for the Observable Universe.

So, considering the footprint (3D Volumes) of the Fundamental Dilator (a.k.a. particles) as the Fabric of Space or Surfboard, one can move sideways by x in two ways. The first one is just by pointing the normal to the Surfboard along angle alpha_1.? That results in Electromagnetism.

The second way is to scooch over the circle and thus have the surfboard totally relaxed and the normal pointing along the radial direction. That means that the surfboard would be pointing along alpha_0. That results in Gravitation.

Alpha_0/Alpha_1 is about 1E-40 or the ratio between Electromagnetism and Gravitation strengths.

Notice that Alpha_0 = x/R_0 where R_0 is the 4D radius of the Universe or 14 billion light-years (so, very large) and x is equal to lambda_1 * tan(alpha_1). or lambda_1 *v/c.

Lambda_1 is the Compton Wavelength of a Hydrogen atom… or 1.3E-15 meters, so very small.

The inverse R_0 dependence for Gravitation means that Gravitation is EPOCH-DEPENDENT.

Well, that goes against the simplicity (hidden) hypothesis used by Dr. Adam Riess in his analysis of the SN1a data.

HU shows that the G-dependence of SN1a ABSOLUTE LUMINOSITY is G^{-3.33}.

This means that G is stronger in the early Universe and the SN1a Absolute Luminosity is weaker in the early Universe.

This also means that Dr. Adam Riess’ SN1a distances would be overestimated.

Once corrected the distances, SN1a distances were perfectly predicted by their redshifts using this simple Cosmic Distance Ladder d(z) = R_0 z/(1+z) where z is the redshift.

Long-distance SN1a fitting resulting in the Absolute Luminosity having a G-dependence of $G^{-3.33}$
Long-distance SN1a fitting resulting in the Absolute Luminosity having a G-dependence of $G^{-3.33}$
Short-Distance SN1a fitting. Hubble Constant = 69.69 km/(s.Mpc)
Short-Distance SN1a fitting. Hubble Constant = 69.69 km/(s.Mpc)
Simple derivation of d(z), the Cosmic Distance Ladder.
This is the derivation of the Cosmic Distance Ladder d(z) or distance versus redshifts z. The derivation uses simple geometry (law of cosines) applied to the cross-section of LEHU

The short-distance fitted data provides the Hubble Constant H_0 = 69.69 km/(s.Mpc).

This eliminates the Hubble Tension that currently exists in the Standard Model of Cosmology (L-CDM or Lambda-Cold Dark Matter).

The longer fitting is used to extract the Absolute Luminosity G-Dependence as G^{-3.33}.

Currently, L-CDM, which is actually General Relativity, fits the overestimated data to this seven parameters fitting function shown below.

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Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker Model. This is the seven-parameter model from which the composition of the Universe, including the amounts of Dark Matter and Dark Energy, comes.

This is the only supporting observation of Dark Energy.

From Dr. Adam Riess’ fitting of SN1a distances versus redshifts, one concluded absurd ideas like:

  1. Distances larger than what would be possible while traveling at the maximum possible velocity (the speed of light).? In other words, L-CDM uses SN1a distances that are larger than the 14 billion light-years.? HU’s plot on the above-right is normalized, that is, it is the distance divided by the 4D radius or 14 billion light-years.? As you can see, all distances are always smaller than 1 and they can never be larger that the 4D radius because of HU Cosmic Distance Ladder d(z) = R_0 z/(1+z). For z → Infinity, d(z) becomes R_0.
  2. L-CDM invokes Inflation, Space Stretching by Dark Energy, Massless Particles, the turning on of the Higgs Field, followed by its turning off and the turning on of the Dark Energy field… then the acceleration of the space stretching…

In other words, from a single observation, extraordinary claims arise.? That is not how Science should be done.

So, this ends the part of the argument related to the Supernova Cosmology Project.? Let’s now consider what is the Spiral Galaxy Rotation Curve Conundrum.

Spiral Galaxy Rotation Curve Conundrum

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This is the M33 Galaxy Rotation Curve.

Here we will focus on the M33 Galaxy and its rotation curve.

I will direct your attention to the implicit model in the figure above.? Every time one speaks about the Spiral Galaxy Rotation Curve Conundrum, one refers to Keplerian Dynamics.

Keplerian Dynamics is what we expect from systems where a very large mass is surrounded by small masses that are in orbit.? Their orbits are defined by equating the Gravitational Acceleration GM/R^2 to the Centrifugal Acceleration v^2/R.

So, V = SquaredRoot(GM/R)… That is the curve plotted in the figure above. It falls down with the squared root of the inverse distance.

That sounds right… and this argument has been repeated for 90 years… since the discovery of anomalous rotation curves or anomalous orbits.


Before we tell you what is wrong, you have to understand the reason why this back-of-brain model (Keplerian Model) is used.??

Sir Isaac Newton created Newton’s Spherical Shell Theorem.? Newton showed that the Gravitational field of mass distributed in a spherical manner is equal to the Gravitational Field from having ALL THE MASS at the center of the Spherical Distribution.

The keyword is SPHERICAL.? Somehow scientists have always considered that a spiral galaxy (which looks like a spinning disk or pancake) can be approximated by a spherical distribution.? IT CANNOT!!!.

Now that I said it, it should be clear and self-evident...:)

I simulated the Spiral Galaxy as a cylinder with two radially exponentially decaying gas densities — one density maps to the Luminous Mass (stars) and the other to the much less dense gas cloud.

Then, I numerically calculated the Gravitational Attraction from each element of volume within the cylinder and projected that acceleration in a direction perpendicular to the cylinder side surface.

Fitting of M33 to HU's model. The model allowed for the prediction of the "Dark Matter"? or Gas Cloud attached to M33.
M33 Model by HU. One can see that this simple model can easily explain the observed rotation curve without the use of Dark Matter or Dark Energy. It relies on IDIOSYNCRATIC mass distributions but so does the current view where a blob of Dark Matter of unknown size is added to galaxies willy-nilly.

Here you can see the result. This simple model properly predicts the observed rotation curve.

What one has to look for is if the parameters are consistent with observations.

On the title of the figure, you can see that the Bulge (Luminous Mass) Mass corresponds to 100% or 5E10 Solar Masses for the M33 galaxy.

The mass of the Gas Cloud is equal to 4.4 times that value.? This means that this simple model, not only reproduces the observations but also reproduces the “Dark Matter” proportion.

In other words, there are 4.4 times more free-floating hydrogen gas than there is Luminous Mass (stars).

Visible and mostly invisible M33 masses.
The total mass in the M33 galaxy comes from the Luminous Mass (mostly contained within 10,000 light-years radius) and the Gas Cloud (mostly contained within a 250,000 light-years radius)

Here we can see that the Luminous Mass is located within the first 10,000 light-years radius disk. The Gas Cloud mass is spread mostly over the 250,000 light-years radius disk.??

That is consistent with all observations and allows us to speak realistically of “Dark Matter” as Hydrogen Gas.

Here is how the M33 mass varies as a function of distance from the center of the galaxy.


They went wrong in their mindless pursuit of a description of the Universe that remained consistent with General Relativity.

HU theory is public for 17 years and yet, it hasn’t been able to appear in any mainstream scientific journal or even be posted in preprint repositories.

Since HU proposed that the Universe is expanding inertially at the speed of light, that also means that the expansion is inertial.? Inertial expansion is not allowed in General Relativity.? It is only allowed if the Universe has nothing in it.? Well, that is not a real theory if that is the only prediction.


I took down the two pillars of General Relativity (L-CDM):?

  1. The Supernova Cosmology Project data
  2. The Spiral Galaxy Rotation Curve Conundrum

I showed that crass errors are present in the literature (using Keplerian Dynamics on Spiral Galaxies).

I presented a simpler model that describes and predicts observations.

My theory introduced a new model for matter (matter made from deformations of space) as opposed to matter containing “Mass” which deforms spacetime.

My paradigm for matter allows for the whole Universe to contain only space, deformed space, and time.? That is the simplest possible model for the Universe and because of that, HU is the Fundamental Theory of Everything.

Here are some videos where I explained:

  1. The Creation of the Universe.? Here is the article.
  2. The Fundamental Dilator and the derivation of Natural Laws from first principles.
  3. The Silver Surfer Paradigm for Motion.
  4. Here is the 3D Galaxy Density Map of the Observable Universe.

I would like to ask for your support in my effort to make my ideas part of the discussion.? Currently, they are not and that is because of arbitrary actions from journal editors and the management of the Los Alamos Archives.


  1. Smarandache, F. (2007). Hadron Models and related New Energy issues. "Hadron models and related New Energy issues" by Florentin Smarandache
  2. Smarandache, F., & Christianto, V. (2007). Quantization in Astrophysics, Brownian Motion, and Quantization in Astrophysics, Brownian Motion, and Supersymmetry Supersymmetry. "Quantization in Astrophysics, Brownian Motion, and Supersymmetry" by Florentin Smarandache and Victor Christianto
  3. Pereira, M. (2017). The Hypergeometrical Universe: Cosmogenesis, Cosmology and Standard Model. World Scientific News, 82, 1–96.
  4. Pereira, M. (2018). The Case for a Fourth Spatial Dimension and the Hyperspherical Force. World Scientific News, 98, 127–139.
  5. Pereira, M. (2018). The Hypergeometrical Force: The Coma Cluster without Dark Matter. World Scientific News, 101, 222–228.?
  6. Pereira, M. (2019). The Optical Path of Ancient Photons and the Supernova Project. World Scientific News, 130, 195–215.
  7. Pereira, M. (2017). The Hypergeometrical Universe: Cosmogenesis, Cosmology and Standard Model. Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, 17(5).?
  8. Pereira, M. A. (2010). The Hypergeometrical Universe: Cosmology and Standard Model. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1316(1).
  9. Marco Pereira. The Big Pop Cosmogenesis - Equation of State, this article.

Richard Mike Faris

Artificial Intelligence Medical Foundation - A conceptional consideration

1 年

Marco Pereira fascinating - please reach out to Brian Altonen as I believe it will be beneficial for both of you

Robson Neri

Presidente - Instituto Pactos de Desenvolvimento Regional Sustentável

1 年

I hope the world listen to you!

Dr. Domenico Meschino, Testing Expert, Scientist, Teacher,

A.I. Theorist, ACT Test Expert, Author, Social Scientist, Italian Dual Citizenship Italy/Europe Director CEO/Teacher.

1 年

Great article great research. The Big Bag never happened. There is no beginning and end.



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