i asked The Mosaic Cards to share a message with us for Thanksgiving. here is what i received:
Daniel Levin
business man and mystic who helps people/companies innovate, Storyteller who also helps people develop and tell their story, former monk, listener who has heard you, knows love is all you need, author of The Mosaic
i asked The Mosaic Cards to share a message
with us for Thanksgiving. here is what i received:
Begin your journey. Your purpose calls you. The Traveler comes to tell you do not worry. Take one step at a time. This is the way.
Beginning. Middle. End. Each step is important. You cannot reach the end if you do not begin. You cannot begin if you do not let what ends end. The middle is your journey. There will be times when you do not understand it. That is ok. The middle is the journey from unknowing to knowing.
Be patient. Enjoy it all. Now it is time to move forward. To start. To persevere. To end. Wherever you are, continue. It is all a gift. Everything is happening for you. Keep going.
Present -- THE PRIEST
This is a time for prayer. It is not a time for doing. It is a time to step back and ask for what you need and listen for a response.
What seems right may or may not be right. That is why The Priest has come to ask you to pray. Go beneath what you think. Go beyond what you know. This card suggests that something else is being asked of you.
You must quiet yourself and go within and listen. The answer to your question is just behind the noise of your mind.
She sees you and knows that sometimes you get caught in the masculine model, expressing yourself in ways that do not suit you. The Flower Girl encourages you to take off your armor and allow yourself to experience your feminine aspect. She tempts you to learn the way of the flower that opens and gives off an enticing aroma.
This is the way of the feminine. It does not fight, it seduces. It does not force, it woos. It does not command, it encourages.
You are entering a time where you will be asked to spread new ideas, to create a culture that magnetizes people to its core beliefs. This is a time when you will be manifesting your purpose.
Understand that what you desire wants you a thousand times more. Attract. Receive. Flourish. It is time.
please go to: https://themosaiconline.com/#reading
ask a question and then pick 3 cards . . . .