I Asked ChatGPT: How Is AI Keeping Me Away from God?

I Asked ChatGPT: How Is AI Keeping Me Away from God?

A Personal Journey to Reconnect with Divine Consciousness in a Tech-Driven World

I asked ChatGPT a question that had been on my mind for a while: How could AI keep people away from God and divine consciousness?

Now, before you roll your eyes or wonder if I’ve gone full conspiracy theorist, let me explain.

This question wasn’t about AI being some malicious over the Lord (thankfully, it’s not).

Instead, I was curious about how our modern, tech-driven lives — guided in part by algorithms and endless distractions — might be pulling us away from what truly matters: our connection to ourselves, to others, and something greater.

I also was rather surprised by ChatGPT’s response.

It divided the concept into ten clear yet profound processes through which one may be slowly losing his spiritual link.

And yet, as I scrolled through the answers provided, I wondered how many of these patterns I have adopted in my life already.

* Distraction: The Ultimate Barrier

One of the first points it shared hit me hard: our lives are overflowing with distractions.

Social media, endless scrolling, binge-worthy shows, notifications — it’s like the world conspires to keep us busy and entertained every second of the day.

One of the first points it shared hit me hard: We are surrounded by distractions in our lives.

Friends, social networks, TV series, notifications, and endless scrolling — it seems like the world wants to pump out content non-stop, to put it mildly.

Sound familiar?

The more distracted we are, the less time we have for introspection or prayer.

In the midst of so much that cacophony of the every day that often hushed and sacred space where divinity speaks gets lost.

Reading this, I realized how often I let my phone control my day.

It’s not even about needing it — it’s just “there.”

I now strive to pay more attention to preserving that time, at least before going to sleep with unrelated distractions.

* Doubt and Cynicism

Here’s another thought that made me pause: our culture loves skepticism.

We question everything — especially spirituality.

Sometimes, that’s healthy. But other times, it leads us to dismiss divine truths altogether.

When I was younger, I was a big cynic.

I tried often not to make anything that I felt was borderline new age, or anything religious.

But as I’ve grown older, I’ve started to wonder: The things that become mere set dressing for life are what is behind a value to something else.

It is not about the absence of doubt but about a discharging in a way of the capacity to wonder at the being of that which is unperceived.

* Division and Conflict

ChatGPT also mentioned how division — especially around religion — can keep us disconnected.

If you’ve spent any time online, you know exactly what this looks like.

Discussions become conflicts, and we pay more attention to deep-rooted differences on what separates us rather than similarities.

But divine consciousness isn’t about taking sides.

To me, it is about love, coming together, and the bond that exists between individuals who are rightfully connected in some way.

What if we let that guide us instead?

* Ego and the Illusion of Control

This one hit close to home: pride and ego can easily make us think we’ve got it all figured out.

In a world with a life that is so full, so manic, so perfectly crafted on social media, it is easy to believe that we do not need God or anyone at all.

But real happiness is not earned by the number of likes or achievements, or by people’s approval.

It comes from submission from the freedom of having to do things on your own to the acceptance of powers beyond that of an individual.

* Negative Emotions

This might be the most heartbreaking way we lose our connection to God: through fear and guilt.

At other times, I have to understand that there are moments even in the best of runner’s life when they fall and so do we. But those mistakes make even us feel that we are not worthy to be loved by the God above.

I’ve been there.

I have wanted to believe that I do not deserve forgiveness let alone grace.

But here’s the truth I’m learning: Blessed love doesn’t demand us to be perfect.

It waits for us to return even when we rush to the other side of life.

The Way Back: A Question for You

So, what can we do about it?

How do we live in a world that steals away those connections which are most valued?

For me, it starts with awareness.

Just asking myself, “Where am I spending my time and energy?” is enough to reset my focus.

After that, it is about consciously acting whether it is as simple as not answering my phone during dinner, writing down what I am thankful for, or just meditating for 5 minutes in the morning.

I don’t have all the answers, but I know this: staying connected to God, to the divine, or whatever you believe in is a choice we make every day.

It’s not always easy, but it’s worth it.

So, let me ask you: What’s one small way you can reconnect today? How can you take back even the tiniest slice of your time, your focus, and your energy for the things that matter?

We can discuss it in the comment section. I would appreciate your comments — and who knows — we can encourage one another to take at least one step toward the Divine.

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