I AM YOU A short story, by Ajaydeep Singh Minhas
About The Author
I am happily married and father of two wonderful children. Writing sometime has always being my passion and I am associated with technical writing industry for past 13 years. Writing Fiction has always excited me and I want to write more and more Fiction stories. To me Fiction is something that you have to live then you write about it - it could be a dream you have in the early morning, a dream in the night, or what you think could be possible. When you have such dreams and you want to be a writer, don't forget to note down the points of your dream when you wake-up from such dream to elaborate later. You can just write down on anything that is available to you.
Whenever I have some nice dream or thinking of something - I put down a note of it, so that if required, I could elaborate on it later, when needed. So my request and advice to you is don't lose on all the wonderful dreams and thinking you have every day - just write them down somewhere and be a wonderful writer as you want.
I want to establish dialogue with my reader - so please don't forget to write a review after reading the story. It will give me power to write more.
Birds are singing. Everybody seems happy. It is day in haven and God decided to make me. Is he free today? Why he thought so? The reason may be same as he decided for you. It is my day and my moment of gaining existence. The circumstance and feeling that God holds at this moment are different then what it is for you. He may be creating me as an angel or a devil that is the result of his thought process and what he thinking me to be. What is going on! Is it he who is doing it or am I taking existence at my own. Someone has to do it; and we hope he is the right person to do the job. So, he is doing it for me too.
What all he has to do to make me? Is there a template that he use or there is a mould in which he put things related to me? Or he simply hack the though process of human minds and do it. Whatever he does, the way he does, I think he will do it best as he had been doing best for some and worst for some.
I should ask him if he is making me afresh or using my soul from past life. Is he going to tell me what I was in my previous lives? I better not ask him he might turn me to an alien. But, what if I have questions, whom should I ask? Is God going to continue with the thought of my existence or he going to discontinue the thought if the situation change for him? Or it is that once he has decided no one going to change his thoughts.
Is there someone who influences him in decision making? It is not known to me! Is it known to you? I think he needs a planning commission to discuss the matter with before reaching decisions, or he is self-sufficient in managing and taking decisions at him own. He must be this powerful that he does not need anybody’s help in assisting him in his task.
If God is able to do everything why not he makes me participate in the decision making process and let me debate over my existence. Has he let you do the same for you in your existence? If he doesn’t do it, let’s optimize the process and send him an advice, if he likes to implement it.
God might be doing it already and erasing the memory of such process and thoughts before actually send the person to the living world. He may be completing the entire person before hacking the minds of humans to give it existence and process it through all the quality control procedures which the person of the living world is not aware off.
Living world people talk about things that are known to them and are not aware of the memory that might be erased by God before sending the person the world to live. I have so many questions, but I must have all those questions and in quantity I can think off; after all, it is the matter of my existence that God is planning to execute.
God has done it for so many of you and has been doing it for a while. Does God have a plan when he is going to stop it or he will keep doing it again and again? Doesn’t he get bored of doing it again and again or it is a source of entertainment for him. Is there something better he can do or this is the limit of his to do the better he could?
He is thinking of making me, but what difference it would make if he doesn’t make me or make another you. If he is who created this business of his of living and nonliving things and expanded it like he has, then is he not entertained yet or he has something better for us. Why is he creating multiples of us? Was he not satisfied by creating few of us? If you ask any one is the living world they are in search of something or other, why he created such a feeling among living people. Is it for the purpose to make them live in illusions and spend their lives finding something or other?
What is his purpose of doing it for living creatures is it his way of making the people entertained in their lives? That is ok! People can search for things the way the God might be doing in his life too. Are you satisfied with the way he has been doing his job? Do you have complaints? Are those complaints resolved by him? If he doesn’t resolve the complaints like the way he does in present world then you say it is the particular period that you are running through.
Let’s say it will change for better, but is that better is better enough that he can plan for you. So this concludes that he has limitless satisfaction that he has and created for you too. So he is what you are. If he is what you are you should find out whether he has given you powers to create world too, or create another you by giving birth to another you.
In living world all want to find God and want to know the ways to do that, but are you doing something about it. Are we taking any steps in this regard? If God can be achieved / reached any moment in time as he is present in every moment of time, then we need to find that moment.
It should not be a matter of long term devotion, but it should be a matter of doing things that lead to that path and doing it with full effort and dedication to reach the result without breaking the process of such thoughts. You say God has divided us based on our past sins and good deeds. But it may be true that God did not make any such division to separate one human being from other in his eyes. As if he has created it then everybody has equal value for him. He cannot be partial with one from other. To support this equality he has given thinking power equally to both type of persons so that in any moment in life if they decide to reach God they should be able to do it at the pace they want to do it.
An intelligent person who committed lot of sins in life may achieve God quickly as being intelligent then the person who has been good all his life but not that intelligent may take more time to reach God. Smart thinker you need; it does not matter if you are rich or poor. It is determined by how sharp and intelligent you are in following the thread of thought that lead you to God.
That thread is lost connection that we need to find through continuous exploration. If it is thought that bring us closer to God, then we can say God is a thought so we can surely follow that thought to reach some result if we may. As it is being said that is was achieved in the past we may follow the thought to achieve it in the current.
God does not need to be your superior; you need not worship him; he can be your friend, brother, or you yourself. All is needed is that you talk to your friend, brother, or yourself. More you do that more close you get to him.
Is it still pulling me to in the closed thinking of what he has made for me, or he has made me the thinker and given me all possibility to make what I want to make of myself.
All your life you have been running after a course to become something or other, but have you shattered those wall of one way of thinking and tried to think where you have come from, what you are doing, why you are doing it, what will you achieve by doing it?
If God has given you the power of thinking like he has why cannot you crack this code by having a series of good thoughts that change the state of your mind and if it is you who can himself be a God being then why not work towards it and find out what can be possible and how it can be possible to break this wall between God and being.
After all we all are board of what God has been doing lately. We should reach him, ask our debaters to debate with him on various matters and issues we are facing. Why we are not doing something about it?
Someone should come forward and take responsibility of doing it. Governments should have research centers and ask religious leaders and preachers to submit data about it. It shouldn’t be a difficult task if you move in this direction and capture the things and matter as you walk down the road.
The starting has to be firm and faithful that we or coming generations would find the way to break the code. After all it is creator whom we need to find, if he is available out there. If he has created and left, then it would be a difficult situation, but we should be determined to achieve the difficult too.
I still have to take existence, and you cannot keep living like this. I am you and we must be determined to find what is unfound from ages now. It should be a unanimous effort.
People from all walk of life should have their participation to the level they think right to share the secret of life. Like the one I have in short life of mine that is if you look into moon or sun with open eye and tries to zoom in to moon or sun you can actually pull moon or sun closer to you that is like Bruce do it in movie “Bruce Almighty.”
You might have to try little harder for the zoom. First some tears would come and some dull moon would appear. As you continue on trying the image would become clearer and moon would become bigger and bigger and start appearing closer to you to a certain distance.
Don’t try it on sun before confirmation from scientists. I have tried and moon and sun looks pretty cool. Consider it my sharing. Let’s back to my existence business.
Hope God is planning well for me this time if he is using my soul for the past. We all are sons and daughters of God, who all are there in God’s family does he has a wife, a children, parents. What are their names? What is your name you are God’s family too. Can you pray to God to make me an angel or a devil I am cool with both of them, but would prefer angel as you would have preferred it too! Isn’t it?
In God’s hospital who is going to fill my registration form. Is it going to be me myself who will be filling the registration form or God will do it for me? Is God going to take some deposit, security to make me? Am I will be an ordinary person or God will be using best of his scripts to make me. Will I be able to save the memory of my creation in the layers of my memory before God send me to the living world or he is going to erase every part of it?
I want the memory of my creation to be with me. Don’t you! So what is the way to do that? Is there a witness of about of this that I can reach too and ask how was I created by God? Who can tell me the story of my creation that I would cherish to hear.
Will God allows me to appoint a living witness for me that would be available to me in the living world? Are they my parents or doctor at the hospital how act as such a witness, but they only know what is happening in the living world. They are not in position to tell me what has happened in the background. When actually my soul gets transferred to the body of mother, I must be in position to tell when that happened to me in the world I would be living in.
To make it advance, I should be able to know from where the soul is coming from and how’s the health of the soul entering into my body? Can I do something about it before it enters or early few times after it enters the body? As early times are the most important times for the soul to grow in the body so I should take care of those times so that soul should adjust properly to the environment of my body, or it is soul that makes the environment of the body.
If soul cannot be made or destroyed then I should find out the data of how many souls God had actually made. I want to know if one soul only changes the body but remains a single soul, then how the population of the world is increasing. Are souls dividing among themselves? If they are then they are becoming weaker and then their existence may be under a threat of survival. If such is a situation as we can advocate based on this thought then we must fight for their survival.
As the population grows, what will happen when all souls take the space of living beings and what would be the situation after that? God must need to create new souls then to keep the population growth.
God must be defining the time for me to live in the life. What will be that time I need to find out the details for it? How will those details be found, I need to find the source for this. Time for which one lives is not known to anybody. I must find the reason why it is not known to the person who himself own the soul and body or is it not owned by the person in the body and is controlled and owned by something else who doesn’t tell us some of the secrets which should be otherwise be known to the living beings.
God will take time to create me. It’s not that he has a thought in his mind and I will be created. There must be lot of things that are associated with my creation. Let’s see what God is doing in his life. Today he is going to a soccer game with his family; I am in his thoughts. He is very punctual with his things. He has to be! Otherwise it will be all messed up, everywhere.
The match is about to start in another half hour and they are ready to go out of their place. God has called for a taxi to the stadium and taxi has arrived. Everybody boarded the taxi and it will take thirty minutes to reach stadium. It is a big match between angles and devils.
Roads towards stadium are packed with traffic and security check are been performed by the police of the haven. Supporters of devil team who are coming from hell are playing loud music in their cars and throwing litter outside of their cars. Prior to this match there was local tournament at heaven and hell from which best of the players were selected for each team. These players were sent for team building exercise for one month to make solid team of best players of both sides. Now these teams are going to compete in today’s match for the ultimate glory.
Taxi arrives at the stadium. God told driver to park in the parking area and told will call the driver once the match is over. Everybody came out of taxi and started walking towards the stands in the stadium. The tickets for the seats were sold at high price and were completely sold days before the match. While walking toward the stadium God saw that agents from hell were doing black marketing of tickets of stands of devil blocks. Heaven police have caught some such agents but still some are doing it outside the stadium.
God with his family enters the stadium through the gates packed with people pushing to get inside the stadium. Finally, after some efforts the entire family manages to get through the gates. Going toward seats was relatively easy though finding seat requires some effort. In moments time they found the seats.
The starting of match still has some time. Players are not yet out in the field. Settling down in the seat God looked around the stadium which was fully packed for all categories of spectators.
The side where angels were sitting was relatively quite as compared to devil stands though angels were creating some waves too.
Since all are settled in the seats God thought of brings some snacks for the family and off to the snacks counter. He picks some packets of popcorns and few soft drinks and returned to the seat.
The teams came out of their dressing rooms to the field and lined up in the middle of the field for playing the anthem of heaven and hell. Soon it started playing on the big speakers of the stadium.
First they played the hell anthem which lasted for two minutes and along with it they played the video for the things that hell people do on the big screens. Once it is over they played the heaven anthem again with the video about the things that heaven people do on the big screen of the stadium. This set the momentum of the game. After that referee called the captains of both the teams for the toss to find who will carry the first pass when the game will start?
Referee toss the coin in the air and it was hell players who won the toss to carry the first pass. Once the toss in over, players of each team shock each other’s hands and run towards their positions.
Both teams were evenly balanced with star plays in defense, middle, and strike positions such as Easy the striker of heaven and Hard the striker of hell.
Both have been leading the charts of leading goal scorers with Hard having the slightest edge.
The defenses of both teams were led by Born from heaven side and Break from hell side that holds the central defender positions in the respective teams.
The players were all set in their positions; referee blew the whistle and game started. It was hard who sent the ball back to his defense to craft the move. The ball is with Hell’s defense and all players were spread out in each other’s sides.
Hell’s defender passes the ball to the Hell’s midfielder who passes it to the other midfielder in the half of Heaven the next move is some carrying of ball by Hell’s midfielder and dribbling one defender and one midfielder of Heaven before giving it a strike on the goals of the Heaven, which was easily deflected by the Heavens goalkeeper “Save” as being watched by Hell’s goalkeeper “Hole.”
It was a corner kick to Hell, and its corner kick specialist went to take the corner. Only leaving few defenders in back of hell everybody from Hell’s team tries to get into the penalty box of Heaven. It was crowded in the penalty box and Heaven team tries to cover every player of Hell’s team by pushing each other shoulder to shoulder.
The specialist took the kick, it was a curving kick, the ball was curving into the penalty box which was towards the backside of the penalty box and was taken on head of Hell’s midfielder. He tries to head in to the Heaven’s goal which was punched by Save outside of the danger zone.
The ball as taken by Haven’s midfielder who ran and carries the ball to the half (side) of the Hell from where he played a lofted kick to Easy (Heaven’s striker) in the center.
Easy was soon covered by two Hell’s defenders and one midfielder at back of them. Easy manage to dribble one defender was in position to take strike, but he decided to pass the ball to other Heaven’s striker who was on the other side of the penalty box.
The other striker receives the ball, sets himself in the position to take the strike and takes the shoot. It was the full speed strike and Hole (Hell’s goalkeeper) manages to save it jumping on the right side of the goal post.
Once he caught the ball he started shouting on his one defenders as though what were they doing and not covering the players of Heaven’s team as how could they manage to take the strike on the Hell’s goal.
It’s a goalkeeper’s kick and Hell’s goalkeeper take the kick that crosses 75 % of the fields towards the Heaven’s goal and was taken by the Heaven’s defender.
The games momentum was on high spirits and everybody was giving full 100%. The players of Hell team were trying to make some foul tackles to injure Heaven’s players but were not successful. But this time when there was a pass from midfielder of Heaven to the right out of Heaven who tries to carry the ball through the defense who made a foul tackle by hitting the left leg of Heaven’s striker instead of hitting the ball.
Referee instantly saw the wrong tackle and blew the whistle. The Heaven’s player got the injury on the left leg.
The player was on the ground and play was stopped for the injury time. Referee also issued a yellow card the defender of the Hell’s team.
Medical aid comes from the stadium and after applying the required spray the Heaven’s team members was back the his feet and referee resumes the play.
The game was becoming more tense and tense with the passing moments. The Hell’s team members were becoming more and more aggressive and Heaven’s team was trying the play more and more safe game.
Teams were making strikes at each other goals with more strikes by Hell’s team on the goal post of Heaven.
The match is approaching near first half of the game and none of the teams were able to score any goal. The crowd in the stadium on the both side of the stands i.e., Heaven’s stand and Hell’s stand were in the electrifying mode.
Heaven’s goalkeeper takes the shot, ball travels to the half of Hell where it was taken by Heaven’s midfielder who passes the ball to left out who carries the ball and passed it to Easy which was nearly stopped by the Hell’s midfielder sanding at the back but the ball could not be trapped properly by the midfielder and got deflected to Easy who took the strike on the deflection to the goal post of the Hell.
The ball travels with speed towards the top of the goal post and was about it enter the post before Hell’s goalkeeper (Hole) rolls the ball over the goal post bar. It was a corner kick for Heaven and Born was called from the back to take the corner kick.
It was dying moments of first half, Born took the corner kick it was a pass to a team member who was standing near the corner kick post. On receiving the ball that team member passes back the ball to Born who carries the towards the penalty box filled with players and produced a lofted ball in the middle of the penalty area from where it was kicked out by Hell’s defender to the middle of the field. The time for first half was over, thus referee blew the half time whistle.
Players marched out of field to their dressing rooms for the break. In the dressing room of Hell, their coach was in furious mood and till now Hell’s team was not able to score any goal on Heaven’s team.
The coach started shouting at Hell’s players soon they enters the room. He was not at all happy with the moves of the players in the field and was shouting at them that they are not doing full of their potentials.
As players start to take some refreshments some drinks and some meat the coach was continuously giving the instruction for the next half.
In the dressing room of Heaven, the coach was highly motivated and wants the team to do even better in the second half. The players were taking refreshments some drinks and bananas and other fruits were available for quick refreshments. Coach decided to take their first replacement by sending another striker in place of player that got the injury in the first half.
The break time was over and there was a big announcement call for the player to come to field.
The players marched back to the field with Hell’s coach continuously giving instructions to his individual team members.
The side line referee displays the board that there is one replacement in the Heaven’s team. That message is displayed in the big screens of the stadium. Players switch their field side and took their positions.
Referee below the whistle and Heaven’s players take the pass. The second half was on the roll. Heaven’s midfielder carries the ball and passes it to a player who was standing at the Heaven’s right out position. It was a clean pass.
The right out trapped the ball cleanly and then placed a shot towards the middle of the Hell’s penalty area where Easy was covered by two Hell’s defenders.
The ball was not direct to Easy; it was stopped by Hell’s defender, but it was not a clean stop. The ball rolls away for the three players and Easy by running fast then the other two players of Hell manages to get hold of the ball and after dribbling into the penalty area took the strike.
The stick was clean and it was a goal!!!!!
It was a strike betting the Hell’s defender and Hole (Hell’s goalkeeper) in the goal post. There was a big roar in the stadium.
Everybody on Heaven’s side was out of their seats and cheering. Whereas, on the Hell’s side, there was a complete silence and spectators were full of grief.
All screens in the stadium were showing the replay of the goal strike.
After scoring the goal Easy run pass the Hell’s defender towards his side celebrating his goal. He was greeted by all his team members, and everybody in Heaven’s team was so happy that they are in the lead.
Now it was a complete mess for Hell’s team – they look more furious than ever.
The players start to blame each other for the goal, but their bad confidence level was hardly shaken.
They look more evil and their coach was completely mad at them for conceiving a goal from a side that was playing no evil game, but was just playing a decent mix of land and air (ball passing on land and in air) passing game. He sent a message on the field that he want a goal score from Hell’s team which was a must in the next ten minutes.
The game resumes again.
There were exchange of many passes between Hell’s team and Heaven’s team and they contently losing ball to each other when it was time for the strike.
God and his family was enjoying every part of it. The atmosphere was electrifying – full of energy all around. The ball was with the Hell’s defender he passes the ball to his teammate in the center who did some dribbling and move pass two Heaven’s players and kick pass the ball to Hell’s teammate on the corner of the penalty area who tries to move ahead and was tackled by Heaven’s midfielder by an attempt to stop him from back tackling from behind, which incidentally caused a leg tackle from behind the ball on the leg of the Hell’s player, which in the eye of Referee was a foul tackle and he blew the whistle for a penalty on the penalty area of Heaven.
Everybody stood stunted in the audience of Heaven and it was a big chance and advantage for the taking on the side of Hell’s team.
The entire team on the Hell’s side and audience on the Hell’s side filled with joy and a filling of achievement, which was still needed to be converted to a goal.
The coach of Hell’s team was on his toes giving instruction and telling who was going to take the penalty. The responsibility was given to Hell’s team’s midfielder as coach do not want to lose this opportunity in any regard and want to give it to someone who has some balanced frame of mind and thinks himself responsible for the ball movement on the field.
Now, it was midfielder who got the opportunity. Heaven’s goalkeeper “Save” got into the position in the goalpost and checked his distances. Referee places the ball in the penalty spot.
Every player was standing on their toes for the penalty to be taken. Heaven’s team and their supporting audience are praying the God to save the penalty.
Referee blew the whistle and Hell’s midfielder ran towards the ball to take the penalty. Every eye was on the midfielder and the ball.
Midfielder took a furious short at the right post and it went to the right corner of the goalpost and it was a goal!!!
Everybody on the Hell’s side was on their feet – filled with joy and happiness.
Hell’s teammates running all over the field giving punches to each other to express their happiness on the field. Now both teams are on equal goal score.
Game was at level. Time was passing quickly.
There was rush in Heaven's team to score another goal before the time is over as they don't want the game to enter in penalty shot-outs as they have just witness the result of the shot out with Hell's team.
Both teams are determined to score the next goal though Hell's team was also looking to preserve the score line so they increased their full back support with an additional player from midfield.
It was the dying moments of full time and everybody seems to tense in their seats and on the field. God looks anxious too.
I mean would he really be anxious? Don't he already know what is going to happen? Maybe up in the Heaven and Hell's stadium he may not have rights to know what is going to happen in the match so that he can anxiously enjoy the match like normal human being and be filled with joy or sorrow about the results of the match. So, God has his day too.
It's a family day out for the God where he was enjoying every moment of it.
Though he was enjoying his moments, but back in mind he was running with a thought that when he will be back to his home he need to start the process of creating me, which was bringing him uneasiness to some extent as he too do not want to get back to daily routine job which seems to be boring. But, anyhow he was consoling himself that the job needs to be done every day and he will do it when he returns home.
Just then, another God "God of Wind" a friend of our God was passing through the rows towards the snacks counter.
Our God shouted "Hey Wind God - where are you going?"
He replied "Hey God of God's - what's up, I am just going to the snacks counter. You sitting here!"
Our God said "Yep. So what's happening you - are you enjoying the match?"
Wind God moved to stairs row and said "Yep! It's an interesting match, let's see which way it goes!"
Our God said "That's right! We too are looking forward for it" Wind God said "Enjoy your time!" to our God.
In reply our God said, "You too."
Wind God moved on to the snacks counter.
Back on to the match, match was running through its final moments.
The foul tally of Hell's team was increasing at a rapid pace.
Now they are not shying away from committing any foul they just want to block the Heaven's team players and go on an attack on the Heaven's goal post.
The ball was with Hell’s team player who moved from their own half and passed the ball to right out on Heaven's half.
The next player collected the ball nicely, but soon covered by a midfielder of Heaven's side. So Hell's team player returned the ball back to his own half to construct a move again.
This time it from the middle to middle.
The Hell's team player collected the ball in the middle of Heaven's half and gave it to left out who played a shot-in from left, right in to the Heaven's penalty area.
Where there was a mess of players running into each other.
The ball was dangerously played and placed in the area.
Few touches happen in the penalty area, but neither was effective for the Hell's team.
Three players are laying on the go under, but none of them looks like to have played a foul play.
Few of the players are shouting towards Referee, but the Referee decision was to play on.
Soon a defender from Heaven's team got hold of the ball and to clear it he played a long shot towards the Hell's half.
Where it was picked by Heaven's forward who manage to do a good run near to the penalty area of Hell.
Where he was tackled by Hell's defenders.
Their tackle was such that ball moved between them three - four times and finally Heaven's forward who was very near to the goalpost manages to play a back heel on the ball between the defenders surrounded to him on right and left, which crosses the ball over the goalpost line and - it's a goal!!!!!
It was the second goal by Heaven's team in the dying moments of the match with few seconds of match time remaining and few minutes of injury time remaining.
Everybody in the Heaven's camp are out of their seats.
The excitement was all over the place. God too jumped out in his seat on the excitement.
On the other side - Hell's camp, their faces are down with sadness and anger.
Soon Referee blew the full time whistle.
After that, the match resume again for the 3 minutes injury time, now Hell's team was determined to go for the kill and Heaven's team wants to keep control of the ball as long as they can. So they are slow in exchanging the passes among themselves.
When they are not able to do it they are playing out balls on the side of Hell's half so that more time can be consumed.
Soon with all these passes and exchange of passes between teams through dribbling, tackling, some foul plays happening the game reaches to the final moments of injury time.
It was Hell's team who was trying hard to get into the penalty area of Heaven's team so now everybody from Hell's team moved ahead towards the goal post of Heaven even the Hell's goalkeeper was standing near the half line of the field to provide all support to his team.
The ball was with Hell's player near the middle line who exchanged the ball with other Hell's player in the hooch - pooch of players in the penalty area of Heaven.
Everything was going on very fast and Hell's player took a shot at the goalpost of Heaven, but it was smartly caught by "Save" to save the day.
Who quickly played a long shot, which was collected by a Heaven's player in the midfield and who ran towards the Hell's goalkeeper being followed by two Hell's defenders, as he reaches near to the penalty area - by playing on his luck and his skills - he played a lofted shot over the Hell's goalkeeper aiming the goalpost and the ball run in the goalpost by crossing the goalpost line with Hell's goalkeeper and defenders running after it to stop it, but they couldn't. It's a goal!!!
The third goal from Heaven.
It was joy all over the stadium except Hell's camp.
Where their faces are filled with sorrow.
It was the concluding goal that sealed the fate of Hell's team with few seconds remaining before the final whistle was blown by Referee.
Soon the much awaited moment arrives and Referee blow the final whistle and it was 3-1 with Heaven's team beating Hell's team in a fabulous action packed nail biting match.
The security was tightened around Hell’s camp and around Hell’s audience area so that they don’t indulge in any sort of fights with Heaven’s camp and audience.
Heaven’s players are running hands-in-hands in the ground thanking audience for their support in the match and thanking God for their win.
Soon after their run in over they gathered in the center of the field for trophy ceremony. Our God was invited to give away the trophy to the wining team.
God leaving his family in tight security went to the ceremony area and gave the runners-up trophy to Hell’s team captain and then handed over the winner’s trophy to the Heaven’s team captain.
After thanking God, Heaven’s team captain gave a speech thanking everybody for their presence and coaches for building a strong team.
After that captain handed over the trophy to his team mates – who started lifting it, kissing it and they all gathered in a group to have a photo clicked with the trophy.
The entire sky was lightened with fireworks. After clicking the photo with the wining team, God departed to his family, while the Heavens team started the celebrations.
In tight security God and family moved through the long queues of people at the gates of the stadium.
As they come out of stadium their vehicle was ready to drop them back home.
They boarded the vehicle and departed for the home.
It was a wonderful match and God family enjoyed it completely.
The traffic on the way was little high as everybody was heading back home. For few minutes God to got stuck in the large lanes of traffic. It took a while but God, but the driver of God’s vehicle manages to pull through, and God and his family reaches home safely.
The utensils from the lunch were still pending to be washed – so it was God’s turn to do the utensils today. God quickly washed all of them and decided to go to his study-cum-workshop to make me. He collected the data related to helpful personality added respect to elders, added some decent looking body features, added hard working personality, added dedication, added innovativeness, added friendliness, added carefulness, added timely aggression, added faithfulness, added attitude, added progression, added aim, added a love for the game of soccer as he just came from the soccer match, and all other standard features that he provide to a normal human being. He created a potion of all these mixes and put in a mould and put that mould in the human making machine, which is like a big refrigerator-cum-oven and set the time for 10:10 AM to make my gene.
I believe this could be the way how my gene is created by God. What about you? How you think God created you? Writer to me at [email protected]. Give a review about the story, if you like it and want to give me more power to write more, please do endorse me on Linkedin.