I Am... Violet Detre
I Am. Magazine International
A Digital Magazine designed and dedicated to providing an insightful upbeat look at what makes us Special and Unique!
I Am. Magazine presents an empowering woman. This beautiful Lady Violet Detre is a Happiness Advocate, speaker, best-selling coauthor, and host of The SuccessPath Show. Her vision is for Christians to live an Abundant Life. Violet holds a Professional and Executive Master’s Coaching Certificate through an International Coach Federation (ICF) approved university and a bachelor’s degree from Liberty University. Violet was born and raised in Laredo, Texas. She’s been married for 25 years to her husband, a retired US Army veteran. They’ve been blessed to be able to travel throughout the United States and abroad.
Who are you?
I AM God’s Beloved Daughter, Violet Detre, a Professional and Executive Coach, Happiness Advocate, speaker, and best-selling co-author of Ready, Set, Go! With Brian Tracy, founder of The Christian Suicide Prevention Summit and host of The SuccessPaTh Show on YouTube. I am also spouse to my husband, a retired Army veteran, to whom I’ve been married for 25 years. What would you define as your I Am? The Word of God says that as a Christian
I Am as Jesus is, in this world (1 John 4:17). And God declared that Jesus is His Beloved Son, in whom He is well pleased; therefore, so am I (Mt 3:17). I am grateful that God gave me this revelation when I could barely function and was about to have yet another pity party. I clearly heard in my spirit that God loved me unconditionally despite my performance, which lifted such a burden off me because whether I failed, whether I lifted a finger or not, God is smiling at me and proud of me.
What obstacles did you overcome to get to where you are today?
My Christian journey has been rocky, to say the least, and it didn’t have to be. I was Catholic from a young age and gave my heart to Christ when I was nine years old. Unfortunately, I was molested by my great-uncle around age 5, which led to struggles in many areas of my life. Some obstacles I’ve overcome are fear, social anxiety, chronic health issues, trust issues, performance anxiety, insecurity, jealousy, faith issues, at times being angry with God and walking away from the right path, identity issues, struggles in my marriage, feeling alone, feeling less than because of my Mexican ancestry, feeling worthless and like a burden because I couldn’t make the money I wanted, feeling unloved, feeling hopeless, believing the lies of the enemy not loving myself, and I’m sure there were others. Unfortunately, I made those obstacles bigger than they needed to be and had multiple suicide attempts throughout the decades I was a Christian.
What inspired you to be who you are today, and why?
About 10 years ago, my husband found me unconscious on our living room floor because I tried to take my life. He rushed me to the ER, and they brought me back to life. It was a miracle because my husband was a soldier working until late at night, so I thought by the time he came home I’d be in my heavenly home. But he came back earlier than I expected because something told him to get home. I believe that was Holy Spirit speaking to him. After that, I was still trying to find my way but realized that the only way I’d be a more effective person would be to get closer to God. At this point, I was going through a really tough health season and I could barely function, but I listened to positive, Faith-filled preaching and found the message of Grace. I realized that the preaching I had been under
Because of the dramatic transformation God has done in me, I know other Christians can thrive, and not just survive or grip their teeth until we go to heaven! The Bible says that He paid the price, so we can have an abundant life (John. 10:10) and that’s what I want for The Church because the stronger we are, the more effective and impactful we can be to those who are really lost.
What are your current struggles and your future goals?
I still have not reached my potential. I still struggle with fear and discouragement at times. My future goals are to travel more, specifically visit at least every National Park in the United States. I would like to speak more, possibly in stadiums. God told me He needed to be a Billionaire. And another lady confirmed it and said it’d be to be an example to the Mexican community that being a wealthy Christian is possible. I’m not sure how He’s going to make that happen, but I’m looking forward to it.
Other than that, enjoy life and have fun!
What would you like to share as advice to the readers?
I didn’t have to go through all the pain I went through. I went through some tough times, but people can skip the challenges by having a growth plan, learning from other failures and successes, clinging close to God, and developing our spiritual ears. If I had known then what I know now, my life would’ve been so much smoother! So, learn from my mistakes and failures and others’. But my best advice is to home on your ability to listen to Holy Spirit. He is our secret weapon! And continue nurturing your relationship with God.