IF ANY OF MY NEW OR OLDER FRIENDS, want to know why I am so determined founding "The Courage & Strength Games," for mental health here is why.
Because if I can help even one single person who has had to walk in my shoes, then all my pain, all my suffering, will have been worth it.
Below is a small example of what I have had to endure. Special Note, my sharing of these very hurtful and painful experiences on social media, helps my healing greatly...thanks to all of you so much.
A Painful Filled Journey:
I have only shared a tiny bit of what I have had to experience (there is a whole other very dark and disturbing aspect of the metoo scandal, that people do not even know about,) that makes the Harvey Weinstein scandal look like a walk in the park. This involved the knowledge local law enforcement and political leaders in Los Angels area,
I am talking about very very powerful men in Hollywood that sexually & physically abused young boys, age 17 and up. Straight, bi-sexual and gay men of influence, that very easily could have you arrested and placed in Los Angeles County jail.
I know, because I LIVED THIS LIFE, am talking of such experiences, as my being forced to sleep on an old stained covered, smelly mattress on the floor of a closet.
I was forced to clean the home of where I was sleeping in the closet, have sex, or perform sexual acts on the home owner and for his friends, or I would be arrested.
I have been drugged forced to have sex and filmed, so that film could be sold to make people money.
I have experienced the worst of what man can offer. This one experience is only about 2 weeks of my abuse over years.
So, if in my communication with any of you has offended, or hurt you I am so very sorry. I AM TRYING NOT TO JUDGE YOU, SO PLEASE DON'T JUDGE ME TOO.