I am trusting you to catch me when I fail
Kishore Ramkrishna Shintre
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How do you actually know that you are going to fail? It sounds like you have created a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you are talking about school, then I would suggest talking to your teachers/professors, a guidance counselor, or someone else you respect and trust and ask them how you can get back on track. The important thing to keep in mind is that failing is ok - in fact, it's expected. How many times does a toddler try to walk and fail before he/she finally "gets it"? Do we consider that bad, or wrong? No, we just consider it part of the process.
And such it is with life, school, work, marriage - everything else. Failure is just something that happens to teach us about our capabilities, spur us on to greater effort, strengthen our resolve, give us more respect and empathy for others who struggle. People who say "failure is not an option" are just kidding themselves. There is no one on this planet who has never failed at least once! We are not defined by our failures, but by how we learn and grow from them to become stronger, wiser, more resilient and compassionate human beings.
Therefore, go forth, and fail as you will! Give yourself the freedom to do so. Change the way you view it. And stop beating yourself up about it. We're all just stumbling along through life, trying our best to get it right. No shame in making a few missteps along the way. You obviously know something has gone terribly wrong in your life. You want answers. Welcome to the party. You're looking at a guy who wants answers to. The truth is we all are working with limited information when it comes to our decision making.
And every time I've experienced failure all of these conditions are present. My ego is out of check and I'm lacking humility. I think I know everything. I take someone for granted. I'm constantly time traveling either to the past or to what the future holds. I fail to live and be in the moment. I'm resentful towards others. Finally, I'm being greedy. If the above variables are present then I know failure is certain.
Therefore what do I do when these variables are present. I reverse engineer the process. Keep my ego in check and stay humble. Remember that I know nothing. Be grateful for my loved ones. Do not time travel. Live in this very moment because it's the only moment that exists. Forgive and don't harbor resentment. Be generous and when possible give everything you can away.
It depends heavily on circumstances but you've got either two choices, first of all you back off and ruining perhaps the occasion for development and where you take your time to prepare yourself gain required knowledge, master required abilities or you just drop the idea/ particularly if failure is you must. Depending on the context and severity, see if there's actually a way to succeed after all; learn from your mistakes and use it as a step to improving yourself and your skills; pick yourself up and move on; change your career/relationship/whatever to something more suited to yourself and your abilities. Above all, know that failures do not define you but what you do about them does. Stay blessed! #kishoreshintre #possessedbywritingspirit #ks1000articles #proudtobeindian