I am still here and I am powered by Stardust.
I am still here and I am powered by Stardust.
I have failed many times and I have succeeded a few.?I have not tried on many occasions, I have woke up and smelled the coffee.?I am not “Woke” but I am “Awake”… enough on that.
I am still here.
I have friends who have made millions and I have friends that are not with us anymore.?Many reasons, too many to list; but I am grateful for every sunrise.
It took me a long time, a long long time to figure out, that my family, my friends, my enemies do not define me.?Neither do my co-workers or acquaintances.?I define who I am and I am still here.?I am powered by Stardust, so everyday is another day to do something great!
At a time when some would be looking to retire and others may be looking to give up, I am looking to keep moving forward, upward and onward.?At a time when some would choose to make excuses and others will step on and over others to get ahead, I am looking to help out as many people as possible and let seedtime and harvest take care of the rest.
I work 3 jobs, sometimes 4.?I am a part time international man of mystery… more on that later.?Not too long ago, I found myself working 4 jobs while recovering from one of the lowest points in my life; and I literally had a meltdown at all 4 jobs, not on the same day, but in a short span of time.?I found myself not able to laugh during a time when quality spills had us locked up tight at one job.?I found myself swarmed by people coming from everywhere at a second job. ?At a third job I found myself in the middle of two camps where I was trying to be the bridge.?And lastly I found myself being stabbed in the back in front of my face at a fourth job.?I had to stop and ask myself, is this it.?Will I let these things defeat me??Will I – No I am still here and I am made of Stardust.
Am I perfect, far from it.?I have made many mistakes which means I have learned many lessons.?But the most important lesson I have learned is my outlook controls my destiny.?So I choose to soak in the Sun, soak in the Stars, know that I am made of the same stuff that floats around the cosmos.?I am still here and I am made of Stardust.
Now I use patience to get my point across.?Now I find humor in every day.?Now I believe in the best for everyone who will allow me too.?If you want to go down the path of the hater, that is your world not mine.?What can I do to make things better??Can I give the best service of anyone you will encounter, not just today or this year, will you remember me years from now based on what I did to try my best, to give my best, to put my best foot forward.
It took going through my worst times to really get me to find out what I was made of.?It took me letting go of my ego to realize I should be treating people better than I would want to be treated.?It took my at my lowest to see how much more I could be doing to help others.?I am still here and I am made of Stardust.?You are still here and you are made of Stardust.?We just have to activate it.
?? Sue DaBaco, MBA??
President / CEO / Owner
1 年Excellent advice. We all control our own destiny. Thank you for sharing.