I am standing for those who have been wronged...
I have watched the evening news over the past couple of months, and I find myself sad. Sad because of choices people make. I worked for a company that promoted people that had open harassment claims against them. The minute the people in question got those promotions I honestly started preparing to leave the company. I now realize having left that I did the wrong thing. That by leaving I didn’t help the impacted people at all.
Harassment in any form is wrong. Wrong in EVERY form it takes. There are many forms. It is just wrong.
My leaving instead of standing up for the people in question was wrong as well. The reality of that situation is that I should have stayed and found against the promoted harassers. By leaving I removed a voice of opposition, and that was wrong.
That got me looking inward and realizing that I personally while never intending harm, have also harmed others. I have said or done things that made other people uncomfortable. From not seeing their discomfort to not understanding their position I was wrong. For that, I am truly sorry. I did not mean to offend anyone, but I know there are people I have offended. For that, I feel bad, and again very sorry.
To all the brave people who have come forward to report such things, I applaud you. You will not be forgotten, although I am very sorry that you have had to face this battle. There is little comfort in reporting the bad behavior of others. I hope there is some comfort in knowing that there are many of us are standing up to support you. That the actions taken by anyone, which lead to harassment in any form is just wrong. I would now stay and fight this battle if I were still in the organization with the issue. That is the right thing to do. To fight for those who wronged.
Stand up and be counted #standup4all