I am speaking in Vienna
I really wish I was traveling to Vienna Austria to speak at the SQL Saturday #1015 conference on 15 January 2021. It will officially be the last SQL Saturday under the PASS.ORG brand.
I urge my fellow American folk to register for this virtual conference. Do not to forget to change you clock. My time slot is 3 am Eastern Standard Time.
I am honored to give a lightning on "Don't lose your integrity". Of course, this quick 10 minute talk is centered on database integrity.
I will be covering various T-SQL techniques to enforce database integrity. A sample databases called AUTOS will be implemented two ways: one without integrity and one with integrity. The issues with the first design will be examined and corrected with the second design.
1 – Primary Keys.
2 – Foreign Keys.
3 – Unique constraints.
4 – Check constraints.
5 – Default constraints.
6 – Data type constraints.
7 – DML Triggers.
I hope to see you in my presentation in the near future.