I AM SHAWN (The New Shawn)

I AM SHAWN (The New Shawn)

Hi Y’Linha,

My father always said: “the most impactful situations are those that bring us a win, wrapped with a fistful of woes.” Everything that has happened in the past few weeks has been a perfect blend of both.

Words cannot explain how perplexed I was when I was called into the Situation Room to hear the news. Normally, the place called The Bridge – where the ship’s controls and leaders work from.

It was a stormy day the sky seemed to brew everything it could just to shield the sun. After lunch, I was directed to retire to my room to weather the storm. I stared at the endless horizon of waves. I cringed. We’ve witnessed a lot of storms before, but something about this one made my skin crawl. I stared out through my little cabin window, desperately waiting for something to happen. Not even knowing what I wanted to happen…but then, it did!

There was an urgent knock on the door followed by a clear bellow.

“Shawn Ibitolu! Report to the Bridge” The voice rang through the door, jolting me back from my reverie.

I probably didn’t mention it to you early, but it’s been a year since I was brought here on this ship. Later on, in my letters, I will describe my journey to this place.

Of all the times I spent on this ship, this was the 3rd time I would be summoned to the bridge. The first was the same day I got on the ship, the second being when I hacked the ship’s systems to send you the first letter, and this time…I had a clue. However, nothing prepared me for what came after.

Flanked by two armed men, I was matched into the situation room where there were well-dressed officials dressed in matching white uniforms. I scanned the room and nodded respectfully to everyone…no one responded in kind. To my far left, I saw three other men who look conspicuously out of place. Equally wearing white but in lab coats. Of all the people on the ship, these were the people I related with the most. My affinity for knowledge of chemistry, astronomy, and astrophysics gave me the opportunity to banter with the scientists for hours on end. And it was instrumental for me when I hacked the systems to get through to you. In this room, however, they all stuck out like sore thumbs.

“Nice of you to join us, Master Shawn!” the captain said, his word heavy with a Scandinavian accent.

Known to many as the Viking admiral, Ragnar Mills-Michaelson has an imposing figure but a gentle countenance. His thick grey beard folds all the way up to connect to his mustache, and I often loved the way his mouth moved when he spoke.

“You must be wondering why you were summoned,” he started, “You sent a letter, now you’ve gotten a response…and in turn…” he paused for effect, every ticking second felt like a hot dagger to my chest. “…you may have doomed us all”

At that moment one of the men in lab coats jumped forward, brandishing a tablet: “A message came in for you from outer space. We pinpointed the direction it came from, seems it’s from Andromeda galaxy” he said.

I reached for the tablet and saw different symbols dancing on the screen. At that moment, silence fell. What followed was an urgent beep from a corner of the room.

In the twinkle of an eye, there was a loud bang on the starboard side of the ship. Looking in that direction, fire erupted and I noticed bodies fly overboard. The beep that once filled the room was transformed into a deafening alarm.

“CODE RED! CODE RED!” The captain yelled.

What was once a gentle, somber, well-arranged room quickly degenerated into a frenzy. The white-uniformed men darted around the room, from one station to another. One of the men ran to the radio and shouted commands to other people across the vessel.

Suddenly, I felt a gentle hand pull me by my right arm. I looked up and staring back at me was the most unlikely face I hadn’t seen in months – Milla.

“We need to get you outta here!” She barked.

She had slipped into the bridge amidst the commotion. Her ponytail danced behind her as we dashed through the aisles, making for the rear of the ship.

“They found you! That’s how I’m here. If they can find you, everyone else can” she said.

“When did you get here?” I inquired.

“I hitched a ride on the sub currently attacking you” Milla responded. Her gaze remained pressed on the direction we were headed.

All this time, I haven’t still gotten a peak at the message you sent to me. Apart from the mixed feelings that came with seeing Milla again, seeing your letter weighed heavier in my mind. As I contemplated, I felt a chill draft hit my face. Ahead, the sight of 5 lifeboats hung at a 45-degree angle because larger, and in a few minutes, Milla and I were making our way into one of them.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

“Somewhere not here!” Milla shot back.

“Will I be able to send more letters where we are going?” I grumbled, but Milla offered no answers. She fell silent throughout the entire process of lowering the ramp. Suddenly, the ship began to tremble, and we were pushed by an explosion from below us.

We quickly rode the ramp of the ship and made a splash in the sea. The ship’s movement was already normal for me, but the way the boat wobbled and danced on the water felt new all over again. I struggled to gain my balance.

With the big ship behind us, burning, smoking, and explosions ripping it apart, Milla turned to me, eyes seemingly penetrating into my soul. She didn’t flinch, and neither did she smile.

“If you didn’t notice, son…death follows you everywhere”, her words felt like a dagger to my chest, but she didn’t turn away still…she wasn’t done.

“Journey has been nothing but death, destruction, and woes of different shades. But for reasons best known to the universe, you keep getting out unscathed. And instead of you laying low and live…you often choose actions that bring you ever closer…to death” she continued, her voice stern and unyielding, “And even though you often escape it…those around you do not. Look around you, Shawn!” Milla pointed to the burning ship behind us, “That is on you!” At that moment, she looked away and grabbed her backpack to retrieve a tablet.

Tears welled in my ears. Confusion and pain seemed to hang in the air as the heat from the burning ship diluted the cold breeze of the ocean. Milla turned back to me and passed the tablet. She offered no word of encouragement…no word at all.

As I peered at the message on the screen, I heard the ship explode, and the shockwave rocked our boat. But as for me, the message was all that mattered.

Milla and I rowed to a remote island 3 days away from our last location. According to her, that was the last and final hiding spot, and it was from there I sent this letter.

Please do not be bothered about the calamity our conversation is bringing to those around us. I have reached out to Milla and we have found a way to mask our location every time our messages are exchanged.

Also, everything is here on this island: weapons, people, and yes…technology. It is a lot, but not enough. If you can…please send help!



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