I am pretty nervous writing this today...

I am pretty nervous writing this today...

And I have been postponing this message for way too long. Finding excuses to why not bring it to the world today. As I was doubting myself, my message, and – to be honest- also my reputation.

But I feel with every fiber of my being that it’s important to get this out there.

Because I need to walk my talk. I need to accept ME for who I am. Without being afraid of what people think of me. And have confidence that this message will find the right eyes.

So many people know me as a go-getter, an action taker. I have always seen working hard as a badge of honor. It gave me respect, admiration, worth, validation, and a sense of control. I truly believed the harder I worked the more success I would have.

The women in my female lineage have all been high-achievers. They have all been entrepreneurs, and most of them were breadwinners too. With all the pressure and responsibilities they felt, they craved a sense of safety and control, and that was what hard work was giving them. So you could say being a mover and shaker runs in my veins.

We live in a society where ambition is praised and stimulated. Where ‘leaning in’ is a virtue. And success is measured by how many figures you hit (In money, clients, heck… even on the scale). We set goals to get to those figures. And feel not good enough when we fail to reach them.

We are “on” 24/7 and don’t know how to surf the void. The downtime. The silence before the storm.

We don’t dare to lean back, be still, and take a pause. As stagnation means decline.

This was me and still is me in a way. But not completely anymore.

As I have been on an inner journey.

This journey actually started about 25 years ago. I just moved out of the house to go to university. I was a ballroom dancer too, doing huge international competitions. I was training for about 20 hours per week, while working hard to get a degree in international business.

And while I was so busy, I got a kind of wake-up call, triggered by some injuries. This led me to an intuitive development group, where I learned about intuition, spirituality, and even mediumship. And that opened the floodgates, so to say. But being young, and with my studies, dancing, and boyfriends, I closed that door again for a couple of years.

Anyway, fast forward. The invitation to work with my highly developed intuition and mediumistic gifts has been sent out to me several times. And I politely declined. As I didn’t want to be woo-woo, spiri-wiri, vague… And any other negative label you could think of.

Until recently, not only gently encouraged by the unseen world, but also more firmly pushed by my close friends, I got a huge aha moment. Or maybe awakening even.

I realized I have been living my life in a very masculine way. I know how to lean in, give, push through, and use the right side of my brain. But I ignored my feminine side. My receiving part, the leaning back, and the part that contains my intuitive gifts.

And I realized that I had the expectation that if I would bring my spiritual side to the world, I had to do that in a strict (maybe even masculine) way. Hence, I studied for a while with teachers from a UK “Harry Potter” school. But therefore, I never felt good enough, and never ME.

Furthermore, I realized that being so intuitive, and being able to see through layers right through to the soul of a person, and connect with the spirit world, is also second nature. In my client sessions, I do use it without labeling it or mentioning it.

And I saw this as so normal, as something everyone is doing. And I was, and still am, refuse to say these gifts make me more special and create a certain way of spiritual narcissism or spiritual bypassing.

But not acknowledging this part of me, pushing it away, and keeping that door closed, because it’s intangible and easily misunderstood, is also preventing me from being whole and complete.

And I truly want us women to be whole and complete. By harmonizing our masculine ‘leaning in’ side, and our feminine ‘leaning back’ side.

And thus I need to walk my talk.

So here I am. Acknowledging my feminine side in public. Embracing my spirituality openly now, and welcoming this new era in my life.

What it will mean to me and my business? I am leaning back now and I don’t know yet. I let it unfold and I trust there will be some exciting additions to what I am doing already.

All I know is that I am finally ready.

Gewoon ELLEN- Ellen Roderkerken

Levens(vragen) coach | heks op bergschoenen | mindsetter, alchemist | auteur

2 年

Wat een mooie en inspirerende stap! En welkom bij 'de club'. Had ik het toch goed 'gezien'.

Floortje G.

Purchase Support Employee (B&PL) & Vertrouwenspersoon

2 年

Wat een krachtig stuk Nikolien! Heel mooi hoe je dit naar buiten brengt. ??

Barbara van Stein ?

Verbeeldend Kunstenaar?Motivator om jouw Eigen Wijsheid zichtbaar en voelbaar te maken?Oprichter Hee jij, vrouw! ?Helende Kunst?Creator en Uitgever ImaginatieKaarten?SoulCollage Facilitator?Nieuwe Wereld Ondernemer

2 年



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