I am not perfect and it's okay!
Heck, i did try to put up perfect appearance couple of times. I have had people tell me that i won't understand their situation because i seem to have everything working out for me.
Handsome and supportive husband??
Amazing kids??
A 9-5 job??
Business that i run?? etc.
I always laugh when i hear that.
I gratefully offer a silent prayer of thanksgiving to God for all the blessings they just mentioned.
What people don't see is the struggles i go through every morning. The internal battle i fight daily.
They don't see the tears i shed when leads fail to pull through.
They don't see the anxiety and fear of rejection i face daily before i head out for presentation.
They don't see the morning cry and daily positive affirmations i do every morning before i leave the house.
We all have a story to tell but you can choose to tell the story of how you want to be or who you used to be.
You can choose to declare your future or be stuck in your past
You can choose be strong and face your fears everyday or let them overwhelm you
I am not perfect and i don't intend to be
I am a work in progress and that means the maker will keep spending time with me, moulding me and making me freaking awesome!
I love who i am now but i am excited about who i am becoming.
Don't strive to be perfect, strive to be you and that's Okay!
To an improved you!