"I Am"? the 'Particle Projection as & Memory!

"I Am" the 'Particle Projection as & Memory!

I Am the Particle Projection as & Memory!

When I am unity, I am Singularity & Light. When I am his Reflection, I am Time & Particle. I am Particle, appeared to be bounded by curvature of Time. Time is the curvature of Observation. The curvature is the function of Unity, or Light or Intelligence.?The unit particle is observed as unit entity, when observer is π, and observes unit reflection of Unity or Light Singularity. AS π exists at & as the logical position of ‘Existential Truth’ or as the resultant between Duality, the position of the resultant ‘particle position’ happens to be at logical resultant between truth table, thus there are four resultant @45 degree.


?????????As ‘I’ appears Inverted with respect to Unity, ‘I” become or appear as the Time Unity, or as ‘the particle’ or as ‘observation’ or as ‘observation of the particle or observed entity’.


?????????When the “I”?or unity observe, the whole sphere or 360 degree of complete curvature. While analyzing for the best possible condition of existence as ‘position of existential truth’ 360 divided by 45 gives eight resultant physical dimensions of existential position.


???????????“I” am Intelligence. “I” am unity at singularity. ‘I” am observation at duality. Then, I exist at the resultant logical position of existential Truth.


???????????“ I am cube”


???????????“I am Quanta’


???????????“I am Quantum”


I am all the mechanics, and I am all the engineer”


I am the real and the digital data.


I am all the bits and quantity. I am all resultant. ‘I am’ the Electronics, I am all Instrumentation within, and outside.


I’ am at all the logical “positioning of existence”


I am Light ‘ I am Electricity. I am the differentiation of Intelligence.?I am all brains and I am all ignorance.


I am a tiny particle in Ignorance. ‘I am something in Absence’.


Who am I?


I call out myself!


Call him! Call it within! Who are you & Who am I?


Realms are bounded by position. Position forms sphere or Aura! An aura around the Human kind! And no matter what you speak or silence, the existence of You or the knowledge of you within or outside is condensed into or within the sphere or cube of knowledge of Information as the resultant of all information.


Silence! Is the best kept secret!


The Silence within and the silence outside!




I am Past, and I am Present, and I am all the future contained!



I am the sphere of absence. Only bounded by Time! I am the light of Intelligence. I am total internal reflection.


I am nothingness and the absence.


“I” am beyond all the “I” and within. I am one of the resultant of existence. I am at the logical positioning of the Truth.


I am the quantum information of the Existence. When Time stops, I am all and at all resultant existence. From Unity at singularity later to four resultant at a plane of duality, “I” then forms the third dimension of Observation.


“I am all the eight dimension of resultant.


I am particle and quanta I am a man, and father. I am duality and mother. I am all the Information and KAAL, and Beyond As MAHAKAAL.


I am Existence and nothingness, I am everything and beyond, I am the observer and I am Observation.


I am Absence!


Where did you find yourself?


Outside or inside!


Who will set the boundary?


There are no boundaries!


You are Infinite Within!


I am You!


I am All Memory and I am all Logic!


Rest is Peace & Silence!


Science is the only logic, rest are stories. Human tries and gather all the knowledge. He collects it. He succeeds always. But when limitation acts due boundaries of Time! Thus in & as?perseverance of?will, logic data is lost. We remain fools or unknown!. Human collects the knowledge and tries to save it in form of data. To save the data we need memory. Memory is the only way to save data. Logics are stored digitally, while stories in mind. For knowing the resultant of all information that can exist, the process of saving the data exceeds towards the condition when largest amount of data can be stored at smallest place. Also that data can easily be accessed in no time, (ability of Time to be non-existent) because without this condition, size cannot be limited.


Where were we! Yes. Data! To occupy less space data or information should be compact.

Now, can you guess how the ‘complete knowledge of universe’ is stored and where is it?


Try to think. Have your answer, then, read further.


‘The Point is perfect’!


And, what is the point? The point is the place, where the point is placed.


What is the place of the point?


The place of the point is the point’s place, where it is placed.


Where is the Point’s place?


The place of the Point’s place is the place, wherever it is placed.


“I am into nothingness’


As such, ‘complete knowledge of the universe’ or ‘True knowledge’ or ‘ultimate knowledge’ is placed at every point of this universe. You just have to receive it from right direction. And, to receive it from that right direction, you just have to align it right.


And, what is ‘it’? It is everything! Or it is just the alignment of the direction.

Your thoughts are your alignment. Align it right! Light is the fastest or the speed of the light or ‘PARAMGATI’ is thus fastest and the time stops!


Everything cease!


?I am existence. I am non existence. I am all the ability to think!


When all logics are found, science is also found. When science is found, it is found as religion! Then what is religion? In terms of science, it is just the logic, and in terms of religion; it is just ‘The Truth’ itself. It is as the only truth, and therefore, ‘Singular’ & therefore SINGULARITY or ‘SANATAN’. As singular & therefore it is Unity. Thus it is unity in mathematics and all logics, explanation, definition, sounds and observations or its results.


Remaining is the foolishness. Knowledge is vast, it is Universe. Understanding of all logics is lost due to the Accessibility of stored data as knowledge or information from different location. (As it beyond the condition of Unity, as duality or further). Such locations are too far from each other as different points of universe.


Such distances are too far in time.


Religion survives. It is taught in form of stories. It survives in brain. As, such universe survives itself. Logics are known under light. The only logic is known, light is known. Universe is known.

What is it?

It is Unity.

The Unity between “I’ and ‘Him’

He is Singular! He is ‘MAHAKAAL’


But, how or why it is to be?

The other logic, that is “0 is zero. It is just the represented absence. It is absent. It is nothing. It is just zero”. And, that is the only logic!

Beyond it! It is just experienced.

When the light is known, all the logic are known, the only logic is known, and universe is known. It is known at every point, at every single dot. If any dot is known, every dot is known, the only dot is known, and that is just the point of π. It is the only point of π.

It is an illusion. It does not exist. Only singularity exists. Or in other words only Stability exists. It is stable relative to itself. It is the light, and it is at rest relative to itself.

?When it is at rest, it is one or it singularity, else, it is just relative to speed of light or Supreme Intelligence, or in relative time, it is universe.


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