I am my First Love?? Chapter 2: The Shesha

I am my First Love?? Chapter 2: The Shesha

I am my First Love??

Chapter 2: The Shesha


Venkat Subramanian ? September 2024

I turned towards the sound of roots being twisted. What I saw was something supernatural. The whole trunk of the only and giant banyan tree was getting adjusted into a different pose and it spoke.

"Those furniture fellows will come in 3 days to cut me. And I will be chopped into pieces for your great furniture to adorn your homes", remarked the banyan tree. "And only you can save me now."

I was perplexed. How can I, a simpleton save a huge tree from being axed? However, the tree seemed to read my mind. It went on, "It's simple Trivikram. You have to get my roots and place this magical stone in there. No sharp thing or even a storm can uproot me. I have been standing here for 1000s of years. I need your help." Saying the tree now resumed a stationery position.

"Where is the stone?" I asked. I asked because I really wanted to save that tree. Cutting that tree will really render the park lifeless. Already corporation is cutting many trees in the name of urbanisation.

"It is simple," quoth the tree. "You have walk inside my trunk and get into the realm of nature. You have to travel in that realm and by the falls of Vaikuntam, you will find that stone. It's called Shesha Brukut. Once you find it, you have to come back and deep in the ground as I guide you and place the stone Shesha Brukut in one of my roots. Then, your job is done. This whole business will take you some divine hours. I will be invincible by the time those people come! Are you ready?"

End of Chapter 2

If you missed reading first chapter, here is the link to read to get a better hold of the story: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/i-am-my-first-love-venkat-subramanian-1xkxc/?trackingId=4UrbOwpgSnaRXgfMrK%2BJAg%3D%3D


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