I am on a mission! Want to join me???
I want to share with you something that only my closest circle of friends know, and I want to share it because it’s important to educate society about the importance of helping those in need.
I moved to the USA in 1993, with a tourist plane ticket, and upon my arrival in Miami, I threw away the return ticket. It was then when my journey as an undocumented immigrant started. I must say my nine years under this legal status weren't the easiest ones. Many days I had no food, nowhere to sleep, and no means to get housing, transportation... It was hard, really hard. Immigrants had no rights back in those days, so if you were in an abusive relationship or working for a rude manager, you pretty much had to suck it up. I developed a tough skin and the understanding that if I wanted to get somewhere in life, I was going to have to work hard at it. Despite my difficult financial situation, I always chose the right side of life; I stayed out of drugs and prostitution, I worked as a waitress, a model, translation services in tradeshows and as a vet tech from 6 am. to 11 pm, all of this, making $5 per hour. I barely slept.
These years allowed me to see the enormous capacity of resiliency that humans have, how incredibly hard is the life of immigrants, and at the same time how fortunate I felt to live in a country where hard work and tenacity get rewarded. Becoming acquainted with MissionSAFE, brought memories of those nine years of my experience. I thought about how my life would have been if I wouldn't have chosen the right path of life, I most likely wouldn't be here writing this article. The choices we make in our teen years could impact the outcome of our future, our health, our chances to live an abundantly healthy life, and the possibility to look back with no regrets.
In 1994, Sister Anne Carrabino, S.S.S., and Nikki Flionis realized the aftermath of the Charles Stewart murder of 1989 in Mission Hill, MA. The Mission Hill development had a reputation for gang violence and drug trade, and families feared retribution for organizing or seeking out positive activities.
After conducting outreach to the community, Carrabino and Flionis founded MissionSAFE for teens living in the development who had "stalled" in life because of the trauma associated with the chronic stress of living in poverty and violence. The program focused on educational assistance and violence prevention strategies.
MissionSAFE is an out-of-school-time, a social-emotional development program for Boston's highest-risk young people, focused on violence prevention through personal growth and development, job readiness training, and academic enrichment. They are a Suffolk County District Attorney's Office (SCDAO) diversion site for its Juvenile Alternative Resolution (JAR) program and work with roughly 300 young people annually who are affected by Chronic Complex Trauma (CCT) caused by environments in which they live and issues they have faced while growing up. They work intensively with 150 enrolled youth, while the other 150 youth they engage with through street outreach and support of their alums who are in stressful situations. These youth are out of school, not working, are often involved in violent and/or illegal activity, and demonstrate problematic behaviors. Their mission is to work with these young people to gain the skills, joy, and confidence to thrive, not just survive, and become agents in improving their community. They accomplish this through the following programs:
1. Futures: A year-round program that works with 85+ youth, ages 16-24, focused on job readiness, tutoring/alternative education, and providing practical tools and guidance to reduce violence while building deep relationships and trust.
2. Youth Leadership Service Corps (YLSC): Provides out-of-school-time programming for 75+ youth, ages 14-18, including personal growth, leadership, academic improvement, workforce readiness, financial literacy, and life skills training, alongside year-round horizon-broadening activities and a summer internship program.
3. Explorers Academy (EA): Works with approximately 30+ youth during the school year, ages 11-13, to help them learn teamwork, improve academic skills, and work on personal growth while having fun, building healthy mentor relationships, improving nutrition and fitness, doing community service and exploring the world around them.
How is MissionSAFE, determined to make a change?
Point 1- MissionSAFE's Futures Program
Through MissionSAFE's Futures Program, they work with young people ages 16-24 who have been engaged in violence, are in trouble with the law, are neither in school nor working, and are impacted by CCT. Nearly one-third of the youth they work with have experienced homelessness, while jobs, higher education, and careers are often beyond their reach. Additionally, close to a third of our young people this year speak English as a second language. Without intervention, they are at high risk of dropping out of school, court involvement, jail time, and continued rivalries and violence. Their program provides these young people with a safe place to go and optimal conditions for positive relational development in the context of the whole person. They currently have a pipeline of 85+ young people in our Futures program.
Point 2-Their Futures staff carries out a research-based, experiential methodology focused on five components.
With continual Outreach, they keep youth actively engaged, build deep relationships and trust, and provide practical tools and guidance to help reduce or mediate violence and create a positive life trajectory
Point 3 – Navigation
They help youth navigate issues, including arguments, violence, court cases, homelessness, and job readiness, by training them, offering financial literacy, and life skills while earning a stipend. Once they develop these skills, participants are placed in internships with local employers
Point 4- Core Values/Personal Growth
MissionSAFE works with youth to develop decision-making and anger management skills, healthy eating/living habits, and domestic relationship skills; improve communication, planning, and leadership; and develop the tools for healthy ongoing growth and learning.
Point 5 - Tutoring/Alternative Education:
Strengthen youths' learning and supporting them in working towards a GED/high school diploma.
MissionSAFE staff takes a long-term approach to work with targeted youth. It can take some time for them to feel comfortable enough just to attend the first activity. Measurable outcomes for this program are sparked by changes in brain patterns yielding behaviors that take time to eventuate, which is why we make at least a three-year commitment to each participant. However, within the first 12 months, they expect participants will have accomplished the following:
Reduction in violent and/or inappropriate behaviors, as measured by staff observation, school and home visits/reports, and number of violent incidents to which staff responds
Some positive engagement with the community, as measured by the number of community service projects successfully completed, and community activities engaged in
Improvement in leadership, communication, problem-solving, and pro-social skills, as determined by staff observation and youth self-evaluation
Improved attendance and engagement at program and school, as measured by attendance logs, staff documentation, and school progress reports and visits
Evidence of ability to make healthy choices, measured by staff observation, and school/home visits/reports
I am proud to say that I have joined the MissionSAFE board of advisors, and through my support, I hope to make a little impact on the choices that hundreds of children and young adolescents will make in the city of Boston.
If you want to support MissionSAFE and impact the lives of hundreds of teens, please contact Joseph Richardson, Director of Development.
Follow them on Twitter and Instagram
Hoy quiero compartir con vosotros algo que sólo mi círculo más cercano de amigos sabe, y quiero hacerlo porque creo que es importante brindar ayuda a aquellos que la necesitan.
Llegué a Estados Unidos en el a?o 1993, con un pasaje de turista y en cuanto aterricé en Miami tiré a la basura mi billete de regreso. Fue ahí cuando comenzó mi aventura como inmigrante indocumentada. He de decir que 9 a?os en este estatus ilegal no fueron precisamente fáciles. Muchas veces no tuve que comer o donde dormir, no tuve un techo o cómo movilizarme. Fue realmente difícil. En aquellos a?os, los inmigrantes no tenían derechos, así que si estabas en una relación de abuso o trabajabas para alguien abusivo tenías prácticamente que resignarte y aceptarlo.
Desarrollé una dura “piel” y la capacidad de entender que si quería llegar a algo en la vida iba a tener que trabajar duro. A pesar de mi situación económica, siempre elegí el lado correcto de la vida. Jamás tomé drogas ni me prostituí. En cambio, trabajé como camarera, modelo, traduciendo en convenciones y como técnico veterinario de 6 am a 11 pm, ganando $5 la hora. Prácticamente no dormía.
Estos a?os me permitieron ver la inmensa capacidad de resistencia de los humanos, qué injusta y difícil era la vida de los inmigrantes y a la vez lo qué afortunada era por estar en este país, donde si trabajas duro y te esfuerzas puedes conseguir todo aquello que te propongas
Al conocer a MissionSAFE, recordé esos 9 a?os de mi vida, pensé en cómo podría haber sido mi vida si no hubiese elegido el lado correcto de la vida… Posiblemente no estaría aquí, escribiendo este artículo. Las decisiones que tomamos en nuestra adolescencia pueden tener un efecto devastador en la calidad de nuestro porvenir, nuestra salud y la posibilidad de tener una vida plena y sana, así como de mirar hacia atrás sin arrepentimientos.
En el a?o 1994, la hermana Anne Carrabino y Nikki Flionis pudieron evaluar el efecto devastador del asesinato de Charles Stewart en Mission Hill, Massachusetts. El desarrollo de Mission Hill tenía una reputación de violencia, pandillas y represalias contra todos aquellos que quisieran implementar cambios positivos.
Tras contactar con la comunidad, Carrabino y Flionis fundaron MissionSAFE para todos los adolescentes que sufrían el trauma asociado al estrés crónico y propio de vivir en zonas de violencia y pobreza. El programa se enfocó en asistencia en formación y técnicas de prevención de violencia.
MissionSAFE es un programa extraescolar de desarrollo socio-emocional que se enfoca en jóvenes de Boston. Dicho programa ayuda a prevenir episodios de violencia, a través del crecimiento y desarrollo emocional, aptitud para el trabajo, formación y desarrollo académico. Están localizados en el condado de Suffolk y trabajan anualmente con unos 300 adolescentes afectados por el Síndrome Crónico de Trauma, el cual es causado por las condiciones del círculo social al cual han estado expuestos desde ni?os. Trabajan con adolescentes que no reciben educación, que no tienen trabajo y que frecuentemente son parte de pandillas y de actividad ilegal. La misión de este programa es la de ayudarles a desarrollar habilidades y confianza en sí mismos para no solo sobrevivir sino tener éxito.
?Cuál es el enfoque de MissionSAFE para lograr cambios?
Punto 1 – Programa Futuros de MissionSAFE.
A través de este programa, MissionSAFE trabaja con jóvenes con edades comprendidas entre 16 y 24 a?os que han estado envueltos en episodios de violencia y otros problemas legales y no se encuentran trabajando ni estudiando actualmente. La mayoría de estos jóvenes se encuentran viviendo en la calle, y les es imposible acceder a trabajos o educación. Un tercio de esta población habla inglés como segunda lengua. Sin nuestra intervención se encuentran en alto riesgo de no terminar sus estudios y de involucrarse en crimen y violencia. Este programa aporta a estos jóvenes no sólo un lugar seguro donde desarrollar relaciones óptimas y maduras que les ense?en a crecer emocionalmente. Actualmente hay más de 85 jóvenes en el programa Futuros.
Punto 2 – El equipo del programa Futuros ejecuta una investigación y metodología experimental enfocada en cinco componentes.
El equipo mantiene a los jóvenes constantemente interesados y conectados, desarrollando relaciones duraderas y de confianza, para así reducir violencia y crear una trayectoria de vida positiva y sana.
Punto 3 – Resolución de Conflicto.
El programa ayuda a los jóvenes a desarrollar habilidades de resolución de conflicto, argumentos, violencia, problemas jurídicos, indigencia, y preparación para el ámbito laboral mediante entrenamiento y material de estudio. Una vez que desarrollan estas habilidades, los participantes son colocados en prácticas con empresas locales.
Punto 4 – Integridad y Crecimiento Personal
MissionSAFE trabaja con los jóvenes para desarrollar habilidades tomando decisiones, controlando su temperamento, haciendo elecciones de vida sana, facilidad de comunicación, planificación y liderazgo y en general las aptitudes necesarias para conseguir una vida sana y exitosa.
Punto 5 – Soporte de Tutores y Educación Alternativa.
Uno de los objetivos principales del programa es el conseguir que todos los adolescentes consigan matricularse en la escuela y consigan un diploma de educación secundaria.
Me llena de orgullo decir que soy parte del comité de asesores de MissionSAFE, participar en un proyecto tan humano me llena de satisfacción y espero poder colaborar en la mejora de vida de cientos de adolescentes en la ciudad de Boston.
Si quieres apoyar al programa de MissionSAFE y hacer un impacto en la vida de cientos de adolescentes, por favor contacta con Joseph Richardson, Director de Desarrollo.
Sígueles en Twitter y en Instagram
Executive Director @ MissionSAFE/Harvard Kennedy School MPA/ Stonecoast Writing Program, MFA
5 年Thank you, Pilar!