I am looking for a loan shark in the Bedford area, I am really desperate, could anybody help me?

I am looking for a loan shark in the Bedford area, I am really desperate, could anybody help me?

ANSWER: For Credit and finance solutions I visit this site where you can find all the solutions. INSURANCEANDFINANCETIPS.INFO


How do I bring my student loans out of default ASAP?

I have a Federal student loan in default from Sallie Mae also a private education loan. I screwed up big time when I was younger. Anyway, I am going back to school fall 2009 and I need to get it out of default ASAP. I have saved $1,000 to pay a co-signer for my upcoming student loans....the only drama is is my default....Please help....and tips is greatly appreciated."

What is the best prepaid money card?

i am considering using one since i can't open a bank account

Is it worth it to get a BestBuy Credit Card?

they have 5% back in rewards Get points every time you use your My Best Buy credit card at Best Buy or BestBuy.com. 5 Percent Back Get 2.5 points for every $1 spent (that's 5% back) on all Best Buy purchases with the card using standard credit financingGet a $5 reward certificate for every 250 pointsEnjoy exclusive discounts and events

Whate are some good websites similar to Bankrate.com?

I like bankrate.com but would like to find other leading online aggregators of financial rate information.

Can a bank approve a loan without pay stub?

I am going to buy a house, i would like to ask can a bank approve a loan without pay stub?"

Is 702 a good credit score ?

Is 702 a good credit score ?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

"A 610 credit score. Good, decent, average or bad?"

A 610 credit score. Good, decent, average or bad?"

Question about the H&R Block Emerald Advance?

I usually get my taxes done at H&R Block and I have an emergency that I need money for. I usually get around 3 thousand back. How much can I get and what do I need to do to qualify for the Emerald Cash Advance???

I just file bankruptcy not long ago and just wondering if its harder to get a home loan?

I had file chapt. 7 and had business related debts.

"I live in so-cal, i wanna get a loan to buy a house (stated income), whats the lowest down payment possible?"

Say on a 350-400k house. All these real estate agents refer me to different loan officers who area all telling me different things... some say i can put 0 down, and others say its a new law"

Where can i get a payday loan without a job?

where can i get a playday loan with no job? (Canada)

How would I know if I qualify for a 0% auto loan?

What score would I need on my credit report? And why do I see some answers stating that 0% financing might not be worth it? Thanks!!

Does anyone have examples of filed bankruptcy papers for chapter 13 pro se?

Does anyone have examples of filed bankruptcy papers for chapter 13 pro se?

I want a site for free mp3 downloads(not use credit card)?

i want a site not programs like kazaa ana ares ana...

How to get approved for a Mortgage after Bankruptcy?

Unfortunately I had to declare bankruptcy in 2007. I do have an over due bill but, I plan on paying that next month. I have no credit cards & pay in cash all the time. So, as of Next year 2012. I would have worked at my job for over 1+ years. In 2012, It will be 5 years since my Bankruptcy. At that point, I would have rented an apartment for 2+ years. I paid every single rent, phone bill payment on time with money saved up in the bank. No money owed. My question is what that understanding, how would I go about getting approved for a mortgage to purchase a house? I realize, I have to get that one bill paid off in full. But are there any other steps I can take to help me?"

How much credit do you get from financing a car?

I bought a car feb 2008 and haven't made any late payments or anything. I also have made double payments at times. I was wondering how much credit ill get. The payments were for 36 months. I own a little over a thousand. I also have a credit card and am very respondsible with it so how do I know how many points you get per each.

I am a cosigner on my car loan and I am trying to transfer the debt to my name. Would that affect our credit?

I am a cosigner on my car loan and I am trying to transfer the debt to my name. Would that affect our credit?

Is freecreditreport.com a reputable website? I'm afraid to enter my personal info. Thanks in advance!?

Is freecreditreport.com a reputable website? I'm afraid to enter my personal info. Thanks in advance!?

Credit score of 784 is it good?

What does the score do for you?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Please someone tell me a way to get out of the payday loan crunch when payday loans eat up a big part of my?

I have been in the payday loan crunch for several years now and trying to get out of the trap,need tip on what kind of a loan i can get to totally get rid of this payday disease,it seems to consume my check and then some,I already work full time and considering getting a 2nd job to stop this trap that won't let me go..PLEASE Help .Thank You"

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Where can i get an installment loan?

my credit isnt good enough to go to the bank and get a loan. i need to get a 1500 dollar loan that i can pay back over the next 2 or 3 months i know the lenders are out there but i cant find them all i can find are the sites that MATCH you with lenders, and they all find credit cards and payday loans....... any ideas here people. i know im not the only one who has had financial probs. and needed help thanks for the help ( if you do help )"

Can my wife file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy if I filed prior to us getting married?

I filed for chapter 7 bankruptcy over a year ago. I know that once you file, you can't for another 7 years I believe. Well, I just recently got married and my wife wanted to know if she could file on her debt or if we'd have to wait another 6 years before doing it since we are now married?"

I am looking for a loan shark in the Bedford area, I am really desperate, could anybody help me?

ANSWER: For Credit and finance solutions I visit this site where you can find all the solutions. INSURANCEANDFINANCETIPS.INFO

What would be the best way to collect money from bankruptcy debtor? Letter of Credit or Certificate of Deposit

What would be the best way to collect money from bankruptcy debtor? Letter of Credit or Certificate of Deposit

Question about bankruptcy.............?

My father is possibly filing for bankruptcy. I have some parent plus loans that are in his name. I am still in college working on finishing my bachelors. My question: I currently pay monthly payments for the parent plus loans, but if he files for bankruptcy what will happen? Will they come after me for the money given that its in his name or does the loan get incorporated into his bankruptcy filing? Thanks"

I need an auto loan for 2000 dollars but i have bad credit?

I have a job and can pay back the money in less time than i need to but i need a car with in the next week

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Free credit report online?

some sites for free credit report ask for a credit card number but i do not have a credit card and can not get a online report of my credit report does anybody have a solution.

What does 90% financing mean?

Hi. Ive been looking through real estate agency sites in the hopes of finding an apartment to buy. In one site

If the credit bureaus update your bankruptcy will that lower your credit score?

If the credit bureaus update your bankruptcy will that lower your credit score?

Repayment of LIC home loan from a different branch in country?

Hi all, I have taken a home loan from LIC HFL-Bangalore in Rajaji branch.I have a ECS clearnce option for my EMI.However,I have now relocated to Visakhapatnam from Bangalore .I want to know if I can repay some part of my home loan from any branch in Visakhapatnam or I have to do it only from Bangalore branch. Thanks Ram"

How long does it take to get through debt consolidation?

My boyfriend said we can try for a baby after he goes through debt consolidation. He has $30k in credit card debt and a $75k house he is putting in consolidation. His credit card payments are $500 each. When could he expect to have the card companies paid off after finding his lender for the loan?

What are the Pros & Cons to filing bankruptcy?

What are the Pros & Cons to filing bankruptcy?

Is there any goverment credit report websites?

is there any Gov web sites where i can view my credit score?

Remove Bad Credit?

I had excellent credit before I forgot I had a bill from another state. I moved back to Texas and didn't realize that my home alarm bill didn't transfer. It was reported to a collection agency. It has hurt my credit. If I paid that in full, would it be deleted from my credit report? Or will I always have this bad news on my credit history? I want my good credit score back! What's my best option?"

Why file bankruptcy?

As I understand it when you file Ch 13 you have to pay back all of your debt... that being the case why file at all if you have to come up with the money to pay it all anyway? Does the debt get lowered at all? Late fees or interest taken off?

Is there a website for a free credit check that doesn't require a credit card or debit card?

im am trying to check my credit score but every site i go to says that u have to have a credit card or debit card for a one dollar charge and a like twenty four dollar membership and i dont want that i just want to check it one time

How do I improve my credit after joining a Credit Counseling Agency?

I have a lot of debt and thought best to join a credit counseling agency for help. Now my credit has dropped 200 points and I want to buy a house. What do I do to improve my credit? Will I be able to get a loan for a house?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Whats the catch to refinancing a auto loan?

I've been thinking a bout refinancing my auto loan. But whats the catch. I've got a 16.59% auto loan . I've made my payments on time for the last 2 year on time. When i got the loan i had really bad credit now i'm in the 630-660

Free credit report.com commercial!?

where can i find any of the funny commercials for freecreditreport.com""? i really want the new one that spells free if you can give me a good site"

What payday loans is good to use?

What payday loans is good to use?

Chapter 7 bankruptcy?

I filed chapter 7 bankruptcy in november of 2006 and it was discharged in feb 2007. What is the best way to re-establish my credit?

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy and tax refund question?

Is your tax return frozen"" if you are in a Chapter 13 bankruptcy? Does the IRS just hold the money? Or"

Is there a REAL website that you can get your credit score and NOT have to sign up for something?

Is there a REAL website that you can get your credit score and NOT have to sign up for something?

What caused the 2008-2009 recession? Who caused this? Why?

Its a homework assignment... can anyone help? i know it had to do with our banking system and other things investing companies but im not all the way sure what really happened.

Does using my credit card alot hurt my credit score?

I use my credit card multiple times a day for pretty much everything I can. I always pay off the debt within the span of a few days though. Is this hurting my credit score? Second question: A few months ago I learned that I should keep my credit below the %50 mark. Before that I would always get it to the 90% mark and then pay it off n installments always higher than the minimum payment required. Did this hurt my credit score? (This was done for about 3 months).

I am looking for a loan shark in the Bedford area, I am really desperate, could anybody help me?

ANSWER: For Credit and finance solutions I visit this site where you can find all the solutions. INSURANCEANDFINANCETIPS.INFO


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