I am looking for help to help others
Hello nice to meet you, Here is a way to make some major money or recommend people to or both, https://platinumworldteambuild.com/land.php?ref=danny54. I am building my new network COPY, PASTE TO WEALTH. However, I am having financial problems getting it of the ground, so I decided to try to help others succeed, so what is happening to me, I don't want it to happen to others, so I am asking for donations to help me help others, to succeed. If you do decide to help me help others, send your donations to my paypal acct, at user name [email protected], Thank you for your help, it is TRULY appreciated and God bless you and be with you in all you do, Here's a money making program that will BLOW YOUR MIND! https://platinumworldteambuild.com/land.phphttps://platinumworldteambuild.com/?ref=dannyheck, FREE TRAINING FROM YOUTUBE AND WEEKLY INFORMATIONAL WEBINARS