I Am the Light of the World
This morning I sat with the idea that I am the light of the world and that we all have this light within us. I asked: "what actually is this light?"
So I closed my eyes and allowed the answer to reveal itself. The response came quickly:
~it is purity ~peace ~the truth of what I really am, my real identity as a Child of God ~it is always available ~it is trustworthy ~never lost and always available ~it is a guide ~it is my connection to God (Inner Wisdom, however you may believe the Higher Power to be) and my connection to the light in others
And: "How do I connect with it?"
~I need to sit quietly and close my eyes ~I need nothing more than to connect with this light ~I become aware of wandering worldly thoughts (fear, worry, planning,etc.) and gently lead them back to this light ~this light is within me and within everyone ~it reveals itself in the stillness of my own mind
Imagine, I have known for so long that the Kingdom of God is within me, but never really experienced this peace until I committed to the desire to experience this light and peace and then extend it outward by practicing connecting with the light within others too.
Today (and everyday) I practice closing my eyes, sitting quietly and connecting to the peace and light that will take me Home!