I AM Joshua “Your Breakthrough”
Joshua Tyler Berglan
Award-Winning OmniMedia Producer & Intl. Best-Selling Author | Advocate for the Underserved | Empowering Communities w/ 'Media Company in a Box' #DigitalLiteracy #MediaLiteracy #IndependentMedia
Good day, everyone I'm sitting in the stairwell, which has become my new gym because they've closed down the gyms here in Minnesota. And in fact, we've shut down everything except church, praise the Lord. But this is my new workout area. My gel cell it's sick, six flights of stairs, but in all seriousness, the, it is kind of a blessing. I'm kind of enjoying the small workout place space, but I'm sitting here getting warmed up.
Joshua T Berglan
A lot of people that gave their life to the Lord that are sitting here waiting. Okay. Now I'm back to Jimmy Christmas. There's a lot of people that gave their life to the board that are sitting back and waiting on a prophecy to come true. What's up. Jennifer was good to see you. There's a lot of people that have been given prophetic words that they're going to achieve and do all of these things. They've watched other prophets say that there's a breakthroughs coming to 2020s, the year of the double anointing, all of these things. But the fact is they're just sitting back and waiting. What if I'm in challenging you today, fellow believers?
Joshua T Berglan
What if all you had to do for your breakthrough was open your mouth. You see there's a lot of people out there that have given their life to the Lord that have had no hope that even, even after giving their life to the Lord, they went through this euphoric state of like, Oh my gosh, my life has changed, but they're sitting and waiting for the breakthrough. They're looking all around them, waiting for someone to appear in their life, to give them the opportunity that they've been waiting for. And the truth is the opportunity is yours to provide. And that is by opening your mouth and giving your testimony. What if the breakthrough you were waiting on was as simple as opening your mouth and talking about how God changed your life.
Joshua T Berglan
So many people right now, we're looking for kingdom business, business opportunities and this and that. And the fact is traditional business is dead. The way business has been done is dead. There are so many people out there right now that the only job that they would ever qualify for is Walmart. And I'm not making fun of Walmart at all, but some of you deserve a better life. Some of you were meant for a better life, and yet you're looking at your resume and you're looking at your job experience. You're looking at your qualifications, you're looking, and you're looking at your prison record. And you're looking at this and that. And you're telling yourself you're never going to be what you want to be because you aren't qualified.
Joshua T Berglan
But what if the qualification you needed was only the testimony that you lived? What if that you are sitting on a ministry inside of you? And the only thing that you have to do to start is open your dad, gum mouth. There's too many people out there that have been sitting back that you, God has transformed your life. It's changed your heart. He has renewed most of your mind. And I say most of your mind, because there's still that portion of your mind. That's telling you that you're not good enough and that you're not qualified. I battled the same crap for years. I've known what I was supposed to do for a long time.
Joshua T Berglan
And you know what? I wasn't obedient to it because I was scared. And I told myself, I wasn't qualified. I didn't have the education. I wasn't, I wasn't a hireable. Any of those things, what if, what if all you have to do is open your mouth and say what God has done for you? What if that is it? I'm challenging everyone. Single believer that watches this. And I don't care who deletes me. I don't care who mocks me. I don't care about any of it because I'm not talking to you. Anyway, I'm talking to believers. I'm challenging you to start sharing your testimony. Don't hide behind a keyboard, get on camera and share it.
Joshua T Berglan
Use your mouth to profess what the Lord has done in your life. I'm challenging you because I know for a fact, there's a good portion of you right now that have ministries inside of you. And look, when you think of ministry, you can't look at what you're used to going to on Sunday. Seeing the dude talking behind a pulpit and loud flashing lights and fancy music and all that bull crap. I'm not talking about that. Ministry is changing. It's evolving. It's not going back to the way it was. Nothing's going back to the way it was. So did you ever think of you stopped to look around and notice the people that are really succeeding right now? The people that are succeeding right now in the COVID age are the people that stepped into their God-given purpose.
Joshua T Berglan
The people that decided that enough is enough. Like they don't have a job right now. They can't, they can't go to work. They can't do all of the normal things, but you know what? They've got time to create. They got time to create. They've got time to get on Facebook and talk about what God's done for him, and guess what's happening for those people. Their lives are changing. They are getting opportunity after opportunity, after opportunity and doors are opening up left and right for them, windows are flying. Open doors are flying open for the people that are confessing, what the Lord has done for them. We are stepping into a new world. We're relying on old business tricks. And the way that business used to be done is done.
Joshua T Berglan
Ed. I'm challenging every single believer to start sharing your testimony, get on video and do it. Watch God does. I'm declaring this over your life. I'm not prophetic. I just know what's up. And I'm telling you right now, those of you have been sitting back in silence and hiding behind a keyboard and typing out little things here and there. No use your words. Words have power words, have power to move mountains. Baby words have power to change. People's hearts and people's minds and people's souls and change the direction of their life.
Joshua T Berglan
Your story was meant to be heard. What God has done in your life has been meant to be heard by everyone that needs see here. It, it doesn't matter if it's five people, one person, 10 million, 20 billion. I don't care. Are there 20 billion people, maybe on Mars. I don't know for sure. Anyway, the fact is this I'm challenging your believers share your testimony. This is your week. This is the week that your ministry is launched. This is the week that your new life for the new world begins step out in faith and do what you were called to do. And that is share what God has done in your life.
Joshua T Berglan
Quit waiting for someone to open the door for you. When the door is as simple as hit, go live on your phone, go live on your computer screen, go live on your tablet and share what God has done for you and watch what God does in your life this week and watch what God does through you. I'm telling you right now, quit waiting for somebody to open the door for you. When you have the keys already.