I AM Joshua “Truth”
Joshua Tyler Berglan
Award-Winning OmniMedia Producer & Intl. Best-Selling Author | Advocate for the Underserved | Empowering Communities w/ 'Media Company in a Box' #DigitalLiteracy #MediaLiteracy #IndependentMedia
What's up everybody. I'm Joshua how are you guys doing mad? It has been a while since I clocked cast. And this is like, what is it? One 28 central time right now. And there's no rhyme or reason for me broadcasting right now, except if there was something, all my heart. And part of the reason why I started doing I AM Joshua and get away from Gratitude and filter it is just kind of want it to be able to broadcast, but I want it to, without having the schedule, everything and, and doing all of them. And one of the reasons why I'm, it's been a while since I broadcast, because I really have been waiting for God to say, this is what I want you to talk about.
Joshua T Berglan
It was a real good to see you to me. If you had to see you guys, we are live on the lift model of worldwide network would, you can see on the amount of worldwide.org, ah, you can download the <inaudible> and find us there are as well. But here's the thing that like, I, I went through this phase with Gratitude UnFiltered where I was doing a lot of more ministry based shows and in the us, which was great. And, but then when I found was that I started, I gotta kind of bored with some of the content and I was like searching for sermons and searching for all of these ideas.
Joshua T Berglan
Like quit, relying on God to speak to me. And those of you who have a walk with the Lord and you know, that you are hearing from God matters a lot. And, and I went through a season where I didn't really hear a lot, and that was a little frustrating, but I took that in my spirit, as it is time for me to walk away from a little bit and focus on these other things that I have in front of me. But today I have something to say, actually, let me back up.
Joshua T Berglan
I went back to, gosh, dang it. I remember about a couple weeks ago, we even the three weeks, four weeks ago where a lot of the content that I was wanting to create a lot of the things that I was wanting to say had an edge to it. And it was, it was divisive. He was wanting to Wolk people, wanting to a point, things out that were true that were, you know, that the world was showing up as a lie and, or the, you know, like we were being received by the media.
Joshua T Berglan
And like, and I was feeding off of all of that and feeding off all of that just gave me a negative energy and like, and then it was causing divisiveness. I was finding myself, hurting people that I loved and that's the last thing I ever want to do. And so I made this commitment that any content that I provided, what is going to be something that was useful or, or, or, you know, providing and hope for something else. But today it is stuck to, with me, there was a series of events happen over the last few days where I, I got kinda knocked in my rock or a little bit emotionally.
Joshua T Berglan
And, you know, I've battled with having this disassociative identity disorder and borderline personality disorder. Did his kind of like having multiple personality disorder some times when this other person tries to take over or it can cause Fitts. And I was at a breaking point yesterday. What's a character had to see you. I was at a breaking point yesterday where I was really struggling mentally. That was really struggling with my mental health.
Joshua T Berglan
It was struggling with like forgetting who I was like, who God made. And my old self was wanting to come out screaming. And I had a Russel have some of those thoughts, but they have two different instances where, and then ended up being another one today that it reminded me of something very, very special. And this is what I want to share. This is where I'm going to follow up with you're Truth, matters' like, there's one thing about sharing your pain and share your struggles and sharing the problems that you have theirs.
Joshua T Berglan
There's one, there's, there's a, you have that. And then there's the victim mentality. You can take one with that, but being open about struggles or failures or areas of your life that you're wrestling with that matter to people, and no matter where you are in your life, your story in what you're going through, your testimony maters. And I was reminded of this because I remember years ago, like when I had morning Gratitude I, I, you know, people always give me credit for being so old with my truth.
Joshua T Berglan
And, and the truth was that I was withholding two very important pieces of my testimony that matter, but I feared judgment. I feared being judged for having HIV. I feared being judged for being, going to die for, to have the six times I've had been in jail. I was, I was worried that people would, that would label me as an abuser and people would be scared of being and not want to have anything to do with me, but my mom, more than a Harris.
Joshua T Berglan
So it was always known that he is known for saying this, but 98% of the Truth, it's not the truth. And, and God doesn't bless lies. And when I finally got the courage to come out and say, look, I have HIV and talk. And then, then two of the other six times I'd been in jail and sharing that it, yeah, I lost a lot of friends. I lost a lot of people that, you know, that I thought cared about me, but what I did gain through that was love and morning.
Joshua T Berglan
And I learned the people love me. And then when I was able to love myself to, and then I've gotten I'm really, really comfortable with the truth and being able to share, like, even when I made mistakes, even when I had a meth relapse, or even, I mean, after my meth relapse, like your almost two years ago, I'm and the consequences of like what happened after that been able to come on here and talk about that was freeing, but, and it's powerful to share your truth and like, to get rid of your secrets and it, and to, to let those things loose.
Joshua T Berglan
Because when you do that, your allowing God to use it, you're allowing you're basically when you confess it, where do you admit it? Where you let go of the secret of what's happening is you're letting me, like you're letting it, your giving God an opportunity to use it for something good. But last yesterday, two times, and once today I got to see the power of testimony in a way that I'd never have before.
Joshua T Berglan
One of my friends and on, and I'm not going to say names or anything, and I'm going to be very careful about the details. But one of my friends reached out and said that they were really, they found out some news, they took an HIV test and they got some bad news. And I was the person that can call 'em. Another person is struggling with there. There was going to lose the family because of, of, of meth use. And I know what that's like because of my drug use, I lost the right to see my twins.
Joshua T Berglan
And that's, that's, it it's much as that sucks to here. It was encouraging. And it was a reminder from God that he will use this in the reason why we share our Hart, the reason why we share our story, the reason why we, we do these things are, are not about us. Like as good as it may feel for us. It's good. As it may feel for us to be able to share and get these things off our chest, when you do that, it gives God an opportunity to use it.
Joshua T Berglan
But at the same time, use it in someone else's life because how you overcame whatever it is, whether it was being in an abusive relationship, where are you dating or a narcissist, or you were at relationships with me at some point, or being able to talk about that and share those experiences becomes healing for other people. And so there's a lot of people, especially people in the ministry, and then there are influencers.
Joshua T Berglan
They hype things because there, there are afraid of judgement. They are afraid of where people will say, I mean, there's a pastor, what are the most famous? What is it? Jeff, Jerry Falwell, like, and his little scandal is going on right now with his wife and him watch him, his wife get to have sex with the pool boy. And like, and like, yeah, of course he's being judged for that right now. And he's being criticized. And it came out in the worst way because he was being blackmailed.
Joshua T Berglan
But the route of that, his there's a, there's a big struggle. There, there is something that he is going through that I drove him too, that like, it happened for a reason. And, and yet he tried to cover up and tried to hide it and try to keep it a secret. And that's where everything goes wrong. When we tried to keep things secrets, because eventually the truth will come out through anything like the truth always come out and with the struggles of people have, and they are especially administry and maybe it's a sexual addiction or something like that.
Joshua T Berglan
Like the fact is like those, like, those things are real for a lot of people. Like, just because I loved the Lord. It does it mean. And I, and I dedicated my life in service. It doesn't mean that I don't struggle with real things like mental health or a perverted sexual desire. It's like those things don't go away when you become a Christian to happen, what you do. It, those thoughts that met of being able to talk about those things are free to not only just for yourself, because it will set you free, but a very well may set someone else free.
Joshua T Berglan
And so the only reason why I'm even coming on this right now is because he got the, see you in real time, what testimony will do for other people? Your testimony may be your purpose in this world. Like it may be your thing that takes you to the place that God wants you to be. So the things that you're hiding and those little secrets that your, that you're keeping or are very, Well keeping you from the extraordinary blessing, God is sending you up for it.
Joshua T Berglan
Your testimony would be the gift to the world that like, we always think it's like, well, I'm going to invent something or I'm going to create this business or this product in a very welcome, be your testimony. That can be the thing that absolutely set you free. That can be your gift and your contributions in your purpose and this world. So this is short. This is no, like, I, don't not only go on for an hour as well, but I wanted to encourage you to, to share your truth with somebody.
Joshua T Berglan
I mean, I'm at telling you that you need to do, I want to talk show and to it, although there was some power in that want to encourage you today to share your testimony with somebody that Christian has, especially how you overcame or how you came to no, the board, what you had been delivered from earth delivered through his, your gift. Its the most powerful thing in the world I believe.
Joshua T Berglan
And somebody out there waiting to hear your testimony and it doesn't matter what position you are at in life. Like what, no matter what position is, it is like if you're a pastor, if your somebody that's homeless, if you are somebody that's just now getting on their feet and no matter where you are in your life very well, it could be that, you know, though, there was somebody dying right now, like literally dying to hear your testimony because by sharing it, you've opened up the space for them to come and hear how God changed your life or the matter's.
Joshua T Berglan
And even with your struggles, the same way you are allowing somebody to be there for you and write now from what I've seen, there's a lot of lonely scare and hurting people in your story may be that difference in their life that they need. That's it I'll bless you guys like it.