I AM Joshua Introducing Renne Reisch
Joshua Tyler Berglan
Award-Winning OmniMedia Producer & Intl. Best-Selling Author | Advocate for the Underserved | Empowering Communities w/ 'Media Company in a Box' #DigitalLiteracy #MediaLiteracy #IndependentMedia
What's up, everybody. I'm Joshua and we are live on the limb on a worldwide network. So blessed to be here. Thank you guys for being here. We are being broadcast all over the world through streaming media TV podcast, radio on social media. And of course we also publish the blogs Mmm after the show's and you can find all of that on Live Mana worldwide.org blessed to be here. So I really quick want to get into This. Today is a court case, which a golly, I had just brain fart it on the name, which is terrible, but umm, there's a, a, the police officers were found the Brenda Taylor, thank you.
Joshua T Berglan
The Brenda Taylor, the way they had court today and the, the officer has got off. And regardless of where you stand on this issue, whether your fore, the police or whatever it may be, or your against what had happened, I mean, nobody, nobody deserves to die and especially in a situation like that, but this is not about taking sides. It's really just a call for compassion because right now it's everybody's nerves are a little sensitive.
Joshua T Berglan
There's we've all been bundled up and locked in our houses. And well, not everybody. I've kind of defied that lot. That devil defied, that rule is as much as possible, but the anxiety is high. You know, where I live here in Minneapolis, a the, the racial tensions, the tensions of just, you know, every day life. And what's been going on with the world. We have an election coming up. There's a lot of people that are hurting right now. And the event's over the last few months, over the summer have really, really brought a lot of things too ahead.
Joshua T Berglan
And I just, all I can ask for is everyone out there just to pray for peace and pray for compassion Mmm and pray for, you know, just trying to have be sympathetic because the fact is this, regardless of what side you fall on, umm, there's a reason why you choose the side. You choose. There's a reason why you choose which party that you side with. There's a reason why people take the Stans that they take because they have experienced something in there, life that has caused them to want to speak out about that.
Joshua T Berglan
And you know, that's an, and we, we get to understand that as humans, because we don't know what it's like to walk in someone else's shoes, you know, it's and, and, and, and again, even though even talking to other people that have dealt with abuse, the circumstances behind that abuse are different. So to pretend that we know what it's like to be someone else And and We is, is really just, is absent minded, the right word, is it being an ignorant, the roofs?
Joshua T Berglan
I don't know what it is, but let's just try to have compassion today and be supportive. And I've already seen on social media, some of the, the bold stances that people are taking choosing sides, and that's not going to create the space for healing. So I just wanted to say that really, really quick. Also want to give a shout out to our sponsors. Live Mana, Utoya a home of the world's most complete and the most complete organic line have CBD product on the planet.
Joshua T Berglan
That sports products, mental health products, there's like a brain boost product. It's amazing. I'm skincare cosmetics all have a pet products. I live Mana Utoya and then also in all proceeds, every bit of the profits go to support the Live Mana Worldwide Foundation. And also I am Conchita cosmetics. You can go to E Y E a M C O N C H I T a.com use promo code welcome 10, and you will save 10% on the lash app and curl, which allows women or anyone who wants to wear eyelashes.
Joshua T Berglan
It allows you to apply those lashes in five seconds or less saw this. So I'm reading one of the things also for our listeners. I'm giving away this book. I have 500 of them to give away its called how to hear it from God. And there was a part of it. It says, taking thoughts captive. How does that really work? I saw this and I wanted to read it really really quick. And then don't want to get into our guest what a stink and go. That's a really bad, but lose my spot.
Joshua T Berglan
Oh here we go. Or standing on And in the truth of who you are as a son or daughter of God and by faith receiving, declaring, claiming, and planting the good and loving things of God into your heart and life as well as it entered the lives of others. And so the word there for me is declare, declaring who you are declaring, what you, what you expect to receive from God.
Joshua T Berglan
And where I found that declaring really works is when you are in line with God's purpose for your life, like why you were created, you know, are gifts, the gifts that we're born with, the gifts that we do, nothing to earn, we're just born with it. We can develop them, but are gifts are given to us, but they're given to us with the responsibility of using them to be a blessing to others. I'm one of those people that use my gift for a long time to really wreck people's life.
Joshua T Berglan
And that's the truth. I'm, you know, if you think about some of the greatest leaders of all time, and I should preface, I'll be careful not to say this, but Hitler is a prime example of a great leader in the sense that he was able to manipulate control a and get people to do a lot of really insane, awful things for him. However, he was a great leader and did, but he used his gifts for the wrong reasons.
Joshua T Berglan
He could have elevated that country to go on and do wonderful things, but he did. He used, he chose to use this gift for an evil. We can use our gifts for evil or for good, but I believe to really, really step in to our God given purpose. We already use our gifts to be a blessing for others. And when we do that and we take and re we, we, we claim in, we declare to things that we are going to do for the Kingdom four God four for our fellow man.
Joshua T Berglan
Umm, I believe that we can do anything that we set our mind too. And that's one of the most cool things about a relationship with God. And, and also it really helps you understand who you are, who you were created to be I'm 41 years old and it took 41 years of my life to figure out who I am. Hence why this show is I AM Joshua there's no, no name, no title, no category that this was in.
Joshua T Berglan
It's just, I am Joshua there's no boxes. Mmm I am, I am free. I'm led out of the cage, the cage that I put myself in, where I allowed society that put me on and that is no longer what that said. I'm really excited to have our guest on today. A bestselling author, just a tremendous heart for humankind, for humanity, not just women, but for men to, you know, a lot of female leaders take on the B put the focus on empowering other women in her case, a she does empower other women, but she empowers everyone that she comes across you, you, you, when you walk or watch her walk into a room, the whole energy in the room changes.
Joshua T Berglan
And that has a really, really cool thing to be around. And I pray like HEC that I would say her last name, write we know each other, but I've never actually said her last name, but I'm honored to introduce to you Renee Ray, did I say it right? Oh my gosh, Renee, did I say it? Right?
Renne Reisch
Right, right,
Joshua T Berglan
Right. Why Renee rice? well dadgum. Well, thank you. Welcome to I AM Joshua we are blessed to have you here. The first thing to be here. What are you grateful for today?
Renne Reisch
I'm grateful for this moment and grateful to be here wife, because right now I am sitting in my parent's home. My dad had passed in December, 2018. I'm with my mom and I come here quite often as spend time together with her. So I'm very grateful for this time. This moment, it's a moment with you with your audience. That's what we have Wright. We have that fear of your head, like what the past and the future.
Renne Reisch
But we have this moment and where do we do with the small way that we have? Are we taking that time to look back at yesterday are worried about the next minute or are we focusing on the here and now I'm so grateful for this moment.
Joshua T Berglan
I love that. Now I'm going to ask that. Do you have a Gratitude practice or do you yes. So if you ever heard about, you know, how people will see when they're a gratitude journal, they'll write down. And by the way, I wasn't trying to plug someone else's I wasn't trying to plug someone else's book when you're a bestselling author. And we're going to talk about your book. I just want to give you the way, because these books or great. And so I had one, so I apologize about doing that.
Joshua T Berglan
I mean, no disrespect. It's just, I am giving these away and I don't have your book. Okay. But so back to Gratitude practice now, have you ever heard about when you people say, I am grateful for, to say why after everything that you suggested, what you're grateful for? Sure.
Renne Reisch
No, I haven't heard that, but that actually is a really good thing. I know when I write down the things I'm grateful for, I have the reason in my head as to why I'm writing it. That's why I'm writing it because I'm grateful for it. Like I said, I'm grateful to be with mom, all this, because I'm ready for this moment at this time with her bladder to actually write it. But there's a lot of power in the pin or get into that. I want to talk about the hook in a moment, but that is very, very powerful seeing things written in front of you. And actually it's like, like you said to declaring, you know, and that declaration was really powerful.
Renne Reisch
I was listening to your intro. And so that's why it's a very important thing to do when you're declaring something and saying why you're different from something as to why you are grateful for it. It actually gives it more energy and more meaning
Joshua T Berglan
It actually from when I first learned about it, this and I had never heard of anyone else that does this. And I don't even remember the source where I learned this from, but they are the reason why you say why after. And you keep saying why until you can't answer it any more. And the reason is is that it helps you get into your heart with the gratitude, because being grateful in your head is not near as powerful as Gratitude in your heart.
Joshua T Berglan
And so, and that from a manifestation standpoint and all of that, that's where that can come into play. After I learned that I went from riding down a hundred things that I was grateful for till like one or two, because I kept saying why and why and why and why. And it was amazing how that transformed my Gratitude practice.
Renne Reisch
Joshua you're not going to believe in it. I literally, first of all, its 101 right now, I'm thinking at the time it's a 1001. So talk about gratitude. I literally got off a call within 30 minutes ago and it was a zoom call. It was about, it was hard to do this, but it also has to do with writing things down and fears and what you're afraid of. And yet your seat keeps telling your why because of the, till you get to number seven, cause you really have to Mitch it down. And when you got to number seven, that was the thing you're really afraid of.
Renne Reisch
Like, why are you afraid of this white? And Like because why? Because Y because, and keep it going. And then it's, ah, there's the answer? Well, this is same thing with Gratitude and I'm grateful for the same thing. It's like what you're really grateful for. So on opposite ends of the spectrum, it goes in both directions, the ying and yang as to why it can actually find out the cause of what's bothering you when side, like, why are you feeling frustrated? Well, because this person just did this well, why? Because it, and ultimately it's gonna be, because I had feelings of my own that this reminds me of when you see in somebody else, that's because in some ways it subconsciously or consciously you are you own that, that you are upset with the other person.
Renne Reisch
As you keep going down is why that person's boss, while you are allowing that person to bother you so much, he kept going and go. Why, why, why in? And be like, Oh, I did that to you. And I was like, Oh no, there's that reflection, but you don't want to look at you weird for a year. And the same thing with Gratitude, you can say why you pick up the white grade, but it's a really bad. So it really, it works. It works.
Joshua T Berglan
I used to be a very fly by the seat of my pants, spontaneous, impulsive, highly impulsive, which is normal with people that experienced trauma. But, and there is no excuse, but because especially because now that I've learned how to train my, my brain to actually not just like, even with a gratitude practice, keep asking why, but also before I make decisions, being able to stop long enough to go, okay, what are the consequences of this?
Joshua T Berglan
Where? And so now that's keeping me from making the bad decisions that I used to make and how I've learned to retrain triggers to keep me from again, doing acting impulsively. But the one thing that I'm fortunate about, because I was, I actually feared this a little bit was is that now that I would stop and think what I actually scare myself out of doing things, what I scare myself out of being obedient to the call of what I was being led to do.
Joshua T Berglan
Fortunately, I was able to not get stop, to think along enough, to scare myself because some of the things that I'm doing should terrify me. So with that said for you, what scares you and how do you teach yourself to push past that fear
Renne Reisch
When the want is greater than a year and keep it going,
Joshua T Berglan
Oh my gosh, that's good. I dig that. I really like that. What are you want? What do you want to create? Right.
Renne Reisch
Wow. That's a good one. What they want to create. It's a real world where I can actually in that vessel for others to share their voice and not to hold back this fears of not being enough, being judged, being a people, pleaser, all of those things that I had to go through. And sometimes they still struggling because guess what? I'm going to see it as the next person. And just because you write a book or an international bestselling author here doesn't mean your perfect, but that's not what I'm finding your voice, unlock your change and Aleisha greatness and Joshua, and you touched on that in the very beginning of the intro about yourself.
Renne Reisch
I thought your, your idea I AM Joshua and you know, it's just unleashing that we already had and would come into this road with all of our, again, this is how we can use them. And a lot of times you're a fringe at hew, but people in general are afraid to get things done. Because what if I went, why, what if somebody says something that isn't worried about me and they would be, what year is it? What if they don't like it? And if they don't like me, and if you don't agree with what, what if, what if, and then, you know, how many people or in the cemetery to, because of what if's, but it never got their, and never got their point out there.
Renne Reisch
They never did that thing that scared, scary them and other people who will never heard that void So I don't want to beat that. I wanted to, the person that came open with her voice as scared as it is, as it is. I get sometimes there are things that fear is not as big as my want to help you do the best and for others to share them, for sure,
Joshua T Berglan
To have that desire. That means statistically, that at some point, someone did tell you that you didn't deserve to have a voice. Is this accurate with that?
Renne Reisch
I'm going to share that. I believe I'm gonna backtrack for a second. Is desire, desire be greater than an account. And as far as personally, I believe it was me. It was you. I believe it was me, ultimately my inner voice. And it creates the fear, the outer voice. What overcomes it, a friend of mine who said that would be along time ago.
Renne Reisch
And it is maybe circumstances I was around. Or if I'm in your life, I met her up. Some, somebody else that comparison, well, I'm this and they're that. And how come up out there and you start comparing, this is not the right way. Or do you need to, as we, are we a wonderful as VR? What in your own grade is f*****g your own great power and B the person who looks to me, I wasn't born the way we want to do. We're going to who we are as our, to share with their world.
Renne Reisch
And when you meet my voice, I physically lost ways to illness. It, it was the worst times in my life because someone who was injured, who was a chance for me through a coach who loves to support and empower others, I had a voice is that before, when I was with a corporate America, at that time that this happens, am I going to what happened to me? Cause it did at the time, I would say yes, it happened to me. But now in hindsight, when it happened for me putting principles to the hindsight, but if the Fort side too, it's really something that took place in my life.
Renne Reisch
I wouldn't put the corporate America now and I've gotten very, very sick. So the point of it, very similar to the OLED today, I had his worst report and it was a book he had ever endured. And if you don't let anybody, I could not strong drink because the teen years on one to 10 it with like, I ain't even know. I know it was still painful to the point.
Renne Reisch
Is that what that happened with it? That made me realize this is when that happened. Does that mean I get within my self because I quit think so. I didn't have a choice. So it wasn't laryngitis <inaudible> so it's a virus. So I wasn't allowed out in public. I was living in warrantied with me, my self and I, the core was that was it. It was no, no, it was instant messaging. My, my, my mom dinner and well, if you can imagine it's 2013 and trust me, I'm one of the things I'm going to say.
Renne Reisch
Something that was really very scary at all I did was pick out the window and what am I charging them in buckets, go at sunrise because that's when I did, I watch the sunrise, I watched the sunset. And most times when I wake up, I couldn't wait to go back to bed. Not because I was so tired, I want to get there. They came and they started to go to sleep. I want to have to endure remaining. But the thing is what I would swallow. And my siblings, the pose was swollen, are asleep. I'd wake up from a day in tears because it was so great.
Renne Reisch
So finding your voice, unlike she needs unreached to greatness was Live. There are genes that I was founded up in an elite thing is unleashed at my own greatness and the least thing, my great aunt's out in to the world. And we have a voice and to use it, to help others and to lift them up,
Joshua T Berglan
Elevating the voices for the voiceless.
Renne Reisch
Yes, exactly.
Joshua T Berglan
And it's interesting that you I'm going to say it because I had came to my mind. I had this conversation with one of my black friends other day, we were talking about Kanye West, who said slavery is a choice, which when you hear that you're gone, what? I don't think he was talking about the kind of slavery that we, you know, that the surface level, you know, what people experienced. I think he was talking about the slavery that we put on ourselves.
Joshua T Berglan
The bondage that we put ourselves in the chains that we put ourselves in, the cages that we put ourselves in. I think I really believe that that's what he was saying. Because if you think about it with COVID with the lockdowns, there could be another shutdown. I've heard a lot of speaking to one of my friend's in England yesterday, who said that they're getting ready or they're on lockdown again for the third time. And so you think about the, that shut down on were being locked into our homes and that can become your home is now a prison.
Joshua T Berglan
But the one thing that I've learned through COVID more than I've ever learned in, in my life is that regardless of what's happening around us, no matter what man tries to do, no matter what the government tries to do, no matter what anyone tries to do, the one thing they can't ever take away is God's purpose for our life. Therefore, we get to create and live in our purpose, regardless of what the circumstance circumstances are around us.
Joshua T Berglan
So bond you're, you keep men, you can keep saying this and you about you put yourself and chains Aye so I'm in. So I love where you're head is out with this because it is true. So with COVID in the shutdown and how it's impacted you, what is the biggest take away? Not on the negative side, but on a positive side. What has been the biggest takeaway for you in your experience with COVID and the shutdown
Renne Reisch
Time? The gift of time? Oh my gosh. You know, we all have that. We all have the same 24 hours in a day. Every single one of us, it's what we deal with it. And what we choose to do when it was 28 hours, how are we are choosing to spend them with who are we choosing the to spend them good, because you're not ever want to look back on his time and look at what you've lost.
Renne Reisch
How about look at what you found, what you gain, what you realized, not just the, about others and your circle, but it, would it be you realized about yourself. It forces us to take a look in the near. I had two exercises during my recovery process, and then literally part of them who was actually to look at the mirror and trusts me. It wasn't preeminent with a fund, but when you're physically look in the new year, and you said that reflections during that would get you, what do you see Intuit we see, or are you proud of this?
Renne Reisch
Looking back at him? Do you have any doubts from Brett? Because as long as didn't have breath, my mom put a long time ago. It, as long as you've brought to you in life, and when you have the opportunities, I believe in it through obstacles, into opportunities, we have so many things that we'll can do to make up that are in the power hour spills to being better and not worth it. I don't have, I don't have that. It went to that.
Renne Reisch
Was it. What about U what can you do? Who can thrive and survive? We can try, but what do you do? Who are you getting out to? People who are more around now, this was before and they were before. It's right. So if you need to, to reach out something to reach out, I am sitting in there. I am here to help him and got it on the path to lupus. So that's what happens in 2013. So to me at the time, I didn't know what it took me there. Five years, I went back to my one at a church and all the other side brought, it, went back to my win rate is we so often make our promises.
Renne Reisch
I thought when something's not right in their life, my comments, when I get better, I'll be better. I'll do that. I'll do this. And then it lasts until it doesn't
Joshua T Berglan
Right. God, that's good. Let me ask you something. I, I never, not really a big fan of having coaches on the show because all of my friends, I think, or coaches,
Renne Reisch
Joshua T Berglan
It's I guess it's like real estate agents or anything else. I mean, to the point where there's so many, like, you know, it's is a challenge to separate yourself. And, but at what point with coaches, especially though, do you, how do you differentiate yourself when there's only so much that you can really teach that is not been taught before? So as a coach, like, what advice do you have for other, and again, I'm not trying to create competition for you, but what advice?
Renne Reisch
Right? Well, I'm going to, I'm in a Jack that you write right here, because I don't even in competition. If anything, I believe in that collaboration. So keep going, not and competition, not in competition with anybody.
Joshua T Berglan
Yeah. That right. There would be one way that you separate yourself from the rest of the coaches, because the rest of it is, my technique is better. Or my, you know, like, that's why I love that. So as a coach, having the mindset of collaboration, how is that is why I tell me the ideology behind that.
Renne Reisch
So, you know, a lot of people were right there. Where do I want to look at it? You know, it's like an interview, not a mature. I live in new people. And especially in here, I want to know that I'm going to be able to give them what they need after I have a 30 minute complimentary consultation with them. I wanted to make sure that I'm going to be a deliberate way at the day one. If I'm not altering it over to somebody who will, you know, I can give it a hundred to 100% of what they are looking for. Then its not worth investing in the time.
Renne Reisch
Me I'm going, they didn't even say money to take time because that's valuable. It's more valuable than money. And the time they have to guess that we have this kind of hair. So I went to make sure that he would have been most value at the time that they are investing in me.
Joshua T Berglan
Ideally when someone is looking for a coach or how often should to be the way to get the maximum impact, like how many days a week should you be meeting with your students or whatever you call them? Well,
Renne Reisch
I depends on what they want and where to go or whatever they want to set that up. And before that, that would be depends on that. So it's like, they were like this, this, this is just that I have different programs and there are awkward getting what they are looking for. Not cookie cutter approach. It's like this idea, this is your, not the same thing next week with some of the next person next person. So I wanted to make sure that I hear exactly that they want to do that. So it's like, Oh, here's my thing in, this is for you. And it's going to be in another person. I don't think really, you know, have a voice with a program.
Renne Reisch
I'm only about the portal. I wanted to make sure that everything that we're working on, what's gonna give them a chest, looking at work or to give them a level of what they want. And they were like, that's really great because that's, what's going to matter most to me when I went with them in one.
Joshua T Berglan
What do you say to people that are, do you believe that? Okay. I know. I want to ask this question. So I'm uncoachable. I'm I'm guidable but I'm not really coachable because I have I am I live off of what the spirit guides me to do? And typically that is doing the exact opposite of what I'm told and what I see everyone else doing.
Joshua T Berglan
So like say you saw someone like me who is just told you that I'm not coachable. Would you, are you due? You look at people like that and go, Oh yeah, I can coach them. Or do you mean, is that, is that necessarily a bad thing? If somebody has not coachable, right?
Renne Reisch
No, it does. It means that your perception of yourself and it doesn't know that you're not alone. I vote that. I get to ask the why early on this competition, I'm like, you guys are the Y I would keep, you know, diving deeper. Why don't you think you're not comfortable? Why does it, it makes you believe that? Why did you know all, all of those things and make you understand them in there? Why do you feel that way? And if it is, if it's in fact is not a fit, I would say where they did something else and it's just you. And then the guiding, you know, you know what your guidance is still as a form of coaching.
Renne Reisch
It's a guiding somebody, but its going to be uncontrolled. And at the, the terms that they are comfortable with him and he said, it's never about me. And what I want is going to meet me this. And you're, you know what? You have to have each one of these two years, but by listening to what our comfortable with and what your looking for, that's what I'm going to have our program in the words that works
Joshua T Berglan
For me. It's just an issue of you can't possibly know what the spirit is telling me to do. That's one thing and the number two, I just don't really trust people like me and I don't trust that they are going to see it from a higher self, higher purpose calling, which is what I believe that I'm called no arrogancy here. I just know that God wouldn't have spared my life through all the crap.
Joshua T Berglan
My life would've been spared. There was no way if I didn't have a higher calling. So to step in that or to, to be obedient and to pursue that it is going against the grain almost to every single turn. Now I am fortunate to have like, I I've the most amazing relationship now like this, the only a healthy relationship I've ever had, but I did the work to get their, to be able to receive that. But I am so blessed.
Joshua T Berglan
I'll listen to her. But the really interesting thing is the only reason why I'll listen to her is that we get the same visions
Renne Reisch
That's but that's the same thing it's working with and got a mentor coach. And that's why I say he would not and asked me to take on every client that can you talk to me? That's why there are processes beforehand to find out if who aren't in line to get chiropractic, they are aligning to have some survive. He would know that you're aligned, but it goes to that person. And I just see what your vision, if they don't and that's, it would be, I would say now how would I would not take from that client is gonna be beneficial for you not gonna be worth yet and an investment home.
Renne Reisch
So when I'm saying print is that you want it all the way. I always don't to be interviewed by us this first because they wanted to make sure that they're is an alignment. We do have a team that what is the outcome you wanted to achieve? I say, we are, it's a team not to tell him to do this. I had never want to be told what to do. I'd like to be driving on my journey and right, but you don't want to need to do this. Do we need to do that? Same thing, go tell me what to do is go tell me what to do. You want it to get to meet the lines, but your vision is uncomfortable.
Renne Reisch
Then do the thing. And those are the clues are going to do is I just tell it to me what you need to do. I'm going to turn my back and walk in the other way. I try to get a group, but I would not do that. It did not at work.
Joshua T Berglan
Oh, Mmm, I'm the same way. I've had people who will drop in my DMS and start telling me how I should do things and I'm going, what? Who are you like? Or are you insane? Like that's is rude anyway. But just because you may bill yourself as an expert, like come on, right? It's like, it's a, it's a weird phenomenon to me, but I love what it said. And you and I have, there are so many things that you've said. There's so many things that I already knew about you. And so many things that you've said today that we share an ideology about because I, and one of them most recently was about sharing a vision.
Joshua T Berglan
If I I've never created a course, I won't cry. I don't really believe I want to create a course because again, I want to tailor it to someone's needs like anything that I do. But at the same time, if I ever, if I'm somebody wants my help with something, whether its a brand or a distribution or something on the multimedia side or any of that, if I don't get a vision for it, I can't do it. Like I'm not, I kind of re really rely off of if I get a vision for it or not, which is my way of saying, God has shown me something for, this is how I can contribute.
Joshua T Berglan
And if they don't get that, I'm not even going to try because I think it's going to go completely South. I don't, I don't have any confidence in it if I don't have a vision for it. So I would be doing that person a disservice by trying to take that on. So I love that you said that that see, that would actually make me want to go. Well, I would actually see if she would coach
Renne Reisch
You see that that's not fair because that's funny because I've really know that way. The way I don't want it. Someone coming at me with any for Graham or this or that, I do have a set I have program for sure, but I don't have something. This is what Josh is in the font in this one. Let's do, I think is going to fall in to that. You are you a need, I need to tailor you because I want something to really effectively you and that's what your gonna want to the outcome that does it work in the end in mind.
Renne Reisch
That's what the goal is. So how can I run at work? Because it was for his exit. You are different than the next thing you want to start it. Number one, maybe these are a number five because we're not at this point. Then the other person was them. That's why there's a question for its not in your needs. Everything I do with never to a person it's not a one size fits. All right.
Joshua T Berglan
If I was to ever create a course or a program of any sort, it would have to be with like with Jessica, my, my better half. And it would be centered around managing like learning how to thrive with mental uniqueness, which is, you know, like borderline personality disorder and disassociative identity disorder. Like Aye, that is something that I could see myself trying to do. But even that you couldn't put that in a box either because it is so unpredictable.
Joshua T Berglan
Have you ever had to work with somebody that, or you have you ever chosen to work with somebody that had multiple personalities?
Renne Reisch
Not as a gift, you might be one of them On this is the first time from everything I am open. I am opened. That's why I only speak with people. It's my dad. Who was this? Something that's gonna work for both. Or if it works for One, it's not going to it starting to raise. It's kind of being an open heart. You know, Faigy where we both are ready to dive in deep for this because it is a deep time when you say, you know, in your, in a transformational state and it has to be ready and you have to be willing.
Renne Reisch
And if those are in there and then it's like beating your head against the wall or is it not going to break her? You know? But you, you have to be willing in that space to do that. Some of them we talked about earlier and the brand that are running for, I get to this because this is so important and it is writing things down. What I'm going to say is in the book than I have sections at the meet, you said it's without even knowing it. If I know you are not aware of this, you said, is there a take away that you can give everybody you're ready? Get ready for this take away.
Renne Reisch
You will get the f**k. You'll know. So after each section, it's a three bucks Eads, you need very eight. You read and it's 82 pennies right at the right number eight Oh three 11 that I couldn't not plant. I had plan the 11 chapters. I've done that, but I couldn't put on how many pages and the book goes to the formatting for those authors up there, you don't know have any pain by the dimensions of the book. It's going to turn out. When I looked at it to 83, I'm like, you kidding me. I did that happen.
Renne Reisch
A so, you know, with a photograph with a table of contents, with everything to gain three. And so this is the interesting thing, but I do have the takeaway section and I have several pages for people to write their answers on it. I mean, I read like three or four of my patients for people to write the answers because I believe and the power of the Penn and what comes up will come out. Just like through the writing your, your whys, why are afraid of, because you keep writing everything your right, in any case and getting to the next, or what do you really pay for four?
Renne Reisch
And you keep seeing Y again, that would be great if you ask him as much and it really comes out, what are, you really are great for grateful for list, because we're afraid of that because it's new. And the seventh, one thing I just got through a class and it was very empowering to do that exercise. So that is something that I'm going to can find to me whenever those come up with this system thing and we've exercised chapter and then exercise, I've been so into thread.
Renne Reisch
So if there is a quote, there's the information that I speak about the journey, and then there's an exercise and it's geared to you, its not about me. So I take that. We want it to move back at me. Quite frankly, that whole book is on how I should last for the words that should find out what they're eating. Not that I only talk about that in the first chapter and that they just introduced you to what happen and the reason for the book. And then each subsequent chapter is a story about what happened.
Renne Reisch
And it's a good story in the book or a story within the story of it. And they're just different stories of part of my transformation. So it's very empowering. And then have a question for you. How does one I was spoke about in that chapter pertained to you and your life and your own journey. That's more,
Joshua T Berglan
That's a good way to write a book. I think what's a, B is an international bestseller, right?
Renne Reisch
I recently they liked that so far has been a four time. Number one, best seller.
Joshua T Berglan
Are you, Hey, have you done M not train. It's like a transcribed. What was it called when you converted it to another language? Or have you done that yet?
Renne Reisch
Yeah, but I like, yeah. Now I would like to see if anybody out there has a way to get that done. I would like to, I also went to have this book. This is, I've been thinking this out every day, it's at schools and universities because even with locked up, I literally have this vision that this school university they can have like the Duke <inaudible> and like the groups who take a chapter to chapter as an end and answer the questions now, like how did it as a group?
Renne Reisch
That's the question? Why we're through three and then you need to answer it or do you have a lot of the loving roots or whatever it is. We take them up into two groups and you ask each group to ask certain questions and the book and then collaborate. I want collaboration. I, how each of them answered. And then you have a thicker to get back to the clouds. If they had a good one. I did. You answered a takeaway, number one, you know where one, two and three and then come to the conclusion because of what that speaks to about yourself, what we learn about yourself or in the process of answering this correctly.
Joshua T Berglan
Super cool. I like that.
Renne Reisch
I could,
Joshua T Berglan
It would be interesting. It would also be interesting to see a, Live like to see the live stream where you had people on the screen with you and you kind of had like that breakout session, live stream, even podcast, whatever, and, and break it out that way. I think there would be a lot of value from the audience just to see people dissect it and hear the different opinions that, or, you know, what are the different, the different feedback, the different takeaways for each person. But it's amazing how much I thought even like I'm always drawn two opinions that or different than mine.
Joshua T Berglan
I may not like it, but I'm drawn to them to challenge one, my beliefs in my thinking, but also try to find a different way of looking at a situation because I mean, we're all humans and we're shaped by our circumstances and we only know what we know, but we'll like it was saying before what this Brenda Tayler case is like its real easy to say. Yeah. But in and XYZ and all of this other stuff to try and it tried to try to dismiss or discredit why somebody else feels the way they feel.
Joshua T Berglan
But until you've lived in that person's shoes, you have no possible way of seeing it the way they do. And so if we can have an open and the compassionate heart towards this, you know, the situation like we may learn something I'm, I'm learning stuff like I've, I've really tried to force myself to put myself in situations that I normally wouldn't go into an I'm grateful for Jessica for this because it's so one of my issue's I've always had a hard to help people.
Joshua T Berglan
Or even when I was a delinquent evil, crazy person before I turned my life around, I, I did love to help people, but it always, I let the other guy take over in and wreck my life and wreck everyone that tried to love me coming out of that and having turned my life around the one area that I really struggle with his empathy because I, for instance, I can get on stage and I can share my story and all that has transpired in my life and how I've overcome and how I've, how I've healed and yada yada, yada.
Joshua T Berglan
But when I get off stage, I immediately want to hide. And like, I don't want to talk to anybody. I don't want to hug you. I don't want to shake your hand. Like I wanna go like as quickly as possible. And so my level of helping has always been very surface level because I won the fear of taking on other people's energy too. The vulnerability is a lot, but because of Jessica, like, and I've always had a heart for the homeless, I was homeless. But again, my help was here's some food, God bless you.
Joshua T Berglan
You know, here's some clothes helping that way, but not actually taking the time to really, truly try to be on their level, have fellowship, get to know humanizing the situation as much as possible in its really started to teach me a level of empathy. I didn't know that I was possible for me to have. And it's been an incredible experience. I don't know why went off on that tangent just now I lost my train of thought
Renne Reisch
You needed to, you need to express it and use your voice. Really listening. I think Joe, well, you know, something that I say a lot and I think you're better too, because of what you need to share it as we grow through, when we go through it.
Yeah. Opportunities they're we don't want to get to choose to grow. Right?
Renne Reisch
You have to be open to grow, but sometimes in the moment you don't know it. You don't realize it's something that's there to support you. Not to work with you. You wouldn't be a person who are today. Can you not got up to the things that you went through you in a way that you are not in this phase to be the person that you would have scored yourself that first for your younger self, who can give them this? And so I would forget that if he would've thought this stuff, it wouldn't even listen. He would have been, I'm sure he said some nasty thing to your higher self in a big dad in here. And he would have been those words. I'm sure that that's not being said.
Renne Reisch
I think the same thing with what I went through, I was going through it. I didn't know what I had done wrong. I didn't know why it was, I didn't know. The thing that I love the most it's I've been, God is always number one. Emily, the things I love most are speaking. I connected to the two things that were taking at the time they were taking later and work out for me was the, my voice and the ability to connect those where like my favorite, they said, Oh, we set.
Renne Reisch
I was like one or two people were to meet you like wearing a plan that like, you know, the, the relationship where in a plan or a podcast, a Bible got more succulents are something. But it really, and I really did survive and thrive. But when I was a month people, the thing he had, I had to been able to love myself and be comfortable with being alone with myself, not being lonely of being alone and listening to myself. And I was always running, running, running, running, and going, going, going, and doing, doing, doing, doing it.
Renne Reisch
I should it be
Renne Reisch
I did allow myself to be, I was always going to the next thing when this happened. I didn't have, I was told I was highly contagious. I was told that it couldn't be Republic. And I could not think to save my own life because there was no voice. There were just soars all or my mind at all.
Gosh. Wow.
Renne Reisch
It was incredible. The pain was awful. I just didn't know what else they would say. No, I didn't know I was gonna supply of it. And quite frankly, I really want to survive. And when I wake up that next appointment, I was stuck here. You know, I don't know why I've had to ignore the, why was it the force for a DOR, such terrible thing and a doctorate? No one doctor can do anything for me, nothing, nothing.
Renne Reisch
They ended up drawing my two vials of blood from me over three and a half months. How many vials? Right? 19.
Joshua T Berglan
How did you get over? So I remember when I found out about having HIV, I didn't wanna live either. And I, and I really, I mean, I was living at a pretty reckless lifestyle. Then I just stepped on the accelerator thinking it was going to kill me faster. But I quickly realized that God didn't want me to die. Which was to my dismay that for a while now, its different. But how did I know that feeling that you're talking about where you're just like, I didn't want, I don't want, I don't want to live like this.
Joshua T Berglan
How did you shift your mindset out of that?
Renne Reisch
That's a great question. It wasn't really a shifting my mindset because I was not a spiritual person at the time I was just going to work. I was in corporate America, running around. It was a Christmas, these in this, you know, buying like a chip on my head, cut it off. And then I live in Cambridge to the mall and I just had to just sit and again, you know, what was going on other than he had this pain. And I think the time of his getting quite right, I tried a lot because the pain was so severe and just walked away.
Renne Reisch
I was in my own help of a life and the Reagans like, Oh, I'll just I'll do this. I'll do that. I meditate it again. I wasn't fearful. There was no mentations affirmation. You know, writing journaling, none of that existed in my life. I didn't do that. So it was just God saying, you're not listening to your best friend who doesn't have any right now that my father and I had to just, he was not in my life at that moment.
Renne Reisch
At that time, God used her as the best. Once it helped me through it, she would drive up my driveway and a math. And at the grocery store are four kosher chicken. I'm a junior now like I kept going with at the time that he had made from here at her home, made sure it was, you know, the right way to make a difference. It brings me, cause we knew I couldn't care for myself. And I would look up there. She was driving out with a mask on a, drop them off chicken. You know, I needed a protein she made or Gatoraid to try and get you some something in my, in my system, some liquid with a potassium, something or an Apple.
Renne Reisch
So it was very hard to swallow anything. But I wrote in the book the love, the time that she was doing, it was stronger than the pain that I wasn't doing. So good. That's good.
Joshua T Berglan
Wow. You're a wise woman.
Renne Reisch
Thank you Josh. From a lot of, a lot of time by myself. Right. But it is the wisdom. Does it just come in and take and weeks and years it comes from sometimes getting crying and learning lessons. And a lot of them are really hard lesson and then they're not comfortable with that or not pretty. It was a lot of kids and through the lesson and I think the rest of her
Joshua T Berglan
Aye I'll know. Yeah, for me, the, my legit, the true healing took place when I was by myself. I even like after turning my life around, I was still on a toxic relationship, married a woman. I didn't know, pulled me out of the toxic relationship. That experience is what finally go. Okay. God alright. Alright. Alright. Alright. I'll be alone. I'll be alone.
Joshua T Berglan
And I'll, I'm going to, I'll continue to do the work, but I'm going to do it alone so I can really hear what you're saying to me, what you want from me, what you need me to do for me to get where you want me to go. It was that experience that year a little, it, it was a little over a year and finally being alone and it changed everything from me. And then after that, putting myself in a situation where now I get to give back, I get to be accountable to somebody.
Joshua T Berglan
Cause I'd never been accountable to anyone. I was in my own boss. My dad wouldn't buy me. Jordan's And a, and so you want me to get a job? And I'm like, damn, I'm 12 years old now I don't care. Got a job. Okay. So I'd find a way to get a job. But I was always pushing, always like always working, always around other people, always doing everything possible to distract myself or get where I was going. And, but I had never been accountable to anyone. Cause I always been my own boss.
Joshua T Berglan
I learned how to hustle. Well, I put myself in a situation to be accountable, to be, to learn, to be, even though I was given a long rope, I was still under someone's covering and teaching. And that was really, really good for me. And then after that God has started to bring people in my life that I wouldn't damage, you know, but it took all of that. It took that being alone to heal, to get stronger, to become who I was, because I don't think that God creates us to be alone.
Joshua T Berglan
Especially if we're, when we're in our gifts are to be used to be a blessing to other people and to help other people. So anyway, I, again, that's another thing you've said that hits me in the heart because it's very, very much in line with my own journey in my own process. And, and here's the thing I know for a fact, now I can look back at that and a half, all those tears and frustrating it was, and it was lonely. And I didn't really like looking at myself that much, but I would not have a family right now without that time.
Joshua T Berglan
And I'm grateful for it.
Renne Reisch
It's true. You know, we go through these hardships in life and you're like, what did I do? So add to deserve. This is why it might be. And I, I, you know, I I'm questions what I had done. I didn't know. And I didn't do anything. It's not like I did something wrong. It was what I needed to do and who I needed to become. And in getting quiet and go through that pain can become the person who are meant to be without going through the different hardships.
Renne Reisch
If you haven't experienced them in some form, like the things that your supposed to come will keep showing up and some from another dealer and a lesson circling around the mountain, right. They teach you, are, you keep running on that note. And then, and then when you arrived, I'm like, Oh, I get it. If you can f*****g in this chapter and can you tell me what is the same things keep happening because it was a less, then you're not learning. Yep. And then what you learnt, like, okay, they get it. So it's it maybe as in, they need to be more compassionate.
Renne Reisch
Maybe it's having more patience and the things that you're not having that with others, it's a thing I don't have for your staff. Like I mentioned earlier, they think we see each other that we get, the kids is a really wild up and well first. And it was like, Oh, I got frustrated with myself to when they don't do this, myself to do that. But you are seeing it acted out with me yesterday behavior. So like, you know, when they say one thing that is really more pointing back, you did.
Joshua T Berglan
That's beautiful. Renee. This has been an absolute blessing. Thank you so much for coming on the broadcast and a again, Oh, last thing. How do people by the book?
Renne Reisch
Okay. So it wasn't even Dennis for fun, your voice, a lot, your chain and a means to greatness is on Amazon. It's on Barnes and noble. So good reads you could offer, just get in. My name is, and then it'll pull up. Cause my go there, there's a few books on finding your voice but not title. So we have to give it's kind of federal and see me standing on. It's actually got a photo. Actually. I think we're boots where my best friend, I went to that Minsk for that reason.
Renne Reisch
And I needed by that in the book is going to 99. And we, because 99 of them, I'd like to them, if you can't get the work, because I think that his power and the at the end, then you can write it down and answer three questions on ebook when you're really doing it on your iPad in, you might have been thinking or how I want to answer that question then when you're not putting it out of you and you can never go back to, he had my hands to that question the last month or two months ago, because you have nothing to share it too. So it's it. If they need a book, I would encourage them for those reasons.
Renne Reisch
I'm so, you know, that's a, that's the way that you get the book, but if anybody had any, this was right at this as you go to a university, I really think this was a powerful thing. <inaudible> and it's a great rate. We've done. A lot of people were right now, especially being on a knock down and be hooked up. I'm it's a really easy to get out of your site and it's your heart. And I think it's going to help a lot of people as the sous to free thing book, easy to read and powerful for you.
Renne Reisch
And I think you're gleaning a lot of insight into your self in reading the books. So I'm grateful for the opportunity to share my heart with your audience and giving voice to the voiceless and to powering the people along the way. So I just want them to reach out the invite, get in no time to speak with me and would love to them there looking for a letter or a guy who I left the do that. And that's what that person's for them. So these are reach out I'm at <inaudible> dot com.
Renne Reisch
When you connected me on messenger it's book on LinkedIn, let me let me know that its from this show that you're not me and a mess, definitely connect for a 30 minute call. She consultation's. So I would love that opportunity to speak with your audience. And we will Mmm
Joshua T Berglan
When we publish the blog and we put everything out, we'll we'll make sure that all at the links and everything, our there. So it would be super easy for everybody just to click and directly to me.
Renne Reisch
Oh great. I thank you Josh. It's a great opportunity to do with it.
Joshua T Berglan
Ah, God bless you. I'll see you soon. Bye bye.