I AM Joshua “Clarity of Vision”
Joshua Tyler Berglan
Award-Winning OmniMedia Producer & Intl. Best-Selling Author | Advocate for the Underserved | Empowering Communities w/ 'Media Company in a Box' #DigitalLiteracy #MediaLiteracy #IndependentMedia
My face, what? What's up, everybody. I am Joshua and I don't know what I just did to my camera, but I guess it doesn't matter. All of a sudden I'm foggy. Maybe I'm more handsome this way. I don't know. Anyway, what's up? Hope you guys are doing well today. I am really excited. I want my camera to fix. I'm really excited today. Hi Brindley. Where are you out? You want to say hi? Do you want to say hi? That's not. Hello? What are you learning in school today? Do you like homeschool?
Joshua T Berglan
No. Have you brushed your teeth today? No. Yeah. Cause I can tell it smells terrible. I'm Joshua and this is my life now. Oh, you have school. You better go before you get in digital trouble. No parents, you should make your kids brush your teeth in the morning. I thought they learned that on their own. This is one of the new things I'm learning as a, as a father now is that children. You have to actually tell them to brush their teeth or they're not going to do it. Hi Charlotte.
Joshua T Berglan
So I'm really, really, really, really, really, really excited to have clarity of vision today. What's up everybody. It's good to see you, Sean. Good to see you, Tiffany. Always good to see you. Rachel Johnson. Great to see you guys. Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. No matter where you were at, I am so excited to tell you that as of yesterday, Liv mana we'll hold. Let me back up. So those of you, some of you know me from doing a talk show called gratitude, unfiltered. No, I don't wanna smell your breath. She's like, no, I don't want to smell that one either. That's not funny. Okay. No more, no more, no more.
Joshua T Berglan
That's not fun. I, when did, when do, when do people learn? No means no, I'm going to have to learn. I'm going to have to teach that. Or also the difference I got to learn, like how do you go from like having fun with the kids and Jackie and around, and then them actually knowing that you're serious and it means stop. There's another one. Don't you supposed to be in school? This is it. How many people are dealing with children at homeschool right now? Holy geez. So anyway, what I was saying as of yesterday, gratitude, unfiltered became a ministry I'm really, really excited about this.
Joshua T Berglan
I'm excited. And I know I said I was done doing gratitude, unfiltered and I, and I, and I am. I'm done doing gratitude, unfiltered the way that it used to be done. It's I've been having a lot of trouble clarifying my vision and what it is that we were doing, not just with the foundation. I knew what I was doing, what I am, what we're doing with the live model, worldwide foundation, but you know, the youth program and all of these things that have developed that I'm ready to release it. It was missing something. There was this missing piece that was just, I couldn't figure out what it was. And after being at, in Oklahoma city and being in LA, all of a sudden things started to become more and more clear.
Joshua T Berglan
Jessica got some visions and she shared it with me. And then at first I was like, nah, there's this, this is doesn't this, this, no, this is not, this doesn't make sense until it did. And it's so amazing. One of my favorite things about God is that God will always clarify. God will confirm. And so I'm excited that through, underneath the live on a worldwide foundation, we have developed a ministry called live mana ministries, which is live powerfully, supernatural mana, not bread, not M a N N a M a N a a, which is means supernatural power and supernatural by means of the Holy spirit.
Joshua T Berglan
And so what does that mean? I have this thing it's been sitting here for three weeks and I haven't known what to do with it, but I don't know if some of you can see this, but this is the youth program that I developed and it was gratitude, unfiltered presents voices for the voiceless. And it's what we are doing with the resources from the live motto, worldwide foundation and our multimedia broadcast network. We have this youth program, but I realized that as much as I tried to say, I didn't need gratitude unfiltered anymore. I am gratitude unfiltered.
Joshua T Berglan
And this, this ministry, which is gratitude, unfiltered is important because as I've stepped back and have not been broadcasting normally, and been able to work with a lot of people around the world with helping them with their ministries and their shows and getting their podcast or TV shows off the ground, I've, I've learned a lot. There's a lot of people that feel left behind. There's still a lot of people that feel like outcast. There's still a lot of people that feel like they have been shunned by society and more and more and more people as I scroll through social media throughout the day.
Joshua T Berglan
And I meet people out serving with Jessica, that there's a lot of people that are hurting in ways that there's only one solution for, and at the same time, those same people are not people that are going to run inside of a church building. And so, even though I kind of talked about this a little bit, the other day, there is a lot and there's a lot more to come. And one of the things that I'm believing God for is the perfect building to be able to put all of this together. But until then, we are just going to broadcast. And tomorrow is the first gratitude unfiltered, or the first live Mont of ministries, gratitude, unfiltered presents, gratitude, unfiltered,
Sorry, this is all new.
Joshua T Berglan
And we're doing it tomorrow morning at 10:00 AM central. And it's a funky time, but it's just the time that
It felt right. And of course,
Joshua T Berglan
You know, you can watch it live on the live mano worldwide network here on social media anywhere really you watch. I mean, it's on what I want to clarify. Something else to a multimedia broadcast is TV podcast, radio, social media, and print. So we're covering all of the bases.
Joshua T Berglan
You can download the app and watch it on your TV if you want, but really tried to simplify everything. And I do recommend this for everyone out there. That's doing broadcast
Of any kind. You
Joshua T Berglan
Should put these broadcast on your personal website. It's going to matter. It matters. It's going to matter more here in the next few months, the next year or two years than it's ever mattered before. And there's a detailed explanation as to why. And I won't go into that now, but you need to own your content. You need to own your messaging. Part of why we started a network is to be able to help other people get their content out to the world, but at the same time, encouraging them to take that same content and duplicate what we teach that with the live model worldwide foundation,
That stuff matters that said, I'm
Joshua T Berglan
Excited about this broadcast. And the very first broadcast we're doing is called obedience is better,
Better than sacrifice. And
Joshua T Berglan
I had a really amazing conversation with G4 Fox yesterday. And I was asking God, you know, what, where do you want me to talk about? Like, I don't want to just pull something out of my butt and say, Hey, we're gonna, we're going to chat about this. I really wanted to be led to talk about what needed to be talked about. And so, as I was talking to G4 yesterday, she mentioned, she just said, the words obedience is better than sacrifice. I thought, wow, that just hit me right in my spirit. And I was like, this is something that I definitely want to talk about. And, and I went to the Bible and I started looking into the Bible and, and seeing there's over 30 verses about obedience being better
Than, than sacrifice. And so
Joshua T Berglan
It's really profound and I'm really excited to share it. I'm excited to talk about it. And at the same time, I also realized that I'm going to be holding a mirror in front of my face because obedience is, is a great way to keep yourself in check. Obedience is a great way to keep yourself humble because sometimes obedience means
Killing your ego, destroying your ego.
Joshua T Berglan
And as much as I'd like to say, I have no ego. That is not true. So I'm excited about this. I'm excited to do gratitude, unfiltered again for a lot of reasons,
Because it is, it is a huge
Joshua T Berglan
Part of me after all gratitude, unfiltered was born during a meth relapse a four day. I was like, it was actually, I always say it was a four day meth binge and it was a four-day meth binge, but it was actually, there was like multiple days of doing meth before, even before that it was like a month of hell that I was living in. But this particular four day meth Benj was one that was going to kill me because I was in the process of getting ready to up and do it all over again. And after you've been awake, if anyone's ever been awake for four days straight on drugs and strung out, and you know, when you're going to try to keep the party going again, you're either going to overdose or die.
Joshua T Berglan
That's pretty much your options at that point. And that's where I was heading. And then God came to me
And said, you know, I'm not letting you go.
Joshua T Berglan
This is going to suck, but I'm not letting you go.
I want you to put
Joshua T Berglan
A spotlight on your shadow world. And that's where he gave me the name, gratitude, unfiltered gratitude. Unfiltered was born out of a meth relapse. Gratitude. Unfiltered was born out of a level of self-inflicted trauma, but ultimately, and this shows you how amazing God is. This is how amazing God is, is that God can take the worst moments of your life
Life and give them purpose. God can take the most painful, most self poisoning moments.
Joshua T Berglan
And he can do the Mo moments that were meant to destroy you. He can take it and give it
Purpose. That is an amazing God to me. So the thought of, you know,
Joshua T Berglan
Just using it and passing it off and giving it to someone else, you know, it's always been uneasy. And I thought that was the ego. I thought that was something that, you know, I was just having pride or I was holding on to something like, you know, it's, I think it's a very dangerous thing when we hang on too long, when we hang on to something that, that, that doesn't belong to us anymore, like a bad relationship or an addiction,
Joshua T Berglan
Gratitude, unfiltered was created for all of the right reasons. And it was to redefine what ministry is. And I didn't know what at the time it didn't, maybe I didn't even appreciate it at time,
Joshua T Berglan
Tomorrow morning gratitude unfiltered is back and it is a ministry and we are
Hell bent and hell bent. Not the right word.
Joshua T Berglan
We are determined because it's not just me anymore. It's Jessica and I it's our family. That's a part of gratitude. Unfiltered gratitude. Unfiltered is bigger than me. It's not about me anyway,
Joshua T Berglan
It is. Our goal is our belief. It is our deep seated belief that what has been on our heart with the same thing with the Morgan camera shop, Morgan camera shop is a part of this. This ties in because that was a ministry that is a ministry. All of it, the buildings that we are believing God for is for this ministry. This ministry is for the killers. This ministry is for the prostitutes. This memoir, this, this ministry is for the mentally ill that's ministry. It's for the addicts. This is for this ministry, for the people that hate church. This ministry is for people who have been rejected by religion.
Joshua T Berglan
This ministry is for everyone to feel safe, to feel welcome, to feel normal. And it's all at the same time. This ministry is not about listening to me talk, even though this is what I'm doing.
I mean, right now, this ministry is about community, not in, in, in community in real time. So as I talk as well,
Joshua T Berglan
We broadcast on all of the different mediums. This, this is about having a conversation. This is about you asking questions. This is maybe even me asking questions. We are going to create the environment where you can join. I'm going to be putting the links in the comments that if you want to join in the conversation in real time, you're going to have the ability to do that. You can join me on screen tomorrow morning, starting tomorrow morning at 10:00 AM. And it doesn't matter who you are. It doesn't matter if you want to hop on camera and you want to, until we have, until we have our building, if you want to hop on camera and you want to criticize what I'm saying,
Or question me, or call me out,
Joshua T Berglan
It's for that, or it's for you to ask questions or it's for, to, to add a different perspective. This is about letting God be God and not controlling the whole, the whole situation. I think I shared this the other day during the live, but one of the things that I, one of the best memories I have, actually, the best memory in church I've ever had was the day that I interrupted the pastor and asked a question and it created dialogue, and therefore other people ask questions and I asked more questions. And the cool thing about that was it created an environment that everyone got to because not everybody will understand what I'm saying, but when you have the ability for somebody else to chime in and give their input, it creates the space to learn or give a deeper understanding.
Joshua T Berglan
My favorite broadcasts that I've been doing of, or the society of kingdom minds, and during a broadcast, one time I said,
This is
Joshua T Berglan
The church that I want to, this is what church is to me. It's having the conversation it's community. And it's also creating a space for people to get to know each other. And I believe with all my heart, whether you're a Christian, whether you're a follower of Christ, whether you're an atheist, whether you're a Muslim, whether you're an addict, whether you're, again, no matter where you are,
Are, I feel like this,
Joshua T Berglan
This is going to create the environment for people to truly understand what it means to follow Jesus and who Jesus
It is because frankly, most Christians
Joshua T Berglan
Don't even know who Jesus says.
And that
Joshua T Berglan
Is what I want people to know the love of Jesus, who Jesus is for you as an individual, and then how God can use you as an individual to be a blessing to the rest of the world.
Joshua T Berglan
We have a lot of work that we get to do, but this is the work that I was called to do. And therefore I know without a shadow of a doubt, that God is going to provide every single resource
That we need to take this where God wants it to go. So I appreciate your support.
Joshua T Berglan
I just want you to know for you non churchy people. You're welcome. You're very much welcome. And if you've gotten to know me at all throughout this time of me coming on and doing Facebook lives or broadcasting on, you know, any of the mediums that we broadcast on, I hope you know that there is no judgment here. I'm not acting or go ever going to pretend that I'm some perfect person. I'm not going to pretend that I know everything and have all the answers because I don't, but I do love Jesus and what Jesus did for me, he can do for you too. And that's the point. And it's also the other thing that's very, very passionate about. And I'm going to end. This is to say it is my mission and life to inspire others, to take their testimony to the world, because ultimately is important.
The Bible is it's your testimony that is going to change the world. Yeah. The Bible's important. It's true.
Joshua T Berglan
Feed your mind that feeds your soul. It feeds your heart,
Joshua T Berglan
Timidly, it's your testimony about how you overcame your own personal demons. That's going to have the biggest, greatest impact on the world. So I want to encourage and motivate and inspire you to do exactly what I'm doing. In fact, I hope that you were only a participant of gratitude, unfiltered. I mean, I want everybody there and all of that stuff, but instead of just sitting on the sidelines, watching, I want you to take action and go out and share how the Lord has changed your life. And if you don't have a relationship with the Lord yet, well, hopefully you will. When all of a sudden when all said and done, you guys have a blessed day.
Joshua T Berglan
Thank you so much for being here again tomorrow at 10:00 AM central, you can go to live mana, worldwide.org and watch us live or catch us here on social media, Facebook, YouTube, Periscope, Instagram, TV, rumble, YouTube, you name it that we're there. God bless you. And thank you again for your support. And we'll see you tomorrow.