I am a Job Seeker, and my every job application does not get a response. What do I do?
Mukesh Shah
$150 resume fee, and your dream job interview guaranteed. I tell your career stories to get you a JOB INTERVIEW. Read
I am Announcing: How to Get a Job Interview - and catch the Attention of Recruiters and Hiring Managers before they read your resume?
Do you know you can get a job faster by telling your career story?
A job got a week earlier is a BENEFIT.
What's more, storytelling is not alien to job seekers.
A fresh candidate starting the career or a senior pro can tell their story.
The problem arises when they tell the story on their resumes.
Because it's not the story that's important
It's a story well told that matters.
A well-told story is like a well-told joke. It has zing.
What are the elements of a well-told story? Why have they been playing hide and seek with you so far?
Find out in our membership portal, which had a helpful job getting info.
It's FREE.
You'll love it. It's full of the job getting tips, precise advice--and yes, the zing! That's what you'll put into your career, the zest.
Dear Job Seekers,
Ask yourself, "What do hiring managers think about a story?" HR loves stories, which interests them because you are a rare few among 100s of resumes with a summary, objectives, or profile. Now standard chronological resumes with a summary, objectives, or profile hardly work. If you are unsuccessful in your job hunt, you should tell your story.
You better be our member to access helpful job-getting info. It's free. To be a member, click??Be Member.
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