" I AM NOT HAPPY WITH CHINA" - President Donald Trump
When United States President Donald Trump says, “I am not happy with China”. Then it covers too various things and it also clarifies his intentions and approach – very clearly. It is an order kind of thing not a political statement. America and Trump both knows they have the right to police the world. He provoked Beijing calling Chinese – a virus. He was not referring to Wuhan Virus only. That’s how stories happen — with a turning point, an unexpected twist. China provoked America unexpectedly, and consequence will be very grave on Chinese part. Trump will make them unhappy for sure. Most likely, and I think, most easily, he is going to be the Next President till then he will be unhappy man.
Political understanding of – I AM NOT HAPPY WITH CHINA.
His intentions were clear from the beginning, His intentions came brighter when he used "Chinese virus" to refer to the novel Corona virus. And, he declared the same the day that China is responsible for this pandemic. Nothing less he said. I am not happy with china is a statement like, “if you will not understand my healthy warning and insightful explanations then “I have political tools to settle the score”. It means, Trump is in talks with allies how to control China, and his long term plan which Americans may lead – how to lock-down China. President Trump is a man who gives you time over time but when you are acting smart, he slaps straight on the face. Like, he warned China so many times and slapped with trade sanctions, but this time, he will go beyond that.
While China clearly wants to deflect focus from its responsibility by its propaganda campaign the objective is not just defensive. It’s an attempt to turn adversity into opportunity. In an unusual move for a foreign ministry official, a senior Chinese spokesman has advanced a conspiracy theory accusing the US of being responsible for releasing the deadly virus. Even the Beijing-friendly WHO which has lavished praise on China for its bold measures and “transparency” has called such assertions dangerous. But that has not dampened China’s push towards an alternative narrative.
It has irritated Trump, and China will have to pay for it. US and the world knows whose virus is it. And, I has been used biologically against the world, has been proved. Further, a weeks old phrase “I am not happy with China” started showing its political results, US, Britain and France joined hands to go legally against China. It means they will not stop here, in coming days, US will started cutting wings of China.
Economic understanding of – I AM NOT HAPPY WITH CHINA.
Chinese economy is a hoax. It is not audited properly, purchased rankings as PR stunt and moreover, economists who said good about Chinese economy are not from intelligence agencies. China is trying to posture before the globe of being huge economy. But fact is Chinese economy is the most unreliable economy, as it has no audit norms. It is rather very clear economically the meaning of above statement and its impact will be no US-China trade deal, may be deal get suspended for indefinite time. New stricter rules for Chinese Company and People working to and fro from American, and more problems to Huawei Mobile Company. Trump may give world 5G Technologies to curtail Chinese wings. More arm selling to world to equip Countries against Chinese aggression. More sanctions on Chinese good, more allies will be convinced to lock-down Chinese Company. It will hi Chinese economy exceptionally roughly
Social understanding of – I AM NOT HAPPY WITH CHINA.
Citizens of China may enjoy the fruits of economic growth but not allowed to speak. “Chinese Discourses on Happiness” depends on Government disposition. Chinese are at the mercy of Government, evoke or revoke the rights of a citizen in China is in the hands of Government and you can’t appeal. This Chinese society is volume based not value based. HENCE, President Trump message is clear that you will be isolated in the world and in America too as you have killed Americans. As, America is a free society, Americans have more rights than the citizens of any Country in the world. And Government of America takes care of American Citizen, other hand China takes care of his citizen like a chicken as it has to be sold or bartered out one day.
China is unhappy.
Happiness research is a growing discipline in social science that is taken more seriously in the academy and increasingly among policymakers as well. AEI President Arthur Brooks has done research on the subject, finding the happiest people are those who have earned their success at morale ground. That does not always mean making lot money, but rather ... how many can say good thing about you. I find Pakistan is only a Country who can say, “I love you China”, and we have almost 67 percent of the world population despite all controversy, they love and respect “The United States of America”. China will see total dishonor in the world. And may lose economic status gained by PR. Chinese Military might against American arms is not going to sustain. And in any case, if any kind of fight erupts, it will make China more unhappy Country, as no country will participate in US – China war. And if one-o-one crisis happens, China will be placed before 1998 era or can be broken in long run.
I am not happy with China means, what you must understand about Trump is that he is deeply unhappy from deaths of Americans. And, election is on head, he did well for his country and happy. You can't be unhappy unless you're happy sometimes. Now, I am pretty sure, China has to pay for this massacre.
Conclusion: Only President Trump is not happy with China. The world community is against China. I have gone thru articles on Internet, it is full with – “I am not happy with China”. It will have grave consequence in China leading China unhappy.