I am a great leader, I am a mix of Mohamed Ghaly and Bill Gates
Hadleigh Winter
Internal Business Development Manager @ LaddersFree Ltd | Expert in Providing Window Cleaning & Comprehensive Cleaning Solutions for Businesses of All Sizes.
I spent about two hours writing a blog about caring more for the staff and why and gave lots of examples and gave ideas and went into the business side of what you should do it, then it came to me like a bolt of lightning, so I deleted everything I had done and produced this.?
You should care for your employees more and I mean really care, because you want to be a better human being, it is that fu*king simple.?
Let me take it back a couple of steps, okay, if I asked 100 of your staff if you as the CEO or leader is good or bad 60% would say you suck or they have never spoke to you, and I bet you are saying something like “I am a great leader, I am a mix of Mohamed Ghaly and Bill Gates”, and in your ivory tower sipping your coffee from a nice mug looking over the park you may think that is true.?
This is the question, when was the last time you went into the post room or print room for example and just said hello, or even helped them, have you ever just walked into the office and asked one of the office guys how the day was going and not got back some form of bullsh*t answer back.?
What about this then, when you come into the office in the morning, how long does it take you to walk from the door to your office and close the door, with no one in, 4min, so I did this in one of my old offices, with not a sole in the office I could get out of the door and sat at my desk with my computer on within 5 minutes, when I decided to start to care more about people and chatted to people on the way over to my desk this increased to maybe 10 minutes, did this change my world no, but I learned a lot about the staff on the way over to the office.?
I had a better understanding of the real culture in my business by taking that 10 minutes, I learned more about my staff than I could from any HR brief, I found out about genuine issues people had and are worried about and some I could sort and some I could not but at least I could be an ear if people needed it.?
I even moved to a hot desk within the office, not to spy or hear how amazing my business was but to get a feel for what was really going on so I could support staff.?
I could explain about all the study's about if staff have regular contact with a leader, they work harder or sickness become less and that is all true, but that is not the reason you should do this you should want to do it and care more about people, as the biggest asset to your business and cost are your staff.?
So, this is the next question and be honest about it, let us say you have taken on five staff within the last two months, how many of those have you spoken to, I do not mean the “welcome to the business” chat, I mean just said hello or made them a coffee and asked what they think, I would bet it would be almost none.?
I know lots of you will be saying, "I have met everyone and spoke about normal stuff", and that is great, but when was the last time you just dropped them an email or a call and said, do you fancy a coffee and just had a chat.
Lots of business leaders spend too much time studying the CV and making sure it ticks the boxes for the role, you should be rethinking the way you take staff on?as it is a lot easier to teach new skills to a person than it is to remove that toxic mindset, so you need to focus on the people more.?
So, to conclude, if you want to have a better business and be a better person care more about the people, I am still saying do not give this lip service I mean really care.?